Fixed Issues in 24R2

Pre-Release Date: July 15, 2024 | CDB Pre-Release Date: July 22, 2024 | Release Date: August 2 & 9, 2024

This week's release includes fixes for the following issues:

An asterisk (*) next to the issue number denotes an internally found defect filed during the development of Limited Release features.


Issue Description Issue No.
A validation error message should display when a validation error prevents the system from saving an assessment. VDC-154866

Blank & Detail PDFs

Issue Description Issue No.
When a daily recurring Detail PDF job is created with individual sites selected to run against and then a site is deleted, the Detail PDF job is cancelled for all sites. VDC-153099
Detail PDFs including site number aren't compatible with the RIM CRF Import feature. VDC-162770

Casebook Versioning

Issue Description Issue No.
After one retrospective amendment has been performed, the Status for Changed Forms field unexpectedly defaults to the status selected for the first retrospective amendment when subsequent retrospective amendments are performed. VDC-150646
In some cases, English-language labels persist across all languages during casebook upversioning. VDC-152642 *

CDB - Admin

Issue Description Issue No.
After a user's email is updated via EDC Tools, CDB continues to send notifications to the original email address. VDC-158291*

CDB - Checks & Queries

Issue Description Issue No.
The Create Query window closes if the user types off screen. VDC-105210*
In some cases, the Query Team is blank in the exported queries CSV file even when the Query Team is specified in the CDB UI. VDC-148604
When a user updates a query in CDB, CDB doesn't update @Query.LastModifiedBy. VDC-153240 *
Users shouldn't be able to create a check when Union Distinct is present in a subquery. VDC-153369 *
When a user changes the query text on a check action, CDB doesn't update the Modified On date, Modified By user, or the Check Status. VDC-154983
Users aren't able to open queries on linked items. VDC-156708*
CDB shows system-generated query messages in the user's language. VDC-157356*
The query icon doesn't display in the core listings grid when a query is created in EDC. VDC-159818*

CDB - Clean Patient Tracker

Issue Description Issue No.
Report generation may fail unexpectedly. VDC-162373*
Report generation fails in some cases. VDC-163506

CDB - Clone

Issue Description Issue No.
Users with the CDB Administrator study role have the Tools page in their navigation drawer. VDC-153407*
The Object Summary Report lists the Clone Modified value to true when the status is updated from Compatible to Ready to Approve. VDC-155981


Issue Description Issue No.
CQL may return an unknown column error when selecting from a view that uses an advanced join. VDC-152857
When using a union, CQL may return a "Failure in Executing : The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns" error unexpectedly. VDC-153128 *
Event.Status may return an unexpected status. VDC-153295 *
Event.DMR and Event.SDV may return null instead of "false". VDC-153349 *
Event.Signed and Event.Frozen may unexpectedly return null values. VDC-153393 *
CDB marks the listing as invalid when using Select * on reference data. VDC-153882*
In new studies, CQL returns a "Feature not supported: Advanced Join" error when the CQL statement contains an advanced join. VDC-154446
CQL returns number values with a precision greater than 7 in scientific notation. VDC-156809

CDB - Dashboards

Issue Description Issue No.
The Dashboard may show all listings as Invalid. VDC-156394
The Dashboard may show all listings as Invalid. VDC-157931

CDB - Deployment

Issue Description Issue No.
Deployment > Packages may not show the Packages in the grid until the user refreshes the page. VDC-152949*

CDB - Export

Issue Description Issue No.
Assigned users don't receive email notifications for exports with the Error status. VDC-152620
An error occurs when attempting to run an export without listings in the Definitions tab. VDC-152956*
Export package generation may fail due to a SAS timeout error. VDC-154489
For some users, export jobs fail due to a mapping issue during the site lookup process. VDC-154725
Export package generation may fail unexpectedly. VDC-154996
Exports older than 30 days aren't available in Workbench. VDC-155668
In some cases, running multiple exports simultaneously results in a "Page Not Found" error. VDC-156019*
If a third party source is deleted, SYS_FORMS may be marked as Invalid in an Export Definition that referenced forms from that source. VDC-157622
In the Save Export Definition As dialog, the checkbox is misaligned and the dropdowns open behind the dialog. VDC-161187*

