Fixed Issues in 18R3

Release Date: November 30, 2018

This week’s release includes fixes for the following issues:

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coder When multiple WHODrug keywords are searched for in the Dictionary panel, they are being treated as an OR instead of an AND. VDC-13739*
Coder When two Forms are set up for coding in a single Study, Vault may not create Synonym List Detail records as expected. VDC-15100*
Coder Exact matches may not appear first in the Dictionary subtab's search results. VDC-15349*
Coder We relabeled the "Autocode" button to "Autoassign" to better represent the button's function. VDC-15352*
Coder The Properties card displayed by default in the Code Request Properties panel. With this fix, the Queries card is now open by default and appears first in the list on the Code Request Properties panel. VDC-15353*
Coder Adding or removing columns in the Coding panel causes Vault to select all the Search Column checkboxes. VDC-15415*
Coder When an EDC form is created in Studio with a verbatim item set as a Medical Coding Item Definition and second form is created in Studio containing the same verbatim, without it being set as a Medical Coding Item Definition, the second form automatically generates a coding request when it shouldn't. VDC-16072*
Coder This release includes changes to Coder Tools including: increasing tab height, changing the picklist down arrow, aligning the Save and Edit button text, and reducing tab line width. VDC-16181*
Data Entry Vault may show a validation message with 1,500 "#" on Unit-type Items. VDC-11458*
Data Entry When a user has access to more than one study, they are able to view reference Codelist Items from all studies on a single study's Form, instead of only the Codelist Items for that study. VDC-12551*
Data Entry Even when enabled, the "Other (please specify)" option does not display at the Event-level. VDC-12719*
Data Entry In a repeating Item Groups sequence where a checkbox-type Item selection disabled the following Item Groups, the New Section button is still enabled on the later Item Group sequences. VDC-13738*
Data Entry After a Casebook is upgraded to a new version, with changes to a repeating Form, Vault may not display data as saved after Form completion until the user navigates away from and back to the repeating Form. VDC-14439*
Data Entry In Studio, when Repeat Maximum entered is over allowed limit, an infinite spinner occurs. VDC-14455*
Data Entry After a Casebook is upgraded to a new version, with changes to a repeating Item Group, Vault may display duplicate repeating Item Group sequences on completed Forms. VDC-14456*
Data Entry Data entry users receive a server error when selecting from a Unit-type Item with a new Unit Item Definition added in that Casebook version. VDC-15050*
Data Entry If a user clicks Cancel in the confirmation dialog when editing data to disable a dependent Item, and then quickly performs any action that causes Vault to autosave, the change to the controlling Item saves but does not clear the dependent Item. VDC-15174*
Data Entry Vault does not add dynamic Forms to an Event with the Planned status. VDC-15265*
Data Entry Users can see the Intentionally Left Blank action on repeating Form Items, but they cannot successfully execute the action. VDC-15326*
Data Entry In some circumstances, Vault may not mark a Form as Intentionally Left Blank when a user executes the action. VDC-15668
Data Entry In rare cases, a Time field may display a different time value for a user in separate browser sessions, even though the Time-type Item value is unchanged. VDC-15850
Data Entry When a submitted form is edited and an item is updated to Intentionally Left Blank, a server error is produced. VDC-15891*
Data Entry In repeating Item Groups, Vault allows users to mark disabled Items as Intentionally Left Blank. VDC-16329*
Data Entry In some circumstances, users may be unable to open Casebooks with Forms containing queries. VDC-16629
Data Entry Users with the EDC Clinical Research Coordinator security profile can't view the correct values in the Signature completed column of the Casebook listing page. VDC-17760
Data Entry For some Items, Vault may allow duplicate relationship records that do not display in Studio, but cause duplicate Items to display in the Casebook Form. VDC-9034*
Data Review When SDV is complete for all Items on a Form, the Form SDV status does not update to Completed and is absent from the Form-level audit trail. VDC-13785
Data Review Vault adds Review State records for all existing Casebooks, instead of only new Casebooks, when adding Reviews on Event Dates to an existing study VDC-15028*
Data Review When a user locks or freezes all Items on a Form, and all those Items are Labels, Vault does not lock or freeze the Form. VDC-15626*
