Known Issues in 23R2 Pre-Release
Pre-Release Date: July 17, 2023 | CDB Pre-Release Date: July 24, 2023 | Release Date: August 4 & 11, 2023
The issues listed below may impact Vault functionality for some users. We are actively investigating all known issues and will be providing fixes and updated information in future releases. Between the start of the pre-release period and the general release, we may remove issues that are found to be caused by user error or are working as designed. This list is subject to change until the general release. We may also release maintenance releases to pre-release environments. See the bottom of this page.
An asterisk (*) next to the issue number denotes an internally found defect filed during the development of Limited Release features.
Known Issues by Category
CDB - Checks & Queries
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
When a user opens a query on a cell for an Item in a repeating Item Group, the query decoration may also be applied to other cells. |
VDC-121212* |
CDB - Clone
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
CDB may not update the status from Incompatible to Compatible after a user makes changes to a clone. |
VDC-125156* |
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
CQL may return the Unable to Retrieve Results error when a query returns a very large number of result rows. |
VDC-124639* |
CQL may return unexpected results when using union and joins. |
VDC-124786* |
CQL may return results in the wrong order when using UNION DISTINCT. |
VDC-125544* |
For users without the Restricted Data Access permission, CQL doesn't return the correct error message when a query has an in-line subquery on a blinded item. |
VDC-126802* |
CDB - Export
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
Export > Packages may not display recently generated packages. |
VDC-122767* |
If an Export Definition has multiple listings with very long names, the SAS package may not have all of the data files. |
VDC-123869* |
CDB doesn't prevent users from adding two listings to an Export Definition that have the same Short Title. |
VDC-124088* |
In SAS export packages, double byte numeric characters don't display correctly. |
VDC-125670* |
CDB - Import
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
Import packages that were skipped may show the Complete status instead of Skipped. |
VDC-119022* |
Users may be unable to open queries on Event Dates in OpenEDC studies. |
VDC-124983* |
CDB doesn't return the appropriate error when a reference object package references the same Source as the Primary Source. |
VDC-124989* |
When import fails due to an invalid manifest file, the email notification and attached file don't include the study name. |
VDC-125419* |
Imports with errors may remain in the In Progress status. |
VDC-125814* |
The Complete status badge isn't yellow when the job completed import with warnings. |
VDC-126220*, VDC-127087* |
If a user imports an OpenEDC study into CDB without defining the Primary Source, the Study remains in the pending status. |
VDC-127316* |
If Veeva deletes a Study from CDB, and then a user re-imports that same Study from EDC, deployment is disabled for that Study. |
VDC-127467* |
If a user imports a primary source package, that fails to load, and then imports a new primary source package, that second package may get stuck in the Pending status. |
VDC-130794* |
After you import third party data into an OpenEDC study, form pills show "NULL_NULL" instead of the form's Name. |
VDC-131007* |
Study swap may fail unexpectedly in OpenEDC studies. |
VDC-131296* |
CDB - Listings
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
When a user opens the Cell Details panel for a cell with open queries, the Cell Details panel may not load. |
VDC-125014* |
Creating a new review-enabled listing may cause an out of memory error. |
VDC-128140* |
Core Listings show question marks instead of the expected double byte characters for third party data. |
VDC-128349 |
CDB - Unblinding Rules
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
There isn't a Select All or Clear All option in the Select Items for Unblinding area. |
VDC-123337*, VDC-123338* |
Partially masked cells may display data in a different date format than the unblinded value for the cell. |
VDC-125312* |
CDB may not unbind Items in repeating Item Groups when unblinding conditions are met. |
VDC-125448* |
When a user makes a change that clears the error, CDB doesn't remove the error banner. |
VDC-126803* |
The Reset Rules dialog doesn't display the correct text. |
VDC-127397* |
When a user clicks into a blinded cell, then clicks into an unblinded cell, CDB continues to display the Mask Blinded Data banner in the Cell Details panel for the unblinded cell. |
VDC-128130* |
CDB - Views
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
The View Approval Log may be missing some column values. |
VDC-123736* |
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
When navigating from one verbatims table to another verbatims table, a "Table 'medical_dictionary.dictionary_detail_meddra_' doesn't exist" error message sometimes displays. |
VDC-126201* |
When Coding Bulk Dictionary Upversion and Autocoding and Suggestions jobs are executed at the same time, the Autocoding and Suggestions job fails. |
VDC-127259* |
Manually typed searches in the Dictionary panel of a Verbatims listing page return no results. |
