Known Issues in 22R2 Pre-Release

Pre-Release Date: July 11, 2022 | CDB Pre-Release Date: July 18, 2022 | Release Date: July 29 & August 5, 2022

The issues listed below may impact Vault functionality for some users. We are actively investigating all known issues and will be providing fixes and updated information in future releases. Between the start of the pre-release period and the general release, we may remove issues that are found to be caused by user error or are working as designed. This list is subject to change until the general release. We may also release maintenance releases to pre-release environments. See the bottom of this page.

An asterisk (*) next to the issue number denotes an internally found defect filed during the development of Limited Release features.

Known Issues by Category


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Derived Items display in the Reassessment phase of assessment configuration. VDC-99704*

Audit Trails

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
A study-level Audit Trail Export job may fail when not initiated by a Vault Owner. VDC-103522  

Blank & Detail PDFs

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
When a Form contains a large number of unit-type Items, the blank PDF may show the same Unit Item twice. VDC-96328*

CDB - Checks & Queries

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
For checks, when a user filters by Created or Modified On, CDB shows the "No results found" page. VDC-100283*
Users may receive an error when attempting to edit a Check Listing (in the source environment) that has been deployed. VDC-101661*
CDB doesn't update the query counts in the action panel for checks when the user refreshes the page. VDC-102645*
After deploying a new version of a Check Listing (with a change to a column's alias), runs of the check fail in the target environment. VDC-102657*
The text in the "Automated" banner of the Query Action panel is incorrect. VDC-103148*
When a Check's Query Action is configured to ignore Items that already have an EDC query, CDB may still open a query on those Items. VDC-103360
Queries opened by checks may not show in the All Queries listing. VDC-103498
A query opened by a check may not show in EDC when the Form containing the Item is locked. VDC-103541
When a user closes a query opened by a check in CDB, the query closure may not persist in EDC. VDC-103546
Queries opened against Items on repeating Forms by a check in CDB don't get created in EDC. VDC-103549
On checks pages, part of the Sort & Filter menu displays outside the viewable area. VDC-96474*


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
The Query function returns an incorrect value for @HDR.Event.Date. VDC-98193*  
When joining data to @QRY, CQL returns duplicate rows. VDC-98736*

CDB - Dashboards

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
CDB includes invalid Check Listings in the count of Skipped checks on the Dashboard. VDC-102547*
The Skipped link in the Checks Summary widget doesn't actually have a link. VDC-99024*

CDB - Export

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
When a user creates a new Export Definition with listings from more than one Environment, CDB may only add listings from the current environment to the definition. VDC-102704*  
Export package generation fails when one of the Export Listings contains a duplicate column. VDC-102707*  
In the Export Package Audit Log, CDB may not have the correct timestamp for Delivery Start Time. VDC-103189
When a delivery to FTP fails for an export package, CDB sends the notification message for the Complete status instead of Delivered or Delivery Failed. VDC-103195

CDB - Import

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
In the audit log, if a user changes the Log Type and then the Loaded Date Range, the page freezes. VDC-101035*  
When filters are applied to Import > Packages, CDB doesn't display all available results. VDC-102391*  
When an import package has an error after processing, CDB doesn't send a notification to subscribed users. VDC-103127*  
When importing data from a new Source, CDB sends the package processed notification twice. VDC-103133*  
CDB may generate duplicate audit log entries with no timestamps for import packages. VDC-96660*  
Change detection isn't able to handle when a listing is removed. VDC-98097*  

CDB - Listings

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
When the data type is URL, CDB still shows filter operators that aren't applicable for the URL data type in the Sort & Filter menu. VDC-100011*  
In the Sort & Filter menu, if a user attempts to filter a text-type column with a non-text operator, CDB doesn't disable the Save button. VDC-100012*
Sorting on Name columns in @HDR, @Form, and @ItemGroup applied via the Sort & Filter menu doesn't sort the results. VDC-100574*  
If a statement uses Union with a restricted Item inside the subquery, CDB displays the restricted column to users without the Restricted Data Access permission. VDC-100908*  
When the data type is text, CDB still shows filter operators that aren't applicable for the text data type in the Sort & Filter menu. VDC-101080*, VDC-101461*
If a column contains values that are null (intentionally left blank) and a user applies a "Not Contain" filter for text, CDB doesn't include those rows in the filtered results. VDC-101526*
When a column has multiple filter conditions applied, CDB doesn't show the Filter icon in the column's header. VDC-101553*
If a user applies a filter to a codelist-type Item column via the Sort & Filter menu, but clicks Cancel instead of Save, CDB still applies the filter. VDC-101958*
When a cell has multiple decorations, the decoration icons and their hover text overlap. VDC-103045  
CDB still shows Like and Not Like in the Sort & Filter menu. These operators have been replaced with more specific operators. VDC-99916*
In some cases, after a user applies a filter via the Sort & Filter menu, the Sort & Filter menu shows the "Complex CQL Applied" message instead of the applied filter. VDC-99920*  

CDB - Views

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
When a user attempts to edit the Title of a View Listing, CDB shows a "Saving your changes could render associated Listings and/or Export Definitions invalid" warning. VDC-101659*  


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Users receive a server error when initiating the Code All Forms and Update Synonym List action. VDC-101323*  
The Pending Coding dashboard report may prompt for filter values incorrectly. VDC-101503*  

Coding Configuration

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
If a study designer deletes a form's Coding Configuration, adds another, and then attempts to delete the Form, they receive an error. VDC-101801*  

