Publishing Validation Errors & Warnings
See the information below for help troubleshooting errors and warnings that occur when validating a casebook version:
Vault EDC downgrades most rule-related errors to warnings when the invalid Rule Definition is Inactive.
Common Error Messages
You must resolve all errors before Vault EDC will allow you to publish your casebook version. See the Actions column in the table below for possible ways to resolve each error.
Error No. | Name | Explanation | Actions |
EA-001 | Assessment references a Restricted Form | The Assessment has a restricted Form selected as visible (supplemental data). Restricted Forms are not allowed as supplemental data for assessments. |
EBOS-001 | Blank Event Group | The Event Group doesn’t contain any Events. The Event Group Definition - Event Def ( |
EBOS-002 | Blank Event | The Event doesn’t contain any Forms. The Event Definition - Form Definition ( |
EBOS-003 | Blank Form | The Form doesn’t contain any Item Groups. The Form Definition - Item Group Definition ( |
EBS-004 | Blank Item Group | The Item Group doesn’t contain any Items. The Item Group Definition - Item Definition ( |
ECB-001 | Casebook Variable data type doesn't match assigned data type of Study Reference | The Study Reference uses a different Data Type than the one assigned to the Casebook Variable. |
ECB-002 | Invalid Study Reference assigned to Casebook Variable | The Study Reference no longer occurs on the study schedule. |
ECB-003 | Study Reference assigned to Casebook Variable cannot be in a repeating object | The Study Reference is inside of a repeating Event Group, Form, or Item Group. Study references must not be repeating. |
ECC-003 | Coding Configuration is copying indication from a linked restricted form | The Coding Configuration is copying the Indication from a Form Link that uses a restricted Form. |
EE-001 | Log Event on Repeating Event Group | The Event Group Definition ( |
EE-002 | Unscheduled Events do not share a Visit Method | Unscheduled Events added to the schedule must share at least one Visit Method |
EF-001 | Duplicate Common Event Form | The Study has more than one Log type event, and a single Form Definition is reused in 2 or more of those Events. |
EI-001 | Duplicate System Rule 1 | A system rule already exists for that validation property and Item combination. |
EIG-001 | Item Group Display Format Invalid 1 | The Item Group has more than sixteen (16) Items. Vault can’t display more than 16 Items in tabular (grid) view. |
EL-001 | Indication Item Must be a Text Data Type 1 | The Indication item cannot have a data type other than text because it is configured to store values from linked forms. |
EL-002 | Copy Item Must be Text or Codelist 1 | The Copy Item used in form linking to copy into an Indication item cannot have a data type other than text or codelist. |
EL-003 | Copy Item's Item Group Cannot be Repeating 1 | The Copy item’s Item Group used in form linking to copy into an Indication item cannot be a repeating item group. This error occurs when the Item Group was changed to repeating after the form link was set. |
EL-004 | Form Link Display Items No Longer Valid on the Linked Form 1 | The Form Link Item’s display items are no longer valid due to being removed or set as repeating. |
EL-006 | Linked Form is Empty on Form Link Item 1 | The Form Link Item no longer has a Linked Form populated. This error may occur if the form is deleted from the study. |
EL-007 | Form Link Item References Restricted Form 1 | The Form Link Item references a restricted form from a non-restricted form. This error occurs if the form was made restricted after the item was created. |
EL-008 | Form Link Item Referenced in Coding Configuration 1 | The Form Link Item is referenced in a Coding Configuration, which is not supported. |
EL-009 | Form on Item Link is Invalid 1 | The form used in the Form Link is not available in the study definition. |
EL-010 | Display Item on Item Link is Missing 1 | There is a linked form but no display items. This error may occur if the form design changed on the source form and the items were removed from that form or Item Group. |
ELB-001 | Invalid Study Reference for Casebook Variable Sex | The Sex casebook variable must be associated with an item referencing the Sex codelist. |