VDC-128351* |
Coding Configuration
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
Editing Suggestion Sources for one Study may delete all other Suggestion Sources configured for other Studies. |
VDC-130560* |
Compare Versions & Vaults
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
Some users encounter an Async Error when running a Casebook Comparison, regardless of the items compared. |
VDC-123416* |
Data Entry
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
The derived value of the boolean item is not displaying correctly for some users when the item group transitions from "hidden" to "shown" using the progressive display configuration. |
VDC-124694 |
Users may encounter a server error when clicking on a disabled UAT or Prod study instance in Data Entry. |
VDC-125270* |
When editing the Age value on a lab form, the Normal Override field value is automatically cleared for some users when it should not be. |
VDC-126959* |
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
Deployment from a CRO master to a deployment group sometimes fails without retrying. |
VDC-126338* |
When a deployment is performed from a template vault to a deployment group that includes a sponsor vault containing a custom role with a name that does not exist in the template vault, the deployment fails for that vault with the error message "Cannot delete User Defined Roles that are already deployed", and succeeds for the other vaults in the group. |
VDC-128740* |
When a migration is performed from a template vault containing a role to a sponsor vault containing a role with the same name, the role is renamed with a numerical suffix but the Lifecycle State changes to "Migration Failed". |
VDC-128743* |
Developer Features
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
Some users experience unhandled exceptions when using the Answer and Close Query endpoints with EDC and 3PD-restricted data. |
VDC-127718* |
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
In some cases, Follow-up Scan CSVs contain unexpected errors. |
VDC-126127* |
In some cases, a Follow-up Scan doesn't process the chosen subject when the Item Indicating Seriousness field is changed to "false." |
VDC-128357* |
Safety messages may have an import error in the target Safety Vault. |
VDC-129426* |
Vault sends G.k.2.5 as "false", instead of excluding this property when false. |
VDC-130967 |
The E2B XML includes a section for G.k.2.5 for all mapped Concomitant Medication forms. |
VDC-130976 |
F.r.3.2 lists "Text (50)" instead of "Number (50)" for E2B Data Type. |
VDC-131118 |
Safety Messages generated as part of a follow-up job may get stuck in the Sending status. |
VDC-131597 |
Freezing & Locking
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
In locked studies, when a user clicks the Edit button to edit an Item that was marked as Intentionally Left Blank, the user receives a server error. |
VDC-128963* |
Vault doesn't perform the selected bulk action when a snapshot includes forms with the same label but a different definition. |
VDC-130861 |
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
Study progress listings jobs fail when sent to reports in Studies that are using Review Rollup V1. |
VDC-130660 |
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
In vaults using Multi-Role Security, Vault may not show the correct Query Team badge on queries. |
VDC-131211 |
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
Users see an error message when replacing a randomization list with the Allow Unbalanced Randomization setting set to "No." |
VDC-127354* |
SDS & Annotated PDFs
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
The SDS job fails with an error when including review plans due to invalid item definition private keys. |
VDC-126946 |
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
When a new version contains changes to the Signature Definition, and an administrator deploys that version, Vault lists "System" instead of "System on behalf of {User}" in the audit trail for unsigning any forms or events signed. |
VDC-131346* |
Study Administration
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
When a user edits an FTP Connection in EDC Tools, Vault doesn't display an previously entered value for Destination Path. |
VDC-132395 |
Study Data Extracts
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
If a custom Lead Data Manager role with View Casebook access schedules a Study Data Extracts job, the job continues to run even if the access is removed from the role. |
VDC-126821* |
UI & Performance
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
New Feature |
If a user selects multiple checkboxes in administrative areas, then check Select All, and then they uncheck Select All, Vault may remember those selections when applying filters. |
VDC-121665* |
The hover over text for dynamic rules in the Schedule grid and Integration Configuration tab has unnecessary spaces. |
VDC-124383* |
Some users get an out of range query when adding in range units to an editable grid in Data Entry. |
VDC-127189* |
Maintenance Release: July 26, 2023
Release Number: 23R1.4.9 | Build Number: 11931
Category |
Issue Description |
Issue No. |
E2BLink |
Vault sends G.k.2.5 as "false", instead of excluding this property when false. |
VDC-130967 |
E2BLink |
The E2B XML includes a section for G.k.2.5 for all mapped Concomitant Medication forms. |
VDC-130976 |