Known Issues in 18R1 Release

Release Date: April 20, 2018

The issues listed below may impact Vault EDC functionality for some users. We are actively investigating all known issues and will be providing fixes and updated information in future releases.

Category Description Issue No.
Data Entry When Vault EDC is unable to evaluate user-entered data based on a rule, the system displays a server error, instead of a descriptive error message. VDC-10131*,
Data Entry In some cases, after a user updates a controlling Item field and clears the dependent Item fields, dependent Item fields do not display the updated Reason for Change. VDC-10149*
Data Entry If a user views a recently completed Form in another browser than the one it was originally submitted in, the Form's Item fields are blank. Clicking on a checkbox Item control on that Form returns the user to the Study listing page. VDC-10169*
Data Entry In some cases, when a user is editing a Form after resetting the Form, the Reason for Change drop-down menu is unavailable until after the user has edited the Form. VDC-10181*
Data Entry When using Safari, users may be unable to complete Forms on which a rule references a checkbox-type Item field. VDC-10277*
Data Entry In rare cases, users receive a server error when submitting a repeating Form with an empty Item Group. VDC-7098*
Data Entry In some vaults, when the Form is in the In Progress status, the Actions menu is disabled. VDC-8072*
Data Entry When a user creates a new repeating Form, enters data, and does not complete the Form, refreshing the page creates a new repeating Form. VDC-8201*
Data Entry When a user opens the More Actions menu on a rightmost composite Item field, the More Actions menu options extend outside of the visible area. VDC-8224*
Data Entry When a user attempts to mark an Item field with a checkbox (boolean) control as Intentionally Left Blank, Vault redirects the user to the Casebook listing page and does not hide the checkbox control. VDC-8335*
Data Entry When selecting a date, the highlight to indicate the current date is slightly misshapen. VDC-8411*
Data Entry Users will receive a "Failed to save the date" error when entering the date for an Event with an Offset calculated from an Event in the same Event Group, that is also used in other Event Groups. VDC-8438*
Data Entry When a user edits a Form with a Signature, Vault does not update the Form status as expected. VDC-8993*
Data Entry The + New button is still available for repeating Forms that a Casebook Version Update job removed. VDC-9353*
Data Entry When a user moves their mouse away from a disabled + New button for a repeating Form, Vault continues to display the disablement explanation. VDC-9763*
Data Entry Incomplete forms do not display in the expanded task bar. VDC-9764*
Data Entry When resolving a query in Safari, the cursor may remain inside of the Query Resolution Reason picklist when the user attempts to click into and edit the queried Item field. VDC-9866*
Data Entry The Change Reason selection does not default onto the next Item field when a user edits a Form and marks an Item field as Intentionally Left Blank. VDC-9939*
Data Review When a Form containing an Item field marked as Intentionally Left Blank is Frozen, the Form automatically updates to the Submitted status. VDC-10301*
Data Review Open and Answered query dialogs are not aligned correctly. VDC-10358*
Data Review A query remains open on a dependent Item after the Item is disabled. VDC-10366*
Data Review Vault may display a single query reply twice in the query dialog. VDC-10520*
Data Review If a user pastes text into the Open Query text field when creating a query, the Save button does not become enabled. VDC-7154*
Data Review The Reset Form action does not undo completed Data Manager Review. VDC-9776*
Data Review When Vault evaluates a cross-form rule, and the selected Post To Form is blank, Vault creates the query on the blank Form. VDC-9923*
eSignature Users cannot successfully provide an eSignature with a user name that is in uppercase format. VDC-7648*
Localization Some UI messages were not translated. VDC-8509*
Study Administration The Re-evaluated Targeted SDV Mode job may not correctly update all Items from Optional to Required. VDC-10066*
Study Administration After a user updates a Site's Active Casebook Version, Vault doesn't display the change until the user refreshes the page. VDC-10327*
Study Administration In some cases, adding a user to a Study from Study Tools does not add the user to the Study. VDC-10376*
Study Administration Users receive a server error when attempting to update a Casebook that contains Form data to a new version where that Form has been changed. VDC-10489*
Study Administration The Data Export job fails when the referenced View Definition does not contain a Column for Subjects. VDC-10513*
Study Administration After updating a Casebook to a new version, in which the new version adds an additional Form, users receive a server error when attempting to access the new Form. VDC-10547*
Study Administration In some cases, rows may be out of order in a Data Export CSV. VDC-10618*
Study Administration EDC Job completion notification emails include a link to Vault Home > Notifications, which is unavailable in the EDC application. VDC-8089*
Study Administration When adding a user via Study Tools > Users, if a user navigates backwards a step, any selections are not saved. VDC-9143*
Study Administration In some cases, users may not receive a job completion notification after initiating a Casebook Version Update job. VDC-9220*