CDB - Import

Issue Description Issue No.
Precision for lab items isn't displayed correctly. VDC-148607
When auto swap is disabled, imports may fail with an unknown column error on event date columns. VDC-148672
When auto swap is disabled, CDB may not apply data from newly imported packages. VDC-149410
CDB may set the Date Applied as earlier than the Import Completion timestamp. VDC-152592
If a study's Name contains whitespaces or periods (.), third party data import fails. VDC-153478 *
Incremental import may fail in Studies using Labs. VDC-154477
In certain vaults, third-party imports aren't imported, even though they are moved into the "_processed" directory. VDC-155266
CDB doesn't automatically refresh the page after a user approves an import package. VDC-155568
Open EDC imports may be in the Pending status for longer than usual. VDC-155688
In studies with incremental import enabled, CDB doesn't generate the log file in the FTP folder when reference object import fails. VDC-157134*
CDB shows the Complete with Warnings status indicator (orange complete) for reference data packages imported without warnings. VDC-158184*
Import > Packages shows pagination even when there aren't enough records to require it. VDC-158275*
CDB doesn't send a notification email when a reference data import is completed with warnings. VDC-158276*
Users are able to select multiple Package Types to filter by in the import audit log, which causes the page to freeze. VDC-158735*
CDB may detect changes upon import but not display them in the Import UI. VDC-159097
Reference object import log files may not include all applicable error codes. VDC-159103*
A tooltip should appear when users hover over the status of a rejected package. VDC-159941*
System queries aren't deleted via ingestion when a form is marked as ILB. VDC-160277*
Importing two reference data packages in a row may cause the status column to keep changing. VDC-160981*
Reference object import may fail due to a lock wait timeout error. VDC-161141*
Reprocessing of third party import packages sends an email notification when there is no change to the data. VDC-161929*
Third party packages that would be imported as Complete with Warnings fail with an L-002 error. VDC-162258*
Import fails after the enablement of incremental import. VDC-162991*
Incremental import may take longer than expected. VDC-163000*
Third party data packages may fail due to an unexpected L-002 error. VDC-163286*

CDB - Listing Builder

Issue Description Issue No.
If a user modifies a saved listing via the Listing Builder, their changes may not show on the listing. VDC-148406*

CDB - Listings

Issue Description Issue No.
After a user clicks Hide Column, CDB hides the column but doesn't close the Sort & Filter menu. VDC-131878 *
In some cases, the review listing snapshot displays in a failed state. VDC-148863*
Core Listings on larger Forms may take longer than usual to load. VDC-150385
In some cases, post-query processing times are slow due to the extensive number of columns in the listing. VDC-151415
Users receive a "Error Saving Listing 3PD7" error when attempting to copy a review listing. VDC-152171*
The Reset Filter/Sort button resets hidden columns when it shouldn't. VDC-154229*
Review listings may fail unexpectedly. VDC-154445
The creation of review listings may fail unexpectedly. VDC-154449
The Reset button doesn't display on Review Listings. VDC-154868*
The Deletion Log may list "System" instead of the user name of the user who deleted the listing. VDC-155490
A review listing may not refresh when expected. VDC-156386
Review listings may be marked as Invalid unexpectedly, even when the listing's CQL statement is valid. VDC-156557
CDB may not show the correct count for review listing rows in the Not Reviewed status. VDC-156720
Review listings in production may be marked as Invalid unexpectedly. VDC-156951
Derived field column headers aren't displayed in the Cell Details panel. VDC-157093*
Review listings in production may be marked as Invalid unexpectedly. VDC-157283
Paused review listings may not refresh after a deployment. VDC-157286
Some review listings may get stuck in the pending status. VDC-158659
Certain studies may show a page not found error. VDC-158772
With this release, users are no longer able to open review listings that are in the Pending status. VDC-158838
In some cases, reselecting a target study to copy causes the page to freeze. VDC-159499*
Bulk actions for more than 100 records push the toast notification outside the viewable area. VDC-160040*
With this release, CDB shows a warning when a user navigates away from a listing with unapplied CQL. VDC-90160*

