Fixed Issues in 19R1

This week’s release includes fixes for the following issues:

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Casebook Versioning When initiating a retrospective casebook amendment, clicking the Site Name or the "New Retrospective Amendment" header text returns the user to the Active Versions by Site subtab. VDC-22198*
Casebook Versioning Vault displays a "Prospective Amendment" job type in EDC Tools > Jobs. This is not an available job type, and we removed this option from the Job Types drop-down. VDC-23488*
Casebook Versioning When a user edits a form and attempts to save it by clicking Complete, a server error message is received. VDC-24946
Coder Users can't scroll within the Audit History dialog for a Code Request. VDC-19288*
Coder In Internet Explorer™, the Queries card of the Code Request Properties panel shows an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar. VDC-20228*
Coder When a user selects the checkbox for a Code Request's Verbatim, Vault doesn't automatically search for that Verbatim. VDC-20327*
Coder When a user resizes the Coding panel, the Coding panel may hide other functional areas of the page. VDC-20329*
Coder When a user resizes the Coding panel, the Coding panel may hide the horizontal scroll bar. VDC-20331*
Coder When a Coding Request with no ATC is selected, a vertical scroll bar is displayed in the Code Request Properties panel Assigned Code card. Normally, the scroll bar should only be present if there is a code to display to allow the user to scroll down the card to read the entire code. VDC-20388*
Coder When a user expands the Coding panel to its maximum size, the user must click again to resize the Coding panel. VDC-20407*
Coder Dictionary Search must allow terms with brackets and double quotes because WHODrug and MedDRA dictionaries contain entries with brackets and double quotes. VDC-21274
Coder When a user selects a Code Request, Vault does not automatically conduct a dictionary search for it. VDC-21289*
Coder Users cannot delete a synonym list if any suggestion from the list has been used to code. VDC-21290*
Coder The Status filter on the Code Request listing page does not provide Noncurrent as a filter option. VDC-21435*
Coder Autoassigned Coding Requests are not assigned codes. VDC-22114
Coder When user batch codes, only the primary selection's verbatim should be added to the synonym list instead of each verbatim in the group. VDC-22585
Coder When a user with the Coder Administrator role attempts to delete a synonym list record, a server error message is received. VDC-22586
Coder Users receive a server error when searching for Verbatims containing non-alphanumeric characters. VDC-24829*
Coder Users may receive a server error when re-opening a query. VDC-25542*
Coder Tools The Synonym List-level Actions menu does not display all of the expected actions. VDC-18892*
Coder Tools When user makes changes to Application Settings, they are carried over to Study Settings. VDC-18994*
Coder Tools When a Coding Administrator attempts to assign a Synonym List to a Form Type in Tools -> Coder Tools -> Study Settings, they receive a server error. VDC-19929*
Coder Tools Coder Tools now includes links to download the CSV template file for importing Synonym Lists and Stop Lists. VDC-23889*
Coder Tools Users receive a "r.updateValid is not a function" validation error when attempting to add a Verbatim to a Stop List. VDC-25534*
Data Entry Users receive an Unsaved Changes warning when leaving a Form via the Form Carousel. VDC-11976
Data Entry Users can perform actions that interfere with Item Group creation while Vault is adding a new sequence of a repeating Item Group. VDC-15367*
Data Entry Users receive a server error when submitting Forms that reference invalid rules. VDC-17715*
Data Entry Users can't enter data with radio buttons when using Safari®. VDC-18070
Data Entry When a user creates a new repeating Event Group sequence, Vault asks users to provide a date in the New Event dialog. VDC-19046*
Data Entry Vault may create two dynamic Events instead of one if a rule is based on a repeating Event Group. VDC-19989*
Data Entry In some cases, if one half of a composite Item is Read Only, the option to mark the Item as Intentionally Left Blank is disabled. VDC-20073
Data Entry Vault doesn't display an error when users attempt to add Events to a locked Casebook. VDC-20303*
Data Entry With this release, Vault displays a friendlier error message when a user attempts to set an Event Date on a locked Event. VDC-20334*
Data Entry Vault does not default the Form-level Reason for Change to the Item level. VDC-20714
