Fixed Issues in 20R1

Pre-Release Date: March 30, 2020 | Release Date: April 10 & 17, 2020

This week's release includes fixes for the following issues:

An asterisk (*) next to the issue number denotes an internally found defect filed during the development of Limited Release features.

Highlighted Issues

The fixes for the issues highlighted below may introduce behavioral changes from the previous release.

Category Description Issue No.

Automated Deployments

Issue Description Issue No.
Users may receive a server error when locking a study environment from EDC Tools > All Environments. VDC-37847*
If a connected vault is down for maintenance or deleted, users can't select a vault in the Upgrade to Automatic Deployments dialog. VDC-37862*
Vault displays Environment Types in the incorrect order for that filter in Studio > Environments. VDC-37974*
Vault doesn't name Review Plan Object Definition records correctly during deployment. VDC-38062*
After deploying from UAT to training, and then deleting the training environment, deployment fails when the user attempts to deploy from UAT to production. VDC-38069*
During deployment, Vault does not delete Add Schedule rules in the target environment when those Rules are deleted in the source environment. With this release, Vault marks those rules as Inactive instead of deleting them. VDC-38180*
When upgrading a study to automatic deployments, Vault shows Studies in the Select Study field that the user doesn't have permission to view. VDC-38250*
If a deployment to a UAT environment is unsuccessfuly, Vault removes the link to open that environment in EDC Tools > Environments. VDC-38271*
Deployment administrators may receive an "EDC Job: No study id was found on the context" error when attempting to delete study data for an environment. VDC-38323*
When a user scrolls vertically in the Upgrade to Automatic Deplyoments dialog, there are display issues. With this release, this dialog is no longer scrollable. VDC-40243*
EDC Lead Data Managers may not be able to access their automated deployment Studies in EDC Tools. VDC-41335
In the Upgrade to Automatic Deployments dialog, after a user changes their selection for Select Study, Vault doesn't clear their other selections. VDC-41446*
If a user closes the Upgrade to Automatic Deployments confirmation dialog using the Close button instead of Go Back, they can't reopen the confirmation dialog. VDC-41455*
Errors related to Rule Actions are recorded in the Medical Coding Study Settings row of the deployment log. VDC-42601*
Vault returns an error when certain users deploy from a DEV environment to UAT. VDC-44881

Casebook Versioning

Issue Description Issue No.
When running a prospective amendment, the full event schedule is duplicated instead of only adding forms and items to events that haven't started. VDC-37309*
When comparing casebook versions, if the user inputs incorrect credentials and tries to navigate back using the back button, they cannot move forward with the process until the dialog is closed and reopened. VDC-37808*

Data Entry

Issue Description Issue No.
In some circumstances, Vault does not remove a dynamic Event after a user resets the Form containing the controlling Item. VDC-18152*
Some profile permissions and roles are incorrectly named. VDC-42207

Developer Features

Issue Description Issue No.
When a user provides uses Set Event Date API for an unscheduled Event, Vault returns "error message_":"unhandled" instead of a useful error message. VDC-36257*
If a user sends a request to Set Item Data on a Form that is in Edit mode, in progress post-submission, Vault returns an error that "Change reason is required" when the change_reason parameter is included. VDC-36682*
Users are able to set an Event Date in a casebook or event that's frozen via the SetEventDate API. VDC-38660*
Users cannot be added via the LMS Integration API. VDC-39794*


Issue Description Issue No.
After running a Data Listing job, an email notification is sent to the user that does not include the name of the job. VDC-35026*
Data Listing CSVs may have mismapped rows for Code Request data. VDC-42754
The Delete Study Data job takes too long to complete. VDC-43241
Deleting a Site should delete any user access records tied to that site. VDC-43242


Issue Description Issue No.
The French translation for the New Event dialog's text(for unscheduled Events) is not correct. VDC-31121*
There isn't a translation for the "No data found" message in Studio. VDC-37853*
Only English translations appear in some areas of Studio for non-English users. VDC-40291*

Role Management

Issue Description Issue No.
Users with the CDMS Lead Data Manager study role receive a server error when attempting to create a new Study Role or copy an existing one. VDC-37881*
The CDMS Clinical Coder Administrator role doesn't have the correct permissions in the Coding Stop List Config and Coding Synonym List Config object lifecycles, which prevents users with this Study Role from assigning Synonym Lists and Do Not Autocode Lists to Forms from Coder Tools. VDC-41046*
After a user edits a custom Study Role, the Number of Users row displays "0" for all roles until the page is refreshed. VDC-41062*
Vault fails to upgrade a task when the vault contains orphaned ARF records. VDC-44691