CDB - Views

Issue Description Issue No.
When the CQL statement includes Union Distinct, the view's record count may be inconsistent. VDC-152856
In some cases, some users can't view data in Views despite having the proper permissions. VDC-160757

Clinical Reporting

Issue Description Issue No.
The Query Details panel may only show the most recent query message. VDC-151275*
Clinical Reporting may show the last listing visited from Workbench as the Last Listing Visited. Then, the Last Listing Visited in Clinical Reporting leads to a 404 error. VDC-151370*
Users encounter an error and performance issues when selecting a large import data range when generating an Import Summary. VDC-152489*
The Query Details panel may only show the most recent query message. VDC-153215*
Import may fail unexpectedly. VDC-153404*
Incremental imports may not occur when expected. VDC-153725
In some vaults, studies may not show in Clinical Reporting. VDC-155004
Incremental import may fail unexpectedly. VDC-155214
If a user creates one listing, then a second listing, and then uses Save As on the first listing, the Listing Builder opens to the second listing. VDC-155430
The Configuration page isn't in the navigation drawer for users with the CDMS Super User study role. VDC-155435


Issue Description Issue No.
Some users encounter an error when changing source dictionaries on the Upversioning page. VDC-153379
In some cases, deployment fails when the property type of a Verbatim item is changed. VDC-156452
Autocoding values should be reset if the coding status changes from Autocoded to another value. VDC-160290

Coding Configuration

Issue Description Issue No.
When the Coding Configuration of a study is deleted, closed queries should not be deleted. VDC-158138
In Coder Tools, studies are in a different order in Study Settings and the breadcrumb menu. VDC-161935*

Cross-form Derivations

Issue Description Issue No.
In some cases, derived items that were marked as requiring review before being changed to cross-form derivations are set as requiring review but are not displayed for SDV. VDC-155437

Data Entry

Issue Description Issue No.
In some cases, when a unit item is autosaved with the unit measurement left blank, the unit measurement value cannot be edited without editing the numeric value. VDC-162208 *

Data Loader

Issue Description Issue No.
Some users encounter a browser-related error when uploading a CSV file on the Import page. VDC-144818*
Users encounter an error when attempting to delete a column header that is mapped to a row via Import File. VDC-151359*
Users encounter validation errors when using Data Loader to import data. VDC-155233
The Label column value is missing from item row error messages, and no error message is shown when the Data Loader configuration endpoint fails due to removal of all items or item groups. VDC-155408*


Issue Description Issue No.
The Copy Study to PPT job fails for some studies. VDC-141273
In some cases, deployment fails after it is retried in the export phase. VDC-147266
In some cases, a null pointer exception is encountered when deploying from a TST environment to PRD. VDC-150968 *
In some cases, study copy export jobs complete with errors during PPT deployment. VDC-152796
In some cases, copying to PPT environments fails during import. VDC-154896
Copying a study design from a study with Visit Method enabled makes the corresponding visit method fields required for review plans, causing deployment to fail with an error. VDC-155935
Some users find that the deployment of vault-level reports and dashboards fails after the creation of a custom report in the DEV environment. VDC-157511
Deployment fails when a Study is deployed to TST with User Defined Roles that are then deleted. VDC-157835

Developer Features

Issue Description Issue No.
Copy jobs fail when the production instance of a study is renamed. VDC-118307 *
Get Form Data requests fail in vaults that were using Clinical Reporting and then were upgraded to CDB Workbench. VDC-160548*