Data Review Users may receive a server error when creating a manual query on the first Form in an Event. VDC-15687*
Data Review Users must refresh the page to see changes to the Event Actions menu based on any actions they perform within the Event. VDC-16002*
Data Review When a Form contains Label Items, users receive a server error when attempting to perform SDV or DMR on any Item in that Form. VDC-16038*
Data Review In the Review tab, after a user performs an action on all Forms in an Event, the Form listing doesn't update until the user refreshes the page. VDC-16248*
Data Review In the Review tab, the Events listing displays the incorrect icon when there are incomplete SDV or DMR tasks in that Event. VDC-16508*
Data Review Listing pages in the Review tab may be slow to load. VDC-16905*
Data Review Performing SDV or DMR at the Item Group level doesn't update those Items if the Item Group contains any composite Items. VDC-16921*
Data Review Listing pages in the Review tab may be slow to load. VDC-17037*
Data Review In the Review tab, users are unable to close queries without entering a comment. VDC-17897*
Data Review In some circumstances, Vault may not save SDV review for all Items before a user navigates away from the Form. VDC-18441
Localization The "Opens in a new browser tab" message is not translated. VDC-11168*
Localization The New Site and New User dialogs in Study Tools are not translated. VDC-15121*
PDF Export When a user includes Queries in their PDF export, and a Query does not contain any comments, Vault displays "null" for the Query comment. VDC-10476*
PDF Export Users can't export Detail PDFs for Casebooks containing an empty Form with a repeating Item Group. VDC-15099*
PDF Export With this release, exported PDFs now automatically use only lowercase letters in the file name, as well as removing all special characters except for hyphens and underscores. VDC-15974*
PDF Export With this release, exported PDFs now include a submissions-ready table of contents. VDC-15978*
PDF Export With this release, the font and margins in exported PDFs are now submissions-ready. VDC-15979*
PDF Export Detail PDF footer text is 10 pt size, instead of 12 pt. VDC-18055*
PDF Export Detail PDF exports do not include any Label-type Items. VDC-19653
Reporting In a Query Details by Site and Subject report, the queries are not ordered by Status or Date and Time. VDC-11449
Search & Filter Users cannot filter the Site listing page by Principal Investigator. VDC-15089*
Search & Filter Users may receive a server error when filtering by Event Status in the Review tab. VDC-16219*
Study Administration Vault may create new Events in a Casebook unexpectedly after running the Casebook Version Update job. VDC-11225*
Study Administration Study Tools users cannot edit existing FTP Connections. VDC-14966*
Study Administration The Connections tab allows filtering on SFTP and FTPS, but those types are unsupported. VDC-15247*
Study Administration When a user marks an Item as Intentionally Left Blank, and then also marks that Item's Form as Intentionally Left Blank, the audit trail shows that the Reason for Change for the Item is "Undefined". VDC-15954*
Study Administration After updating a Casebook to a new version with changes to repeating Item Group, Vault displays the + New Section button twice. VDC-15961*
Study Design When a user enters a rule expression, Vault does not validate the expression's syntax until the user leaves the field. VDC-11095*
Study Design Publishing validation does not provide a warning when a review plan is pointing to an orphan object. VDC-11632*
Study Design When a Codelist was already selected on an Item, and a user updates that Codelist's Name, Vault does not display the updated Name in the Item's Properties. VDC-13256*
Study Design In some cases, after updating a casebook version and migrating Subject Casebooks to the new version, Forms may not display any of the collected data. VDC-13968*
Study Design ODM XMLs without a schedule layout may not import completely or correctly. VDC-14392*
Study Design When editing an Event Definition's Properties, the Date selector in the Minimum Date and Maximum Date may continue to display even after a user selects a date. VDC-14694*
Study Design When user edits a rule and changes the Action Type, the identifiers are {null/null}. VDC-14705*
Study Design Users may need to click a checkbox property more than once to edit a checkbox controlled property in Studio. VDC-14795*
Study Design In some cases, importing a Casebook Definition version may not create layouts as expected. VDC-15109*
Study Design When a Unit was already selected on an Item, and a user updates that Unit's Name, Vault does not display the updated Name in the Item's Properties. VDC-15586*