Issue Description Issue No.
Vault doesn't allow a user to submit a Form with a change to a controlling Item value that would remove the dependent Form if the dependent Form has a system-generated query. VDC-28955*
In Studio, Vault copies rules that contain unresolved identifiers. VDC-38617*
A tooltip does not appear in Studio's Rule Editor when the user copies from a study that contains a rule with a large amount of characters. VDC-40530*


Issue Description Issue No.
Users with the CDMS Clinical Research Associate role can't see the "SDV" column for repeating Forms in the Review tab. VDC-39128*

Search & Filter

Issue Description Issue No.
In Studio, if a user paginates to page other than "1", and then searches the listing, Studio doesn't return any results. VDC-38164*

Study Design

Issue Description Issue No.
After a user creates a new study object record, Vault doesn't open the Properties panel for that record. VDC-36269*

Study Import & Export

Issue Description Issue No.
Vault may allow users to import non-sequential casebook versions. VDC-32362*
Default values cannot be updated if the user has multiple casebook versions in Studio. Instead, Vault allows the user to import a file to update the default value. VDC-32529*

UI & Performance

Issue Description Issue No.
In IE11™, a user pressing tab to navigate to the query's Comment field does not place their cursor in the field. VDC-12349*
For tabular view Item Groups, Vault does not hyperlink values for URL-type Items. VDC-28958*
Vault displays changes from tabs that do not exist when summarizing changes in Studio > Study Design > Schedule. VDC-30921*
In the Review tab, when a user is viewing a Form, and then uses the breadcrumb menu to switch to the same Form for a different Subject, Vault doesn't switch the display to the newly selected Subject. VDC-31872*
In the Review tab, when the Casebook or Event is locked, Vault does not display the event-level SDV and DMR buttons as disabled. VDC-31954*
In the Review tab, when the Casebook or Event is locked, Vault does not display the event-level SDV and DMR buttons as disabled. VDC-31955*
The "Save Now" link in the View Bindings callout of the Rule Editor should not be clickable if there's a syntax error. VDC-33411*
The Rule Editor layout is misaligned. VDC-34621*
The "Edit" pencil button in Studio does not change color when the user hovers over it. VDC-34624*
From Studio, if a user's login session times out, Vault shows a blank page on refresh, instead of redirecting the user to the login page. VDC-34858*
When running a Data Listing job in EDC Tools, the study name is used in all zip file names instead of the study label, despite the study being configured with different values for name and label. VDC-36812*
Vault displays DMR columns for users that do not have a DMR plan or have access to DMR. VDC-36884*
In Studio, the Create New Version dialog does not open after the action is cancelled unless the page is refreshed. VDC-37538*
Vault is slow to apply changes when a user drags and drops in the Design palette from Studio > Schedule. VDC-37667*
If a user paginates in EDC Tools > Sites, opens another tab, then returns to EDC Tools > Sites, Vault removes the pagination buttons. VDC-38077*
In certain vaults, form submission may take longer than expected. VDC-39493*
Text in the Copy from Study dialog doesn't wrap. VDC-39511*
The New Assessment Type dialog in Studio is incorrectly styled. VDC-40174*
The search bar in Studio is misaligned when the user is using Safari®. VDC-40235*
In several input dialogs with required fields, Vault shows the "Field must not be empty" error on all required fields even before a user attempts to leave a required field without an entry. VDC-40791*
Selecting the "Copy" gear option in Studio incorrectly opens the "New Email Group" dialog instead of the "Copy Email Group" dialog. VDC-41394*
Vault may take a long time to create larger Forms for a newly added, unscheduled Event. VDC-41461
The "Copy from Study" grid dialog displays the incorrect pagination in the individual rules section. VDC-41888*
The Rule Editor takes too long to copy from a study that has a large amount of rules. VDC-41900*
Studio does not bring the user to the correct previous tab when the user navigates through the breadcrumb menu. VDC-42389*
Users can change the study configuration subject ID generation when sites exist. VDC-42673
An error dialog pops up when the user leaves the "Link" field blank when adding a link in Coder. An error should appear beneath the blank field. VDC-42884*
Vault returns an error when the user attempts to generate an SDS. VDC-44084