ELB-002 | Invalid Data Type for Casebook Variable Birth Date | The Birth Date casebook variable must have a Date data type. |
ELB-003 | Invalid Data Type for Casebook Variable Birth Year | The Birth Year casebook variable must be have a Number data type. |
ELB-004 | Lab Panel cannot reference Archived Analyte | A Lab Panel can’t reference [Analyte Name] because it is archived. |
ER-001 | Event Group Won't Display 1 | The Event Group is on the schedule, but there is no Add Schedule rule that adds the Event Group to the schedule. |
ER-002 | Orphan System Rule 1 | The rule is system-generated (name starting with “R_QUERY”), but the referenced object definition’s Private Key doesn’t point to an object that any casebook version for the Study includes. |
ER-003 | Orphan Rule Criterion 1 | The rule points to an object definition (in the expression) that is no longer used in any casebook version for the Study. |
ER-004 | Null Object in Rule Criterion 1 | The rule has an identifier in the expression (set of Private Keys) that can’t be evaluated for that combination of keys in any casebook version for the Study. |
ER-005 | Null Object in Rule Action 1 | The rule has an identifier in the action (set of Private Keys) that can’t be evaluated for that combination of keys in any casebook version for the Study. |
ER-008 | Invalid Data Type System Rule 1 | System rules (edit checks) are usually tied to properties that are specific to a given data type. If you update an item’s data type in a way that the property is no longer associated (for example, going from number to text removes the Minimum Value property), Vault doesn’t automatically remove the rule. |
ER-009 | Null System Rule 1 | The Item Definition record’s Private Key is null. |
ER-010 | Invalid Rule 1 | The expression contains an invalid function or operator. |
ER-017 | Derived Value Data Type Mismatch 1 | The value returned from the expression doesn’t match the targeted Item’s data type:
ER-018 | Duplicate Rule Action Identifiers 1 | The rule action contains a duplicate identifier. For rule types that allow you to select multiple identifiers, if all parts of a selected identifier match a previously selected identifier, Vault considers that identifier a duplicate. |
ER-021 | Item Must Be a Date or DateTime 1 | For the Set Subject Status rule action, you can only use an Item with the Date or DateTime data type for the status change date. |
ER-022 | Referenced review plan doesn't exist 1 | The Review Plan chosen for an Override Review Plan rule doesn’t exist. Likely, the Review Plan was removed. |
ER-023 | Referenced Casebook Variable cannot be resolved 1 | A rule’s expression references a casebook variable, and Vault can’t locate the Event Date or Item identified as the variable’s Study Reference. |
ER-024 | Compare To data type doesn't match data type of the item reference 1 | The Data Type for the Compare To field doesn’t match the Data Type of the Item Reference. |
ER-025 | Orphan Form in Rule 1 | The rule expression points to an orphan or invalid Form. |
ER-026 | Sequence number specified for non-repeating object 1 | The rule expression specifies a sequence number, using square brackets ([]), for an Event Group, Form, or Item Group identifier that isn’t repeating. |
ER-027 | No replacement value provided for item allowing unknown values 1 | The rule expression references an Item that allows unknown values for date or time without providing a replacement value. |
ER-028 | A rule with this action type already exists 1 | Only one rule with the Set as Ready to Randomize rule action is allowed per Study. |
ER-029 | Invalid identifier for the "Randomized" rule type 1 | Rule expressions for Set as Ready to Randomize rules can’t use floating (@) identifiers (also known as “wildcard identifiers”). |
ER-030 | Referenced Category doesn't exist 1 | The Category selected in the rule action no longer exists. The Category was deleted after rule creation. |
ER-031 | Referenced Subcategory doesn't exist 1 | The Subcategory selected in the rule action no longer exists. The Subcategory was deleted after rule creation. |
ER-032 | Referenced Severity doesn't exist 1 | The Severity selected in the rule action no longer exists. The Severity was deleted after rule creation. |