Study Design In Studio, when a user removes a short label in the Properties panel for an object and clicks Save, the short label reappears. VDC-15623*
Study Design When a user enters non-numeric characters in the Repeat Maximum property field, the error message is inconsistent. VDC-15690*
Study Design Vault may create unnecessary validation warnings for offset events. VDC-16107*
Study Design In some cases, publishing validation may fail unexpectedly. VDC-16517*
Study Design When a Studio user copies a Skip Item-type rule, and then deactivates the duplicate rule, Vault does not execute the new rule. VDC-17114*
Study Design If an Item is used in two different Item Groups, and is referenced in a derived Item expression, than Vault may not calculate the derived Item value correctly. VDC-18294*
Study Design After importing an Event, Vault may reset its Repeat Maximum value of "9999" to "1". VDC-19767*
UI & Performance In some cases, when a user clicks a hyperlink or New {Object} button that opens a dialog multiple times, Vault opens multiple dialogs, instead of opening the dialog only once. VDC-10682*
UI & Performance The Review for Signature icon may not display correctly in IE11. VDC-11147*
UI & Performance Vault displays an incorrectly formatted Lock icon on locked repeating Forms. VDC-11495*
UI & Performance Data in the Casebook header displays in random order. VDC-11791*
UI & Performance Users cannot vertically expand the Other (please specify) text field in IE11™. VDC-11792*
UI & Performance Vault clears values in the Casebook header when a user edits a submitted Form containing Header Items. VDC-11795*
UI & Performance In some cases, Vault may replace values in the Casebook header with values from later Forms. VDC-11797*
UI & Performance The Close Query button displays differently on Open and Answered Queries. VDC-11935*
UI & Performance If a user opens a Form in the Casebooks tab from within Admin > Business Admin, the user is no longer able to navigate to other Forms. VDC-12217*
UI & Performance The Other (please specify) Change Reason does not display correctly in the Audit Trail. VDC-12557*
UI & Performance Frozen Items on repeating Forms may not display correctly. VDC-12580*
UI & Performance The Default Data dialog does not display a blank row when there is no configured default. VDC-13173*
UI & Performance For repeating Forms, Intentionally Left Blank and Signed icons display as expected in the Form Carousel, but not in the repeating Form table. VDC-13709*
UI & Performance Text- and number-type Items may shift position slightly after a user clicks into the field. VDC-13794*
UI & Performance In a larger browser window, the Views Editor appears truncated on the right side. VDC-14238*
UI & Performance In some cases, non-repeating Item Groups display with the "Click for details" link instead of Item values. VDC-14418*
UI & Performance If a user edits a Form within an unscheduled Event, Vault may display Item Groups twice within the Form. VDC-14466*
UI & Performance The Form History action is incorrectly capitalized (Form history). VDC-14564*
UI & Performance Vault does not display repeating Form sequences from previous versions in the repeating Form table view. VDC-14650*
UI & Performance When a user schedules an Event selects "Today", the calendar does not close. VDC-14657*
UI & Performance With Internet Explorer™, the cursor may switch between a text entry symbol and a loading spinner repeatedly after a user clicks into a text-based property in Studio's Properties panel. VDC-14804*
UI & Performance Users may not be able to navigate to all Forms from the form carousel. VDC-14806*
UI & Performance Common Forms don't use the same labeling methods as non-common Forms. VDC-14831*
UI & Performance Some page elements in the data entry area are misaligned. VDC-14906*
UI & Performance The Property panel's Assigned Code Card is missing the Box Shadow when the Code Request has no assigned code, but it does have it when there is an assigned code. VDC-14963*
UI & Performance In Studio, pagination does not persist after a user refreshes the page. VDC-15061*
UI & Performance When a user marks a blank Item as Intentionally Left Blank, the Change Indicator does not display the expected information. VDC-15293*
UI & Performance In the EDC Tools Add User dialog, when Yes is selected for Grant Access to All Sites is selected, access levels are displayed. VDC-15388*
UI & Performance Studio may take longer than expected to save updates in the Properties panel and may open another object definition record's Properties without prompting. VDC-15491
UI & Performance In EDC Tools, there is too much space between the filter label and filter dropdown, for all filters. VDC-15584*
