24R3 Maintenance Releases

Last Updated: January 17, 2024

A “maintenance release” is a release that contains fixes for issues that are affecting customers in production environments. We communicate 24 hours prior to the release that we will be applying a maintenance release and that there will be a short service disruption. This list only covers fixes to General Release versions.

The list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the release occurs. When we identify issues to fix in a maintenance release, we attempt to get them into the earliest release possible. Sometimes, we target a specific release but are not able to deliver a fix early enough for full testing. In situations like this, we postpone the fix for a later release and strike out the description in this list.

We number maintenance releases by appending the number of the maintenance release to the General Release number. Vault CDMS uses odd-numbered releases, while Vault uses even-numbered releases. The most recent General Release was 24R3, so our maintenance releases for this version are 24R3.0.3, 24R3.0.5, and so on.

January 2025

January 23, 2025

Release Number: 24R3.0.17 | Build Number: TBD CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
UI & Performance When scheduling a job in EDC tools, if a "max number of jobs" error occurs, the previously entered values are cleared instead of being retained. VDC-178947
Role & User Management During a subject transfer, when a set of events is updated, all events for the entire study are loaded. VDC-178900
Study Data Extracts In some cases, a large number of Execution Data State (EDS) records are loaded into memory simultaneously. VDC-178210

January 15, 2025

Release Number: 24R3.0.15 | Build Number: 10567 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Integrations With this release, CDMS only creates a procedure when the rule evaluates as true for the first time. VDC-165021, VDC-162836
Jobs In Audit Trail Export, when the job is filtered by User, EDC doesn't include entries where the user match is "on behalf of" or "initiating" for system actions. VDC-178123
Role & User Management The Vault Comparison Report may show tab permissions assigned to user roles that aren't actually assigned if an administrator edits user administrator and non-user administrator roles one after another. VDC-177595
Study Administration Downloading a Site Export file with a study whose name contains a "/" results in the user being directed to an error page. VDC-173956
Study Design When configuring progressive display with the "null" data type, Vault creates the rule definition without the rule action. VDC-175092
UI & Performance The EDC UI may show incorrect values for the count of subject casebooks in a Site. VDC-175799

Release Number: 24R3.0.15 | Build Number: 112 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Checks CDB doesn't remove the Open Query cell decoration after a query is deleted when a check re-runs. VDC-176000
CDB - Export In very large studies, SAS export package generation may fail with the following: "Error: Timed out waiting for SAS to complete". VDC-175054
CDB - Import When a subject is transferred in EDC, that subject is included in results for both sites in CDB. VDC-178183
CDB - Import In an OpenEDC study, if a user imports one third party package, then a second, the second import will result in a reprocessing error on the first third party package. VDC-178307
CDB - Listings When a user converts a review listing to a custom listing, modifies it, and then reverts it back into a review listing, the review listing shows results from the original CQL. VDC-171611
CDB - Listings If a user modifies a review listing with the Listing Builder, the review listing may get stuck in the Pending state. VDC-175535
CDB - Unblinding Rules CDB doesn't show any Items as available to when defining unblinding rules. VDC-176164

January 9, 2025

Release Number: 24R3.0.13 | Build Number: 10529 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
E2BLink In some cases, safety messages lack a safety transmission date value, causing the Safety Follow Up Job to fail. VDC-177836
Jobs In some cases, when a Protocol Deviation Change Reason is created and then the Protocol Deviation is deleted, the Audit Trail Export job fails. VDC-177890
Review Plan Assignment With this release, when multiple Review Plan Casebooks exist for the same subject, the system retrieves the most recent Review Plan Casebook and logs a warning, enabling the Review UI to function as normal. VDC-174651
Role & User Management When a user that does not have a role containing "Manage Deployments", "Design Study" or "Design Library" permissions performs an action that should increment the build number of the study, the build number fails to increment only on the Study Instance record due to lack of permissions. With this change, study build number changes due to such actions will be properly reflected on both Study and Study Instance records. VDC-175557
Rule Execution In some cases, Set Derived Value rules incorrectly display a casebook validation error for a circular reference, even if the rule is actually referencing the previous event. VDC-170233
UI & Performance In some cases, a Form that contains a derived Codelist item field and has not had data entered displays the codelist code of the derived item rather than the label. VDC-177625

