Known Issues in 24R2

Pre-Release Date: July 15, 2024 | CDB Pre-Release Date: July 22, 2024 | Release Date: August 2 & 9, 2024

The issues listed below may impact Vault functionality for some users. We are actively investigating all known issues and will be providing fixes and updated information in future releases. Between the limited release and the general release, we may remove issues that are found to be caused by user error or are working as designed. This list is subject to change until the general release.

An asterisk (*) next to the issue number denotes an internally found defect filed during the development of Limited Release features.

Audit Trails

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
The audit trail export CSV contains the Item-to-Form link object for a deleted Subject. VDC-158739*  

CDB - Admin

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
After a user's email is updated via EDC Tools, CDB continues to send notifications to the original email address. VDC-161371*  

CDB - Checks & Queries

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
In some cases, users can't open queries that are on multiple items in the same payload. VDC-159683*  
In some cases, opening an event query on 3PD data takes too long to complete. VDC-161361*  
In some cases, the Query Origin ID field isn't populated as expected. VDC-163755  

CDB - Clean Patient Tracker

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Restricted events aren't restricted in the Event Progress Report. VDC-158932*  
Filter criteria doesn't display in some cases after saving a listing. VDC-160842*  
The Generate Reports button hover over tooltip does not contain accurate wording. VDC-161918*


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Show Reference returns deleted reference objects. VDC-163346*  
Users aren't able to query reference data after disabling incremental imports. VDC-165041*
Users may be unable to query reference data after enabling incremental import. VDC-165153*

CDB - Deployment

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Incremental studies may unexpectedly have deployments disabled. VDC-164564*

CDB - Export

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Change comparison doesn't highlight changes to the order by clause when the change is made in the listing builder. VDC-151301*  
In some cases, exports fail with an error message. VDC-161277  
In studies where incremental import isn't enabled, export package generation may fail for export definitions that include reference data. VDC-162910*  

CDB - Import

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Download of import logs may take longer than expected. VDC-150054*
When incremental import is enabled, CDB pauses ingestion on all studies if the design change is a deleted Codelist Item or Unit Item. VDC-152595*
When incremental import is not enabled, CDB packages that are Completed with Warning may have blank log files. VDC-152795*  
Study with Study Names containing double spaces may get stuck in progress. VDC-153846*  
The Imported Date may be incorrect in the audit log. VDC-161107*  
In studies where incremental import is enabled, users may be unable to click the Packages link after scrolling down. VDC-161285*
Reference object sources have links to Key Mappings and Unblinding Rules. VDC-161376*
In incremental import studies, CDB shows the incorrect text for the R035, R038, and R-039 errors. VDC-161555*
Events in the Submitted status may show a blank status once imported via incremental import. VDC-161657*
If a user loads the primary source for an OpenEDC study, then changes "primary_source" from "true" to "false" and reimports, they will receive an error if they attempt to reimport the original package. VDC-162052*  
The audit log may take longer than expected to load. VDC-162066*  
After enabling incremental import, all listings in that study may be marked as invalid. VDC-162831*
Incremental imports may get stuck in the Pending status. VDC-162946*
CDB may not show the correct status per package if a user imports multiple reference data packages at the same time. VDC-163208*  
After upgrading to incremental import, the precision may be incorrect for lab values. VDC-163370*
CDB fails with the R-022 error when attempting to load reference data using the lastcoded function for the related key. VDC-163460*  
When a user imports an OpenEDC package with no primary source, CDB doesn't generate the error CSV file or send a notification email. VDC-163551*
The datetime displayed for incremental data is the datetime in the user's time zone. VDC-163711*
After importing a reference data package with issues, CDB increases the error count after a user imports a third party data package into that source. VDC-163799*
After the initial incremental import, CDB may skip subsequent incremental packages. VDC-163852
When a study has an active swap and a candidate swap, the candidate swap gets stuck in In Progress if a user loads reference data packages. VDC-163868*
If a study design has an object deleted that results in a study design change import, import may stop for all incremental-enabled studies in the vault. VDC-163983
CDB may not update the Last Design Change date upon successful import with design changes. VDC-164063
Third party packages in incremental import studies may get stuck in the Queued status. VDC-164336*
When a third party source has the same Name in multiple Studies, CDB may incorrectly require approval upon import for that source. VDC-164524  
Import jobs may get stuck in the In Progress status. VDC-164546*  
CDB doesn't show the approval notification when a third party package is loaded with a manifest change. VDC-164620*
In the audit log for a third party source, the Imported Date and Status columns incorrectly display values for previously recorded rows for the same package. VDC-164635
The audit log may take much longer than expected to load. VDC-164668*  
After reprocessing, CBD may require approval for third party sources without manifest changes. VDC-164671*  
CDB may use the same datetime for Date Applied on multiple packages. VDC-164920*  
CDB may not show the correct status for a reference data import after enabling incremental import. VDC-165127*
CDB may import ItemGroupSequence incorrectly for OpenEDC studies. VDC-165245  