Freezing & Locking

Issue Description Issue No.
When an Event is locked but a Form in the Event is unlocked, users encounter a server error when attempting to open a query on Items in the Form. VDC-154888


Issue Description Issue No.
In some cases, the system does not generate expected User Exception Messages. VDC-157842
Information about users with a null user type should not be sent to the Vault Training API. VDC-161524*
Users unexpectedly encounter a Change Reason popup when attempting to transfer a subject to a different site after the subject has already been transferred to CTMS. VDC-162113*


Issue Description Issue No.
The Copy Study Data job may fail unexpectedly. VDC-118302*
The Safety Follow-up Scan job attachment uses 12 hour time in the file name, instead of 24 hour time. VDC-150973 *
In some cases, the Diff Report fails when the user selects all four options in the job dialog. VDC-151565 *
In some cases, the Diff Report fails with an error. VDC-152806 *
The Query Details Listing report incorrectly lists some queries as open when they are actually answered. VDC-156997
A blank Visit Method row is included in blank CRF PDF exports even when Visit Method is not configured for the study. VDC-157187
The Copy Study Data job fails in some cases. VDC-157624*
Users can select Events that have been removed from the Study Schedule when creating a Snapshot causing the Refresh Results job to fail. VDC-157922
Reverted VDC-155331 (24R1.0.19) because these changes caused the Audit Trail Export job to fail. VDC-158318, VDC-158324
In some cases, the Difference Report fails unexpectedly. VDC-160916 *
When a Data Change Extract job with a specified form is run in a study where many data changes have been made, the DCE job is performed in slices. If the first slice of data is empty, with no matches to the specified form, the job is erroneously truncated. VDC-162452
When a Data Change Extract job without a specified form is run, if either the item or event tasks has zero matches, an error occurs. VDC-162453 *


Issue Description Issue No.
In Update Outdated Lab Normals reports, pending lab locations are incorrectly shown as successes. VDC-155384
The Audit Trail for Lab Locations without specified normal ranges incorrectly displays updates to analyte information for another Lab Location. VDC-155545
Changing the Data Type, Length, and Precision of an Analyte Definition causes vault deployment from DEV to TST to fail. VDC-156595


Issue Description Issue No.
When a user in one language saves a datetime item from a site whose time zone is later changed by an English user, the recalculation of the item's normalized value fails with an error. VDC-147027*
Users encounter an error when exporting the Vault Configuration Report through the Chinese-language user interface. VDC-151051
In some cases, when a user manually types Korean or Japanese keywords to search for Items in the Rule Editor, no results appear. VDC-155280
Casebook/Form Blank PDF file names for the Japanese language aren't translated to Japanese. VDC-53199 *


Issue Description Issue No.
Some users encounter an error message when attempting to generate a Migration Report. VDC-160854*


Issue Description Issue No.
In some cases, an error occurs when opening a query if the Study Enable Team Query Restrictions setting is set to "No". VDC-150261 *
When users without an assigned Query Team role try to open, answer, or close queries in a study that has Team Query Restrictions enabled, the action fails. VDC-154464
Opening a query on a lab analyte item causes a server error. VDC-162059*

Review Plan Assignment

Issue Description Issue No.
In some cases, SDV is incorrectly shown as required. VDC-155790
Some users find that the SDS shows incorrect requirement values in the Event Dates Review field. VDC-160546
Some users encounter an error when trying to update the Review Plan assigned to a casebook. VDC-160616

Review Plan Editor

Issue Description Issue No.
When Visit Methods is enabled, the Visit Methods Review field shows as Required even though no value has been saved and the Save button cannot be clicked. VDC-156328