January 3, 2025

Release Number: 24R3.0.11 | Build Number: 10493 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
E2BLink During casebook upversioning, safety definition forms may reference outdated "include only when" subject groups, leading to incorrect evaluations. VDC-177059
E2BLink When attempting to redeploy an updated study from DEV to UAT after an existing Safety Form Configuration has been deleted, deployment fails with an error. This release updates the order of deletion of records for Safety objects during deployment. VDC-177436
Integrations When a study that was previously part of the EDC-Clinical Operations Connection is no longer connected on either the EDC and the CTMS vaults, the EDC inbound job still processes data for the disconnected study and generates User Exception Messages. VDC-172755
Integrations As part of the EDC-Clinical Operations Connection, records that have unmappped reference lookup values cause the integration to fail and display incorrect User Exception Messages. VDC-177279, VDC-176230
Role & User Management Users receive a server error when importing a User Import CSV file containing a VeevaID user. VDC-174351
Role & User Management If certain time zones are configured for a user's VeevaID, a server error occurs when creating or importing the user in a vault that has VeevaID User Creation enabled. VDC-177768
Study Data Extracts The Subject Listing displays an incorrect count in the Event Dates Not Signed column due to a log event under an unscheduled event group. VDC-175733

Release Number: 24R3.0.11 | Build Number: 101 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - API Users with the Restricted Data Access permission encounter an error when attempting to open queries on restricted 3PD items via the CDB API. VDC-175911
CDB - Checks Due to concurrency issues, in some cases, checks are stuck in a "Wait" status. VDC-176728
CDB - Listings Core and Query Listings used in Export Definitions do not correctly display the change detection indicator when the export listings are out-of-sync. With this release, new export listings will correctly be marked as out of sync. VDC-176829
CDB - Queries In some cases, queries reopen without data changes after being manually closed. VDC-168901

December 2024

December 13, 2024

Release Number: 24R3.0.7 | Build Number: 10445 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Data Entry Sorting the casebook schedule by Event Date doesn't update the sort order of the schedule. VDC-176793
E2BLink When Reporter/Sender Comments by System references a unit-type Item, E2B uses the translated value. VDC-173569
E2BLink Follow up scans may fail when a study has a safety form that uses reporter or sender comments by system in more than one Event. VDC-174023, VDC-176884
E2BLink For the system comments value, Vault appends the sequence number to values from non-repeating objects. With this release, Vault only appends the sequence number to values from repeating objects. VDC-176893
Rule Execution Users are unable to delete Unscheduled Events that contain an Item set with a Set Item Value rule (derived items). VDC-175319
Signatures In Studies created after the 24R1 release, when a custom role has the Sign permission but not the Data Entry permission, users with that custom role will receive a server error when attempting to sign an event. VDC-176530

December 12, 2024

Release Number: 24R3.0.7 | Build Number: 89 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Import Simultaneous loads of OpenEDC and third party data fail because third party import always starts a reprocess of the primary source data. VDC-173788
CDB - Import OpenEDC import fails when matching Sites by ID with the following error: "Cannot generate/retrieve sites by ID for primary sources since they're not provided in data files". VDC-176464

December 9, 2024

Release Number: 24R3.0.5 | Build Number: 10416 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Vault Administration With the 24R3 release, all custom triggers using emails fail due to a "ClassNotFoundException". This is because the "UserService" was removed as part of the reparenting feature. To resolve this, we returned the "getUserIdsInGroup" method to availability. VDC-176694

December 6, 2024

Release Number: 24R3.0.3 | Build Number: 10404 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Deployment During high traffic periods, due to cookie name creation, users may encounter a "Could not find SessionID" error when attempting to copy from Production vaults to PPT vaults. VDC-175810, VDC-175843
Rule Execution For studies using Rule Expression Engine V1, some rules referencing blank values display an unexpected error upon Form submission. VDC-175238
Study Design Archiving a User Defined Rule makes the object counts in Studio > Study Objects display as "0". VDC-175704

Release Number: 24R3.0.3 | Build Number: 84 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Checks Marking a form as Intentionally Left Blank or resetting a Form deletes the system query, instead of closing it. VDC-173894
CDB - CQL In incremental import studies, Call Sys_Forms may return a "Failure in Executing" error. VDC-175095
CDB - Import Incremental import doesn't account for precision correctly with a maximum length on the Item. VDC-172995