Data Entry After a user enters a date with unknowns, the Form may hang when that Date Item is referenced in a rule. VDC-21071
Data Entry In some cases, Vault does not create dynamic Events as expected when the Event is within a repeating Event Group. VDC-21389*
Data Entry With this release, users can no longer click to open repeating Forms from the form carousel. VDC-21395
Data Entry With this release, when users click to create a new repeating Form, Vault references the Form version associated with the parent Event. VDC-21396
Data Entry With this release, users are able to open repeating Forms from the Form Carousel. When a user clicks to open a repeating Form, Vault now opens the Form referencing the parent Event's version. VDC-21426*, VDC-21465*
Data Entry In some circumstances, Vault does not add all dynamic Forms to an Event after a user enters the expected data in the controlling Item field. VDC-21618
Data Entry If a casebook version update includes changing a required Item's data type, users receive a server error when opening any Forms containing that Item. VDC-21829
Data Entry When a user saves a repeating Form, with data entered on a controlling Item for a Disable rule, Vault creates a duplicate repeating Form sequence including any entered data. VDC-21897
Data Entry When a user enters an Event Date for an Event within a repeating Event Group, Vault replaces the user-entered date with the Planned Date. VDC-22000
Data Entry The system is allowing Locked Event dates to be updated. VDC-23784*
Data Entry Users receive a server error when submitting a repeating Form with an empty date or datetime item. VDC-24488*
Data Entry In some circumstances, when Role by Study is enabled, data entry users receive a server error when creating a new repeating Form sequence. VDC-25108*
Data Entry In the task bar, the total task counts for sites do not include signature tasks. VDC-25394*
Data Entry When a form is edited and set to ILB, the audit trail for the form shows an incorrect Reson for Change. VDC-25992*
Data Review Vault adds Review State records for all existing Casebooks, instead of only new Casebooks, when adding Reviews on Event Dates to an existing study. VDC-15028*
Data Review Vault does not indicate locked, frozen, changed, and signed items in the View as Site dialog. VDC-16168*
Data Review Vault does not apply SDV and DMR All actions to all Items on a Form if there are more than 100 Items on the Form. VDC-16735*
Data Review Users are able to Sign at the Event level when there's an open query. VDC-16984
Data Review Viewing a Form that contains repeating Item Groups as a site displays an empty section if there are no sequences of the repeating Item Group. VDC-17807*
Data Review The Review tab doesn't display Short Labels for Events when one is provided. VDC-18433*
Data Review Users with the EDC Data Manager security profile cannot access Review > Study Jobs. VDC-18909*
Data Review The View as Site dialog doesn't display the Item Group header when the Item Group has the Header Visible property selected. VDC-19009*
Data Review Users receive a server error when freezing a Subject Casebook if it includes a locked Form. VDC-19225*
Data Review Users are able to perform SDV and DMR on Locked Events in the Review tab. VDC-19529*
Data Review In the View as Site dialog, Vault displays the Label for Items instead of the Label (Default Display). VDC-20243*
Data Review Vault references Review State Definitions for Event Dates when assessing SDV and DMR requirements at the Item level. VDC-21091*
Data Review If a Study's Review Plan includes a Review State Definition, Vault does not create a new Review State record when creating a new Casebook. VDC-21180*
Data Review In certain circumstances, Vault does not include the query message in the "Query Opened" audit trail entry. VDC-21441
Data Review Vault deletes open, system queries when a user resets a Form. VDC-21999
Data Review In some cases, Vault does not correctly evaluate review statuses (frozen, locked, signed, etc.) when the status propagates from a different object record. VDC-22389*, VDC-21470
Data Review Review states for unlocked and locked forms and events in casebooks are not functioning as expected. VDC-23783*
Data Review When Review State records exist for a Study, users receive a server error when opening a log-type Event's More Actions menu. VDC-25573*
Data Review Users receive a server error when using SDV or DMR All on log-type Events. VDC-25676*