Role & User Management

Issue Description Issue No.
When users have the Reports Dashboard Tab permission and the vault is using multi-role security, those users may not see the Dashboard tab. VDC-152446
Some users can't copy a study from the library despite having the permission to do so. VDC-153253
In vaults without Multi-Role Security, when a user's role field is changed after training is completed their training status is not reset. VDC-153284
An error message should be displayed when a user administrator attempts to create a new VeevaID for an existing vault user. VDC-156485*
User import fails when Bypass VeevaID Check is set to Yes. VDC-157473*
The Curriculum list in System Tools > Connections has no pagination. VDC-159810*
Some users encounter an error message when attempting to create new users. VDC-161583*
When the Enable Automatic User Type Determination feature is enabled, the User Type column should be required even though a User Type value is not required. VDC-162086*
If Automatic User Type Determination is enabled and the User Type resolves to null after calculation, Vault doesn't show an appropriate error message. VDC-162497*
Users with API access aren't automatically assigned the Sponsor user type, and users with reports and dashboards access aren't assigned any user type. VDC-162498*

Rule Editor

Issue Description Issue No.
In some cases, an invalid rule is saved when it shouldn't be, and the "Action Required" warning fails to appear. VDC-149223 *
The Description box in the Rule Details panel of the Rule Editor cannot be resized. VDC-154742
In some cases, when the Form field in the Rule Details panel is left blank when saving a rule, the Form auto-filled by default is different than the Form visible in Studio. VDC-155142
If the rule expression or action of a non-Set Derived Value rule targets a derived item, a casebook validation warning is displayed. VDC-157037
The system does not save Send Email rules that are configured with Evaluate Rule When as Randomized, but no error is displayed. VDC-157969

Rule Execution

Issue Description Issue No.
The Run Rules job preview shows some repeating forms as deleted, even though the form does not exist in the subject's casebook. VDC-156315
In some cases, users encounter an error when running derivation rules. VDC-157850
In some cases, Events marked as Did Not Occur are skipped, even when the "Skip Intentionally Left Blank and Did Not Occur values" setting is not enabled. VDC-160114*
In some cases, Rules Job execution takes longer than expected. VDC-160523
When a Form contains two Items that have an Integration Configuration and a Create Integration Record rule is run to create an Integration Record for one Item but not the other, the system incorrectly generates two Integration Records for each Item. VDC-161091

Safety Integration

Issue Description Issue No.
In some cases, when a new SAE item is created and linked to an existing case, the new SAE item displays the inbox item ID instead of the existing case ID. VDC-151307 *
In some cases, the C.1.5 value returned in Safety Follow-Up jobs incorrectly takes into account safety items on unrelated forms, making the value reported appear earlier than the date of the job. VDC-151710
Vault may not update the "Date Most Recent Info In Report" value when expected. VDC-151738
Studio validation may fail without a validation error or warning when a Study is configured with the Vault Safety EDC Connection. VDC-151761 *
G.k.9.i.4 and G.k.9.i.2.r.3 may not pull the correct AE values. VDC-153097 *
Boolean fields should return null when they are not mapped. VDC-153347 *
Changing the name of a Subject after the first send of a safety case leads the follow-up job to fail. VDC-156494
In Case of Death custom fields were in the top subject level and not inside "cause_of_death" parent JSON, resulting in missing custom field data. VDC-157913 *
Vault may update the Most Recent Info Marker field on the Safety Case when there wasn't any change. VDC-159994*
In some cases, the progression of the delivery status of Safety Messages is not in the expected order. VDC-160547

SDS & Annotated PDFs

Issue Description Issue No.
In some cases, when a Codelist or Unit Item appears before a page break in the blank or unique PDF, a blank box appears on the following page. VDC-154014
In some cases, the Review Plan tab in Study Data Specifications incorrectly shows Forms as not Optional. VDC-156632
The SDS summary tab doesn't accurately reflect the number of rules and includes archived rules. VDC-157580


Issue Description Issue No.
Some users encounter a server error when clicking the form-level radio button. VDC-157330
Some users are unable to save after completing SDV. VDC-159995