UI & Performance Studio may take longer than expected to save updates in the Properties panel and may open another object definition record's Properties without prompting. VDC-15670
UI & Performance In the Study listings page, the lock icon is to the left of Study name when it should be to the right. VDC-15697*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, the Locked and Frozen banners display side-by-side. VDC-15824*
UI & Performance Dynamic Forms that have not yet been added to a Casebook display in the carousel. VDC-16170*
UI & Performance The Edit Mapping link does not display on Column Mappings in the View Editor. VDC-16175*
UI & Performance In the form header, Date/Time values display in the incorrect format. VDC-16320*
UI & Performance Users may experience slow load times in some areas of the application. VDC-16379*,
UI & Performance After updating a Casebook to a new version that removes a Form, the Form is not displayed in the breadcrumb menu. VDC-16419*
UI & Performance In rare cases, a Date or DateTime field may display a different time value for a user in separate browser sessions, even though the Item value is unchanged. VDC-16432*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, the Events listing displays the incorrect icon when there are more than 100 Events in a Casebook. VDC-16650*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, Vault displays "100" as the query count when there are more than 100 queries. VDC-16668*
UI & Performance In Safari®, when a user begins to edit content in a form's textbox, the focus shifts to the Change Reason area. VDC-18739*
UI & Performance Vault may display truncated values for Codelist Items when the Item field is read-only. VDC-19270
UI & Performance The Audit Trail displays incorrect Event Descriptions on query-related entries. VDC-19274
Vault Configuration In Admin > Business Admin, the Study Site's Country field is set to the Name of the Study. VDC-15492*
Views & Data Export View export CSVs do not include rows when data is not available for some of the column bindings. VDC-11668*
Views & Data Export In some cases, columns might not be ordered as expected in the exported CSV file. VDC-11744*
Views & Data Export The Views Editor does not warn the user when they navigate away from the page without saving. VDC-13068*
Views & Data Export In some cases, users may be unable to open SAS output files. VDC-13576*,
Views & Data Export SAS output files use the View Definition name as the Column name instead of the Column Definition name. VDC-13584*
Views & Data Export When a Data Export job does not export any data, Vault generates an empty SAS file that users are unable to open. VDC-13823*
Views & Data Export The email notification when a SAS format Data Export job is complete includes the object name, view_set_def__v. VDC-14605*
Views & Data Export Users may receive an unexpected error when saving a View Definition after using + Add Item Group. VDC-15070*
Views & Data Export When a Studio user updates the SAS Length property on a Column Definition, the exported SAS file does not reflect the new column length. VDC-16290*
Views & Data Export Data Export jobs of the SAS export file type and with the Include Merged View checkbox selected fail unexpectedly. Users cannot download the log file for this failed job. VDC-16291*
Views & Data Export The SAS Type column setting is not imported when a Studio user imports an ODM XML containing views. VDC-16301*
Views & Data Export In some cases, data exports in SAS format result in empty or missing files in the ZIP file. VDC-16362*
Views & Data Export When a layout relationship is removed from one version to another, the Main Study Extract job may fail when a column references one of the related records. VDC-16716*
Views & Data Export n studies with a large number of repeating Forms, data export CSVs may not include rows when data is missing but there are Required columns. VDC-17041*
Views & Data Export The SAS data export ZIP file contains an unnecessary /scripts directory. VDC-17759*
Views & Data Export When a Studio user opens an existing view, Vault does not display more than 100 rows in the View Editor. VDC-17806*
Views & Data Export When a View Definition has columns referencing Item Definitions from different Item Groups, Vault may not display those columns in the View Editor. VDC-17876*
Views & Data Export In some circumstances, Vault does not save changes made to Identifiers on Column Binding Definitions. VDC-18189*
Views & Data Export Exported SAS ZIP files contain a single SAS transport file (.xpt) referencing the view set, instead of a SAS transport file for each view in the set. VDC-18312*
Views & Data Export Data Extract jobs may fail when a view includes a blank, static column mapping. VDC-18731*
* Internally found defects filed during the development of Limited Release features.