Data Review Users with the CDMS Data Manager or CDMS Clinical Research Associate application roles receive a server error when commenting on an Answered Query or re-opening a Closed Query. VDC-25710*
eSignature Changing an Event Date when only some Forms within that Event are signed may not remove the signature from all Forms in the Event. VDC-20262*
eSignature Changing an Event Date removes signatures on Forms within that Event. VDC-23311*
Localization Vault does not translate some labels and values, even when the translations exist in the vault. VDC-19697*
Localization Studio does not display translated labels in languages other than the Vault's base language. VDC-19702*
PDF Export Users may receive a system error when exporting Detail PDFs at the Casebook level. VDC-20207*
PDF Export Detail PDF exports fail when a Form contains only a repeating Item Group with no existing sequences. VDC-20848*
PDF Export In some cases, Vault references earlier versions of a study when generating Blank PDFs, causing PDFs with missing components. VDC-21741
PDF Export Blank PDFs may include multiple sequences of repeating Item Groups. VDC-21755*
PDF Export In certain circumstances, exporting a Detail PDF outputs a Blank PDF. VDC-23093*
PDF Export Vault does not include repeating Forms within log-type Events added by later versions in Blank PDFs. VDC-23227*
PDF Export Users are unable to export Form-level Detail PDFs when the Form contains a repeating Item Group with no sequences. VDC-25703*
Search & Filter In the Review tab, Vault doesn't show incomplete SDV or DMR tasks on Event Dates when a user filters to hide complete tasks. VDC-18773*
Search & Filter Users are unable to filter the Synonym List import preview by Status. VDC-22946*
Security Several Role by Study permission sets used EDC: Study Tools: Access to provide access to EDC Tools. We removed this permission from those permission sets. VDC-23079*
Security The standard "API Access" permission set does not include the Admin: Configuration: Vault Java SDK: Read, Edit, Create, Delete permissions. VDC-23372*
Security Users with the CDMS Data Manager role had the Manage Jobs permission. With this release, the CDMS Data Manager role no longer has the Manage Jobs permission. VDC-24729*
Security There is no Application Role Function field for adding new Casebooks. With this release, we added the Add Casebook field. VDC-25997
Security By default, the Add Casebook field on the Application Role Function object is blank. VDC-26079*
Study Administration Users with the EDC Lead Data Manager security profile may be unable to create new users from EDC Tools > Users. VDC-16003*
Study Administration The Summary file for the Re-assign SDV Mode job may include duplicate entries. VDC-16239*
Study Administration When a new user is created in EDC Tools, the notification email sent to the user contains the application role instead of the security profile for the new user. VDC-19682*
Study Administration Users with the EDC Lead Data Manager and EDC Data Manager security profiles have access to the Vault Admin area by default. VDC-20055
Study Administration With this release, there is now a link to download the User Import Template CSV in EDC Tools > Users > Import Users. VDC-20070*
Study Administration A Casebook Version Update job that adds a new Item Group to a Form may add that Item Group to existing Forms before the upgrade. VDC-20270*
Study Administration The contents of the SAS error log are duplicated in the job log file in EDC Tools > Jobs. VDC-20686*
Study Administration Users may receive a server error when creating a new repeating Item Group sequence, when there are no existing sequences, after the Casebook was updated to a new version. VDC-21069*
Study Administration There is a typo in the Delete Study Data and Delete Site Data dialogs. VDC-23048*
Study Administration Vault displays the incorrect confirmation message when users initiate a retrospective or prospective amendment. VDC-23479*
Study Administration Users may receive an error when attempting to create Sites in EDC Tools > Sites. VDC-23487*
Study Administration Setting event date after Event reset creates form on the Casebook version instead of the Event version. VDC-24428
Study Administration Users can't update existing FTP Connections from EDC Tools. VDC-24767*
Study Administration When there are more than 1000 rules in a study, Vault does not display any rules in the New Job dialog for a Query Rules job. VDC-25564
Study Administration Re-assign SDV and DMR jobs report a "Specified field [study__v] doesn't exist in this query result" error even though SDV and DMR re-assignments apply correctly.