Data Entry

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Vault doesn't show users an error when they attempt to enter data into a controlling Item when the dependent Item is frozen. VDC-101023*  
Users may be unable to enter an Event Date for the first Event in a newly created Casebook. VDC-103479  
The page may hang when a user attempts to add a Form Link in some studies. VDC-99583*
When a user adds a new row to an editable grid item group, the Complete button may disappear. VDC-99767  


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
The Copy Study Data from Production job may fail unexpectedly. VDC-100343*
When a site's assigned Principal Investigator's user name has a comma in it, the Copy Study Data from Production job may appear to fail, but data is still added to the PPT environment. VDC-101257*

Developer Features

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
With Retrieve Subjects, when filtering by multiple sites, users are still required to provide a study_country. So, users can only filter by Sites in the same Study Country. VDC-96911*  
If a Form contains an Item Group with only labels, Retrieve Form Data fails. VDC-99370*

Freezing & Locking

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Users may receive an error when attempting to freeze an Item. VDC-101009*  


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Users receive an "Object with id [any] not found" error when attempting to save an Integration Configuration with "Any" selected for one or more Casebook References. VDC-103867*  


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
If the Restricted Data Access permission is removed from a user's assigned Study Role, Vault no longer displays jobs they've run without the Include Restricted Data checkbox selected in the history. VDC-101313*  
In manual deployment studies, users may receive a "Study Instance not found for instance key: null" error when attempting to run an ad hoc job. VDC-101924*  
In manual deployment studies, the Last Reviewed By column is blank in the Additive Review Listing job output. VDC-102929


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
After a user receives the "Lab Result unit does not match the Lab Normal unit" Error, the Lab Result field becomes read-only. VDC-101169*
Updating Units may result in duplicate audit trail entries. VDC-101253*
Vault doesn't show a validation error when a user attempts to save a Lab Location without a Country. VDC-101258*  
In Studies using versionless labs, the blank Annotated PDF shows the same Unit Item twice for many unit-type Items. VDC-99162*
When Randomization is enabled, the migration to Versionless Labs fails. VDC-99619*, VDC-101396*
During versionless labs migration, Vault compares to the lab module for precision and length on LBTEST (Label), LBCLSIG(clinical significance), LBNRIND (normal range indicator), causing errors. VDC-99991*

Publishing Validation

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Studio doesn't generate "EL-008 Form Link Item Referenced in Coding Configuration" when a form link Item is referenced by a form's Coding Configuration. VDC-102000*  


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Users may receive a server error when attempting to update the value of an item with an open query. VDC-103106  


Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
The Deployment History button doesn't open the corresponding page. VDC-101544*  

Role & User Management

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
When multi-role security is enabled, the User Activity Report doesn't capture role changes or removals. VDC-102581  
Users with the Edit Users permission (including the CDMS User Administrator role) that aren't Vault Owners may be unable to create new users. VDC-98771*  

Study Administration

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Vault doesn't show the restricted data warning when generating closeout PDFs in bulk. VDC-103434

Study Data Extracts

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
The FSEQ and NSUBMITS columns may not be formatted correctly in the SYS_FORM file. VDC-100707*
SDE may fail when including custom objects but a custom object was removed from the vault. VDC-100722*  
Study Data Extract jobs may fail in migrated studies. VDC-103524  

Study Design

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
After a user sets a Length for a codelist-type Item, Vault still allows them to update the Name of a Codelist Item Definition to be longer than that Length. VDC-100152
Users may receive a duplicate key error when attempting to remove an Event from an Event Group with an override. VDC-101229*  
If a user copies a Form, then delete's that form's Coding Configuration in the target environment, and then copies the Form again, the copy job fails. VDC-94404*  
The View Related Objects action doesn't show for composite Items in Design view. VDC-98762*

UI & Performance

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
In Studio, there isn't enough space between cascading dependent Item Definitions in Design view. VDC-101608*  
CDB may take longer than usual to open an Export Definition. VDC-91355*  
Vault may take a long time to assign very large Synonym Lists. VDC-97183*  
The Review tab may not list the correct number in the Overdue Forms column in some Studies. VDC-99734*  
In PPT environments, CDMS doesn't maintain the default sort order for Casebooks in the Review tab. VDC-99813

Vault Administration

Issue Description Issue No. New Feature
Users may receive a server error when attempting to view EDC jobs in Admin > Business Admin. VDC-103309  

Maintenance Release: July 25, 2022

Release Number: 22R1.4.11 | Build Number: 11665

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Import The Workbench Export job may fail unexpectedly due to an internal error. 22R1.4.7

Maintenance Release: July 21, 2022

Release Number: 22R1.4.9 CDB | Build Number: 225

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Checks & Queries When a check opens a large number of queries, CDB may not show the correct counts for the check in the Query Action panel. VDC-101754
CDB - Checks & Queries If a user deploys a new version of a check (with updates to the Query Message and the target Item), CDB doesn't run the check in production. VDC-102112
CDB - Checks & Queries If a check is deleted, but the check opened queries prior to deletion, the check is still returned as a result when searching for checks. VDC-102431
CDB - Checks & Queries CDB may open but then immediately close queries generated by a check. VDC-102548
CDB - Deployment CDB may display the warning for previously deployed objects when none of the listings exist in the target environment. VDC-102117
CDB - Import When filters are applied to Import > Packages, CDB doesn't display all available results.
(Postponed to a future release)
CDB - Import The Workbench Export job may fail unexpectedly due to an internal error.
(Postponed to a future release)