Fixed Issues in 20R1 (Data Workbench)

Release Date: April 24, 2020

This week's release includes fixes for the following issues:

An asterisk (*) next to the issue number denotes an internally found defect filed during the development of Limited Release features.

Highlighted Issues

The fixes for the issues highlighted below may introduce behavioral changes from the previous release.

Category Description Issue No.

Clinical Query Language (CQL)

Issue Description Issue No.
Prior to this release, users couldn't enter a CQL query longer than 1000 characters in the CQL Editor. With this release, there is no longer a character limit on CQL queries in the CQL Editor. VDC-40217*
Filtering by @ItemGroup.SeqNbr with equals (for example, @ItemGroup.SeqNbr = 2) doesn't fully filter the result set. Vault returns additional record rows with different @ItemGroup.SeqNbr values. VDC-40484*
When a CQL query includes an "@ItemGroup.SeqNbr = 1" filter, Workbench doesn't correctly filter out repeating Item Groups with a Sequence Number other than "1". VDC-40727*
If a user edits the CQL query in a listing, Workbench doesn't return them to the first page of the data sheet to display the results from the edited query. VDC-40828*
Users receive an error when attempting to filter with a function on an Item, such as ILB(), when the Form contains a repeating Item Group. VDC-41003*

Data Workbench

Issue Description Issue No.
In some cases, users receive an error when attempting to access a Core Listing for a Form containing a repeating Item Group. VDC-39713*
CQL doesn't allow aliasing of @HDR detail properties or @Form header items. With this release, users can alias those items using AS. VDC-39990*
With very large data import files, import into Data Workbench may take a long time or even fail. VDC-40107*, VDC-40139*
Data imports may fail when a Study has multiple versions of an Item Group definition. VDC-40234*
Data import may fail when a Form contains only repeating Item Groups. VDC-40323*
Prior to this release, users couldn't enter a CQL query longer than 1000 characters in the CQL Editor. With this release, there is no longer a character limit on CQL queries in the CQL Editor. VDC-40590*
When viewing a Core Listing with Internet Explorerâ„¢, clicking Listings in the breadcrumb menu opens the Studies page instead of the Listings page. VDC-40608
Loading a Study containing data from multiple sources may fail for all sources in the Study except for the one loaded first. VDC-41880*
3rd party data import fails when a package references a Subject ID that is only unique at the Site level and not within the entire Study. VDC-42071

UI & Performance

Issue Description Issue No.
Vertical scrolling on a listing can hide the data sheet's header row when the CQL Editor is open. With this release, the header row of the data sheet is pinned to the top of the table, regardless of scroll position. VDC-37651*
Data sheets with many rows may hide the horizontal scrollbar. In this release, the horizontal scrollbar remains visible, regardless of the number of rows. VDC-40025*
For certain Core Listings, the tooltip text for a listing's Form Name has "$VIEW" appended to it. VDC-40044*
Internet Explorerâ„¢ doesn't display any data in Workbench. VDC-40183*