Study Design When editing a Form Definition in a Vault where data entry is also occurring, Vault may take longer than expected to save an update to the Repeating checkbox. VDC-11569*
Study Design When a Skip Item rule expects a Number data type, and receives a Codelist Item (text data type), users receive a server error upon completing the Form containing the Item. VDC-15301*
Study Design When comparing casebook versions from another vault, users can choose the same vault in both the Select First Version and Select Second Version dialogs. VDC-18908*
Study Design Users receive an error when attempting to save changes to both the Codelist Definition and Codelist Control Type properties at once. VDC-19939*
Study Design When copying an Item Definition, Vault may change the Data Type of the copied Item Definition. VDC-20057*
Study Design If a user changes the item's Data Type to Number and sets the Precision and Length fields in the same Edit session, Vault may not save the Precision and Length changes. VDC-20683*
Study Design Vault cannot import ODM XML files containing only coding data. VDC-20877*
Study Design Users may not be able to save Query-type rules after copying and pasting into the Query Message field. VDC-20988
Study Design The Offset Event property displays "event_def__v" instead of the Name of the selected Event Definition. VDC-20990
Study Design Vault may create duplicate Rule Definitions when a user copies the same form into their study more than once. VDC-21293*
Study Design Users may receive an "Item data type has been changed from INTEGER to FLOAT. This is not allowed." error when importing a Casebook Definition XML after updating the Length or Precision on an Item Definition. VDC-21295*
Study Design Users may receive an "Item data type has been changed from INTEGER to FLOAT. This is not allowed." error when importing a Casebook Definition XML after updating the Length or Precision on an Item Definition. VDC-21316*
Study Design When copying a Form from another Study, Vault copies cross-form Rules that don't resolve in the target Study. VDC-21323
Study Design Vault does not handle Private Keys appropriately during form copy and casebook validation. VDC-21327*
Study Design Vault automatically populates the Casebook Label in the exported XML file when a user has not entered a value. VDC-21420*
Study Design Vault keeps the composite Item Label, even after a user moves on of the Items so that both Items are no longer composite. VDC-21532
Study Design When an Event uses a dynamic Event as the Offset Event, Vault references the previous Event's Planned Date in Casebooks instead of the chosen Offset Event. VDC-21563
Study Design Copying a rule appends a number to the Name, which results in errors during publishing validation. VDC-21601*
Study Design Vault doesn't import Rule design properties during Study import. VDC-21761*
Study Design The Mask field on the Item Definition object defaults to blank. VDC-22438
Study Design When a user presses Tab to move out of the Data Type property on a Codelist-type Item, Vault creates a new relationship definition object record. VDC-22503
Study Design Users can update published Codelist Item Definition records from Admin > Business Admin. VDC-22506*
Study Design Vault does not prevent users from changing the Allow Unknowns property from allowed to not allowed across casebook versions. VDC-23984*
Study Design Vault does not handle orphaned design definitions correctly during ODM Export. VDC-24315*
Study Design Vault does not save user selections for the Allow Unknown property on Date and DateTime type Items. VDC-24323*
Study Design If a user removes the Display Override short label value, Vault adds the value again after the user saves. VDC-24489
Study Design Vault does not automatically create a Study Configuration record when a Study Designer user creates a Study in Studio. VDC-24591*
Study Design Users may receive a "Copy failed due to internal exception" error when copying a form. VDC-24724*
Study Design ODM Import fails when importing an XML with a version greater than 1 into an In Progress study. VDC-24740*
Study Design Users receive a Save Error when attempting to save changes to the Label of a repeating Event Group. VDC-24900*
Study Design In certain circumstances, the Retrospective Amendment and Compare Casebook Versions jobs fail unexpectedly. VDC-24902*
Study Design ODM Import may fail unexpectedly when importing into a Study on Version 1 from a Study on Version 1. VDC-24962*
Study Design ODM Import may fail unexpectedly when importing into a Study with no design definitions. VDC-24989*
Study Design ODM Import fails when the imported version contains changes to a Unit or Codelist Item Definition. VDC-25032*
Study Design When a user attempts to compare casebook versions, Vault does not show any Studies in other vaults. VDC-25105*
Study Design Vault may not apply design changes when exporting and then importing into the same casebook version. VDC-25121*, VDC-25131*, VDC-25195*, VDC-25024*
Study Design ODM Import fails when the imported version deletes or adds an Event Group Definition. VDC-25128*
Study Design ODM import does not change the Item's Item Type when the imported file changes the Item Type from Text to Date. VDC-25210*
Study Design The Copy Form dialog doesn't display the progress message for the first step. VDC-25337*
Study Design ODM Export exports all versions of definition object records instead of only the selected version. VDC-25346*