CDB - Listing Builder

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
The Listing Builder can't call CQL methods on a non-lab Item called LBTEST. VDC-151856*  
After a user triggers the Duplicate Aliases error, CDB no longer displays any other validation icons. VDC-163540*  

CDB - Listings

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
CDB doesn't display review action icons as disabled when the user doesn't have the Set Review permission. VDC-159943*
When a user applies a filter via the Sort & Filter menu, CDB may mark it as a complex filter and not allow the user to edit it. VDC-160843*  
Users are redirected when attempting to sort archived studies. VDC-162018*  
Users encounter an error when navigating to the Last Visited Listing page of Outstanding Query Listings. VDC-162020*  
The Cell Detail panel for listings is missing the reference value for any item with a function. VDC-162437*  
The Last Updated Date field for Core Listings shows the date of the last full package instead of the last incremental update. VDC-163940  

Coding Configuration

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
While batch assigning lists, if a user selects forms, then applies filters, their selections persist when those forms are filtered out. VDC-163141  

Data Loader

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Datetime Items aren't formatted correctly on the Data Loader Import page. VDC-163338*  
In some cases, Data Loader jobs fail with error. VDC-163931*  
If a user copies a Form from another Study, then creates a data loader configuration, they will receive errors when accessing that configuration after deleting a unit-type Item from that Form. VDC-164813*  
Users may be unable to map unit-type items. VDC-165016*  


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
User status remains Not Trained despite all assigned courses being marked as completed in Vault Training. VDC-158189*


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
When two forms are linked using Form-to-Form linking, the Audit Trail Export job output CSV only mentions one Link Form object, and not both Link Form objects that are associated with the corresponding linked Forms. VDC-158619*  


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Translated tooltip text may overlap on itself. VDC-164333  

Protocol Deviations

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Users may receive a server error when navigating to a Protocol Deviation. VDC-162610  


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Users can open queries on locked events in studies on Data Model 1. VDC-155953*  

Role & User Management

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
If a user with a VeevaID is created before conversion, and then the user is converted to VeevaID in CDMS, they receive the incorrect email notification. VDC-162408*
Users with the Vault Owner security profile may receive an error when attempting to inactivate accounts. VDC-162811
Users with the CDMS User Administrator role are unable to access any studies in Workbench. VDC-162865*  
User Type is a required field when creating a cross domain user. VDC-162898  
Users with the User Administrator role may encounter an error message when attempting to import a CSV file. VDC-163307*
Vault doesn't ignore inactive users when migrating data for Vault Training. VDC-165246*

Rule Editor

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
New functions added by Vault Platform appear in the Functions list in the Rule Editor. VDC-156741*  

Rule Execution

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
When a dynamic Form is under a dynamic Event, Add Form rules associated with the dynamic form are not triggered when the Run Rules job is executed. VDC-154966*  
In some cases, the NoBlanks function may return a valid entry with the Undetermined data type. VDC-162177*  
In some cases, Add Query rules using the @PreviousEvent variable do not execute as expected. VDC-163399*  
Rule result action scope matching logic may cause extra forms or events to be sent to EDC for deletion or creation. VDC-164381*  

Safety Integration

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Copying forms with safety configuration fails when copying SAE and Study Drug forms separately. VDC-161695*
With the Vault Safety EDC Connection, the JSON file doesn't include any lab units. VDC-162006  
When copying forms with safety configuration, the form order is incorrect for study drug forms. VDC-162397*
Pregnancy field updates may result in an inbox item in Vault Safety but not update in the CDMS Subject Pregnancy Information record. VDC-164958  
When a user attempts to edit the Safety settings, Vault clears the Study Name and Sponsor Study Number values upon save. VDC-165133*  

Study Design

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
In some cases, changes to Open Query configuration for Event Window in the Properties panel do not save. VDC-162476*  

UI & Performance

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
In some cases, dynamic repeating Forms that have not been added to the Casebook schedule appear in the Review UI. VDC-164084*  

Vault Administration

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Vault Clinical Data Manager loads vaults overly slowly. VDC-157903*