Limited Releases

“Limited Release” refers to a set of Vault production servers that receive software updates approximately every 3 weeks. Limited releases include significant product enhancements and bug fixes. Limited releases are intended for customers who value speed of receiving new features over stability.


24R3 Planned General Availability: November 30 & December 6, 2024

New Features

New Features in 24R3 Limited Releases

Fixed Issues


24R2 Planned General Availability: August 2 & 9, 2024

New Features

New Features in 24R2 Limited Releases

Fixed Issues


24R1 Planned General Availability: April 12 & 19, 2024

New Features

Fixed Issues


23R3 Planned General Availability: November 17 & December 1, 2023

New Features

Fixed Issues


23R2 Planned General Availability: August 4 & 11, 2023

New Features

Fixed Issues


23R1 Planned General Availability: April 14 & 21, 2023

New Features

Fixed Issues

Earlier Releases

See earlier releases