Study Design Users can't save Codelist Item Definitions when the Name contains a comma (,). VDC-25358*
Study Design Publishing validation fails without an error or warning in the output file when a Rule Definition does not have a Rule Action. VDC-25469*
Study Design ODM Import may fail unexpectedly when importing into a Study with a published Casebook Definition version. VDC-25554*
UI & Performance With IE11™, the scroll bars in the Views Editor may flicker while the page loads. VDC-14661*
UI & Performance The Unset Intentionally Left Blank icon does not display after a user unfreezes an Intentionally Left Blank Item. VDC-14954*
UI & Performance Users may receive a server error when opening a Form that was updated to a new casebook version. VDC-15171*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, the Form page has incorrect placement of "No Items Found" message. VDC-15378*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, the Form page has incorrect placement of "No Items Found" message. VDC-15381*
UI & Performance When using Internet Explorer®, the contents of the country selector in EDC Tools are misaligned. VDC-15436*
UI & Performance When a form is marked as Intentionally Left Blank, each item of the form has the Edit button. VDC-15699*
UI & Performance The tooltip for the Did Not Occur indicator icon does not display as expected. VDC-15886*
UI & Performance The 'View as Site' dialog is showing a Cancel button instead of a Close button. VDC-15991*
UI & Performance The 'View as Site' dialog is missing an X button to close the dialog. VDC-15993*
UI & Performance The 'View as Site' dialog does not display a horizontal scroll bar. VDC-16036*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, SDV and DMR page header tooltips (for locked study or study site ) are not dismissed when the content panel is refreshed. VDC-16106*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, tooltips in the Form page are covering the Next Event Link button when the page is resized. VDC-16123*
UI & Performance In Studio, the content in the details panel is not positioned correctly. VDC-16657*
UI & Performance The Review tab does not display the Action Menu and Query buttons for form items with long text, when viewed in Internet Explorer®. VDC-16862*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, the SDV and DMR columns are aligned differently on repeating Item Groups. VDC-18083*
UI & Performance In some cases, the tooltip on the Previous Event and Next Event buttons flashes. VDC-18162*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, the breadcrumb menu doesn't update when a user navigates to a different subject. VDC-18344*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, Events with longer names may overlap with other text on the page. VDC-18440*
UI & Performance In the Casebooks tab, Vault doesn't show the Frozen and Locked icons on Items after a user freeze or locks a Form until the page refreshes. VDC-19143*
UI & Performance In Studio, the Copy from Study dialog displays "Copy 1 Forms" instead of "Copy 1 Form". VDC-19771*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, query dialogs near the end of a Form may extend outside of the viewable area. VDC-19781*
UI & Performance Log Forms from previous casebook versions may not display in the Form Carousel after a Casebook Version Upgrade. VDC-19844*
UI & Performance In Studio's Browse view, users lose their pagination selection after refreshing the page. VDC-19952*
UI & Performance When an Event Group is locked, the button to add a Repeating Event should be disabled. VDC-19955*
UI & Performance In some cases, Study import takes an unacceptable length of time. VDC-19966*
UI & Performance Task filters in the Review tab don't persist throughout the Review tab. VDC-19972*
UI & Performance In the Views Editor, Vault displays the + New View button and Search field. VDC-19981*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, Vault doesn't show the Frozen and Locked icons on Items after a user freeze or locks a Form until the page refreshes. VDC-20159*
UI & Performance When an Item has more than one query, Vault doesn't display queries in the order they were created. VDC-20227*
UI & Performance In the Create Query dialog, there is no padding between the Save button and the text entry field. VDC-20253*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, the Event History dialog is not centered in the user's browser window. VDC-20304*
UI & Performance Vault doesn't show tooltips for task filters in the Review tab. VDC-20461*
UI & Performance In some vaults, it may take a very long time for Data Export jobs or ODM XML exports to complete. VDC-20736*
UI & Performance Vault may be slow to display a newly generated Subject ID on the casebook schedule. VDC-20738
UI & Performance Users receive a server error when sorting Casebooks by Enrollment. VDC-20771*
UI & Performance Disabled checkbox controls do not display as disabled. VDC-20873*
UI & Performance For repeating Item Groups, Vault continues to display the "No records to display" message after a user creates one or more sequences of the repeating Item Group. VDC-21055*
UI & Performance In some circumstances, Vault may display the incorrect sequence number in the repeating Form table view. VDC-21066
UI & Performance In some circumstances, Vault does not display values for the Minimum and Maximum Date/Value properties. VDC-21203
UI & Performance With this release, unknown dates display a "?" instead of "UN" or "UNK" on Forms in View Mode. VDC-21363*