Study Administration The Casebook Version Update job fails when a Casebook contains a locked or frozen Event. VDC-9230*
Study Administration For the Casebook Version Update job, the log file does not include any removed queries. VDC-9254*
Study Administration When a Casebook Version Update job removes Events from a Log Event Group, user receive a server error when viewing the Casebook after the update. VDC-9346*
Study Administration Event labels are not included in the log CSV from the Casebook Version Update job. VDC-9348*
Study Administration When a user adds an additional role to another User in Study Tools > Users, the dialog freezes. VDC-9795*
Study Administration When adding a User to a Study in Study Tools > Users, if a user goes back to the Profile step from Access, and then clicks Next again, the Save button is disabled. VDC-9798*
Study Administration When a Study does not have any Review Plans, users still receive the same confirmation dialog as if there were Review Plans when clicking on those jobs. VDC-9820*
Study Administration Users cannot expand the input field for Description or Expression when editing a query rule if the input field was previously reduced to the smallest possible size. VDC-9977*
Study Administration In Studies with large numbers of Items, the EDC Item Review Assessment log file splits single Review Plan results into multiple rows. VDC-10079*
Study Design Skip Item type rules are not validated correctly. VDC-10019*
Study Design The validation CSV includes duplicate rows for certain errors. VDC-10116*
Study Design When exporting an ODM XML of a version containing views, the ODM Export job may fail unexpectedly. VDC-10247*
Study Design After a user creates a new Item Definition, the Precision properties panel field is empty. VDC-10323*
Study Design Changes made by users with the System Administrator security profile in Studio may not persist throughout casebook versions. VDC-10342*
Study Design When a Studio user switches studies while in Design view, the relationship-related Properties panel fields do not display until the user refreshes their browser. VDC-10468*
Study Design In some cases, users cannot reuse an object definition record from another Study's most recently published casebook version. VDC-6967*
Study Design When an Item has more than one Type selected, Studio only displays the first Type in Browse view's Type column. VDC-7620*
Study Design Studio does not notify the user in any way when the user adds a Form to an Event that already contains the Form. VDC-7712*
Study Design Users receive a server error when attempting to save an invalid Rule expression. VDC-7936*
Study Design In some vaults, search results in Studio's Browse view are not preserved when the user navigates away from and then returns to Browse view. VDC-8136*
Study Design Vault accepts values longer than 128 characters for the Name of a new casebook version. VDC-8218*
Study Design When creating a new casebook version in Studio, users receive a server error if the entered Name value includes special characters. VDC-8219*
Study Design When a Codelist Definition or Unit Definition does not contain any child definitions, but is referenced in the Casebook Definition, users cannot load any Form Definition containing them in Design view. VDC-9041*
Study Design Adding a Derived-type Column Binding may cause a server error. VDC-9407*
Study Design When viewing Column Bindings in Studio, using the browser's Back button causes a server error. VDC-9412*
Study Design If a user enters an invalid identifier on a Column Binding, Vault does not show any error message. VDC-9417*
Study Design Importing and then re-importing again a single Casebook Definition version that contains a Codelist Definition causes an error. VDC-9818*
UI & Performance In Studio's Browse view, sorting Rules by Action does not sort records alphabetically. VDC-10017*
UI & Performance When a user hovers of a Change Indicator icon, the hover text moves around. VDC-10478*
UI & Performance Hovering over the Change Indicator displays 3 hovercards instead of the expected 1 hovercard. VDC-7629*
UI & Performance The Back button does not navigate users between Browse and Design views. VDC-8176*
UI & Performance When mouse clicking is disabled, such as when Vault is auto-saving a change in the Properties panel, it is still possible to edit values by using the keyboard. VDC-8187*
UI & Performance When Header-type Items are used more than once in a Study, the values are added to the Subject Header each time. VDC-8640*
UI & Performance In Studio, the loading spinner icon is inconsistent across locations. VDC-8963*
UI & Performance In some browsers, the user sees the text insertion cursor in Studio's Design view. VDC-9664*
UI & Performance The Current Casebook Version hover text may flash when a user hovers over the icon. VDC-9752*
UI & Performance When a user navigates away from Studio's Design view using the breadcrumb menu, opening a Study again does not open the Study in Browse view as expected. VDC-9778*
UI & Performance In some completed Forms, the Item-level More Actions menus for Unit-type Items are misaligned. VDC-9785*
UI & Performance In some configurations, the system displays the In Progress icon in the task bar for Events that are actually Overdue. VDC-9887*
Vault Administration Custom formula-type object fields do not display in the object record list view in Admin > Business Admin. VDC-8632*
*Internally found defects filed during the development of Limited Release features.