Study Administration

Issue Description Issue No.
When copying data to PPT, subjects are excluded from selection when navigating to different pages in subject selection grid after selecting 100 casebooks. VDC-137902*
Deletion of a study environment that has more than 75 Study Countries configured completes with failures. VDC-155693

Study Data Extracts

Issue Description Issue No.
When a retrospective amendment is run on a study but not on some sites or subjects, the item data appearing in the Study Data Extracts and Core Listing differs. VDC-150157
In some cases, the SDE exported as SAS fails when run on a study that contains special characters. VDC-152647*
When a review plan override rule is triggered, the Review tab populates correctly but the SDE output does not. VDC-153477
In some cases, Study Data Extract jobs fail with an error. VDC-155483

Study Design

Issue Description Issue No.
When a form is copied again to a target study after being deleted, archived edit check configurations on items in the form that should be unarchived are not unarchived when 'Create a copy' or 'Use existing' is selected. VDC-152249
When a form that has been copied without Progressive Display Rules is copied again with Progressive Display rules included, future copying of the form fails with an error. VDC-152318
In some cases, the Enable Additive Review option is not visible in study settings when a Study or Library is created. VDC-154413
When a faulty configuration is created in Data Loader, users are prevented from accessing any studies in Studio. VDC-155091
When Visit Methods is enabled for a study, the current Casebook Definition remains in "Validated" status, even though it should be changed to "In Progress". VDC-156327
Users are unable to delete a form that reuses an item group. VDC-157712 *
During a copy operation using the Duplicate strategy, when Display Items are copied from a study to another study that already contains the Item Group or Item Definition, the copy operation fails. VDC-159957
When a Form containing an Item-to-Form Link is copied to another Study, the Display Items configuration for Item-to-Form Links is not copied. VDC-162150 *

UI & Performance

Issue Description Issue No.
On studies with more than 100 sites, when a user navigates to EDC Tools > Study Instance > Casebook Versions > Active Version by Sit, selects all 25 sites, and then selects all sites through the banner, the site selection is lost if the user navigates to the other pages. VDC-130210*
In some cases, users can create Casebooks with duplicate IDs, causing studies to crash. VDC-148015
In some cases when a study and sites are created but not deployed, a server error occurs when loading the Data Entry tab. VDC-150283
The CDB Role Management page doesn't match the Role Management Excelâ„¢ file. VDC-150862*
Queries don't display when clicking "View as Site" in the Review tab. VDC-151209 *
When the ILB action is selected for items that are displayed but disabled, a server error occurs. VDC-151319 *
The event tree does not load on very old studies that do not have Event Date review. VDC-154113 *
In some cases, the timezone field isn't populated in Tools > System Tools > Users. VDC-154205
Some core listings may take longer than expected to load. VDC-155852*
In some TST (UAT) vaults, the Studies page may be very slow to load or not load at all. Other pages in the application may also be slow to load. VDC-155874
Tabs switch inexplicably when selected too quickly in CDB. VDC-156561
When Protocol Deviations or Local Labs are enabled in study settings, the Integration Configuration tab is no longer visible in the Study Design panel in Studio. VDC-156921
Users should encounter an error message when the Set Derived Value rule action identifier isn't a derived item and when a rule action that is not Set Derived Value contains a derived item in the action identifier. VDC-157039
The Dynamic Action icon is incorrectly displayed for some Event Groups in the Study Schedule. VDC-157153
When a user is located in certain time zones,, the Randomization Lists import page shows "Invalid date" in the "Last Updated Date column. VDC-158635
Changes were implemented to ensure that the Study ID is consistent with the Subject ID for actions on Subjects. VDC-158836
In some cases, users encounter a server error when loading the Snapshots page for a study. VDC-159349
In some cases, the form design page takes an overly long time to load. VDC-159611

Views & Data Export

Issue Description Issue No.
In some cases, Casebook Design Exports of PPT-type studies fail. VDC-155304