UI & Performance In some circumstances, Vault doesn't display the Sequence number or navigation arrows for the last repeating Form sequence. VDC-21481*
UI & Performance In the table view for repeating Forms, the horizontal scroll bar may cover the table rows. VDC-21737
UI & Performance For repeating Item Groups in the Review tab, Vault displays the Item Group name even though the Header Visible checkbox is not selected for that Item Group. VDC-21826
UI & Performance In Studio, the Hide checkbox for Codelist and Unit Items may be hidden with certain resolutions. VDC-22943*
UI & Performance The Edit User dialog in EDC Tools > Users displays the Last Name field before the First Name field. VDC-23489*
UI & Performance After an Admin adds the Manage Users permission to an Application Role, Vault opens EDC Tools to the Users tab for users with that role, but the User tab does not display in the EDC Tools tab navigation. VDC-23491*
UI & Performance The Function Selector's "Help on this function" link opens the Vault CDMS Formula Reference but it does not scroll to the specific function. VDC-24418*
UI & Performance The Reset Event action is disabled. VDC-24540*
UI & Performance When users click the Next Task button for SDV or DMR in the Review tab, the page hangs. VDC-25454*
UI & Performance In the Review tab, the repeating Form header displays "undefined1 (1 of 1)" instead of the form's Name. VDC-25605*
UI & Performance In repeating Forms, each Form has a More Actions menu with no actions within it. With this release, that More Actions menu no longer displays. VDC-25618*
UI & Performance In Application Role Functions, the New Casebook button is not displayed when a user is logged in under a Vault Owner profile. VDC-26076*
Vault Configuration With this release, we removed some of the standard, Vault Platform Application Roles that do not apply to the Vault CDMS application family: "Approver", "Assigned To", "Checklist Respondent", "Consumer Coordinator", "Editor", "Owner", "Reviewer", and "Viewer". VDC-23492*
Vault Configuration The Name field on the Review State Definitions field is system-managed. With this release, users now enter a name value in this field. VDC-24778*
Vault Configuration Vault does not audit the Query Binding object. VDC-25031*
Views & Data Export In the Views Editor, validation errors on individual fields display upon opening the dialog. VDC-14666*
Views & Data Export In certain circumstances, the page hangs after a user saves changes to a View. VDC-16188*
Views & Data Export After a user updates a column's SAS Type to "Num", the exported Definitions.csv may list "Char" instead of the updated SAS Type. VDC-16554*
Views & Data Export With this release, the Data Export output file is now organized into three (3) folders: specs (Definitions.csv, Definitions_runtime.csv), sas (SAS dataset files), and xpt (SAS transport files). The exported CSVs for each View within the set are still at the top-level within the ZIP folder. VDC-19953*
Views & Data Export Users may not be able to download the output ZIP from a Data Extract job based on a Study Data Extract view set. VDC-20822*
Views & Data Export The email notification for Data Export job completion does not include the name of the Study or View Set. VDC-20824*
Views & Data Export When the first column in a view has a static-type column binding, Vault may not set the correct SAS format during SAS conversion. VDC-20936*
Views & Data Export When a view set contains multiple views, Vault may not correctly set the SAS Format for columns with Date, Time, and Number data types during SAS conversion. VDC-21042*
Views & Data Export During SAS conversion, Vault formats columns with Number, Date, and Time Item Definition data types as "Char". VDC-21097*
Views & Data Export Data Export jobs may fail with a "Problem finding an item group to compare against columns..." error when an Item Group Definition is reused in the same Study, containing different Item Definitions in each use. VDC-21114*
Views & Data Export Vault doesn't name View Definitions within the Study Data Extract View Set Definition as expected. VDC-21115*
Views & Data Export Column order may not match Item order on Forms in Study Data Extract view sets. VDC-21200*
Views & Data Export In certain circumstances, Vault may not export data as expected for SAS exports when a Studio user updates a column's Label in the SAS Format Panel. VDC-21216*
Views & Data Export When viewing a newly copied View Definition in the View Editor, Vault may not display the column headers. VDC-21398*
Views & Data Export Data export jobs fail unexpectedly when a view references the Unit Value field. VDC-22095, VDC-22163
Views & Data Export Vault only performs configuration validation on new or edited columns in the SAS Format Panel. VDC-22144*
Views & Data Export Vault does not allow users to save Column Names containing periods (.). VDC-24894*
Views & Data Export Vault may be unable to generate SAS files for Data Export jobs. VDC-25030*
Views & Data Export Study Data Extract generation fails when there are duplicate Column Names. VDC-25410*
Views & Data Export Vault does not allow underscores, double underscores, spaces, or periods in the Name for View Set Definitions and View Definitions. VDC-25468*
Views & Data Export After importing an XML containing view configurations, Vault does not display the view's columns in the View Editor. VDC-25536*
* Internally found defects filed during the development of Limited Release features.