ER-033 | Date of Deviation reference must be a Date 1 | The item reference chosen for Date of Deviation in the rule action isn’t of the date or datetime data type. The data type for the Item was changed after rule creation. |
ER-034 | Expression is referencing a link that doesn't exist 1 | The rule expression references a Form Link identifier that no longer exists. The Form Link existed at the time of rule creation, but it was later deleted. |
ER-035 | Sequence number must be specified 1 | The reference chosen for Date of Deviation is in either a repeating Event Group (for Event Date) or a repeating Form or Item Group (for Item references), but there is no Sequence Number specified. The reference wasn’t repeating at the time of rule creation, but it was later made repeating. |
ER-036 | Rule missing required rule action 1 | The rule doesn’t have a configured Rule Action. |
ER-038 | Invalid Rule Action 1 | An Item is changed to derived after it’s already been used in a rule. Derived items can only be used with the Set Derived Value rule action. |
ER-039 | Invalid Derivation version - Cross-form 1 | The derivation version is set to cross-form but Set Item Value rules are configured. |
ER-040 | Invalid Derivation version - Single Form 1 | The derivation version is set to single form but Set Derived Value rules are configured. |
ER-042 | Cross-form Derivation on Coder Item 1 | A Set Derived Value rule on a verbatim or related item for Coder cannot reference forms other than |
ER-044 | Invalid Rule Action Identifier 1 | The rule action contains an invalid identifier for the referenced form. |
ER-045 | Invalid @Form Identifier 1 | The rule expression contains an invalid identifier for the referenced form. |
ECR-002 | Invalid Comparison Rule Identifier 1 | The comparison rule contains an invalid identifier with a relationship that doesn’t exist in any casebook version. . |
ECR-003 | Invalid sequence number in Comparison Rule 1 | The comparison rule refers to a sequence number for an object that exceeds the object’s repeat maximum. |
ECR-004 | Sequence number specified for non-repeating object in Comparison Rule 1 | The comparison rule refers to a sequence number for an object that is no longer repeating. |
ECR-005 | Duplicate identifiers in Comparison Rule 1 | Identifier 1 and 2 cannot be exactly identical |
ECR-006 | Invalid data type in Comparison Rule 1 | The comparison rule refers to an item that is not a date or datetime data type. |
ECR-007 | Duplicate Comparison Rules 1 | Multiple comparison rules exist with the same configuration (except for rule name). |
ESF-001 | [E2B ID] is expected to be in a non-repeating Item Group | This E2B ID must be mapped to an Item that is not in a repeating Item Group because Allow Multiple SAEs per Safety Case is set to No. This includes the following E2B IDs: E.i.3.1, E.i.3.2a, E.i.3.2b, E.i.3.2c, E.i.3.2d, E.i.3.2e, E.i.3.2f, E.i.4, E.i.5, E.i.6a, E.i.6b, E.i.7, E.i.8, E.i.9, G.k.9.i.2.r.3, and G.k.9.i.4. |
ESF-002 | [E2B ID] is expected to be in the same repeating Item Group as E.i.1.1a | This E2B ID must be mapped to an Item that is in the same repeating Item Group as the Item mapped to E.i.1.1a. This includes the following E2B IDs: E.i.3.1, E.i.3.2a, E.i.3.2b, E.i.3.2c, E.i.3.2d, E.i.3.2e, E.i.3.2f, E.i.4, E.i.5, E.i.6a, E.i.6b, E.i.7, E.i.8, E.i.9, G.k.9.i.2.r.3, and G.k.9.i.4. |
ESF-005 | Type 2: [E2B ID] is expected to be in a non-repeating Item Group | This E2B ID (G.k.8) must be mapped to an Item that is not in a repeating Item Group. |
ESF-006 | Safety Configuration references a [definition type] that is not in the latest casebook version | An Event Group, Event, Form, Item Group, or Item referenced by the Safety Configuration is not available in the latest casebook version. |
ESF-007 | Safety Configuration references a [parent definition type] to [child definition type] relationship that is not in the latest casebook version | A definition relationship (study schedule or form layout) between these two objects is referenced by the Safety Configuration but does not exist in the latest casebook version. |
ESF-008 | Missing SAE Start Date Mapping | There isn’t a mapping for SAE Start Date (E.i.4 - Date of Start of Reaction/Event) and a safety configuration exists for the study. |
ESF-009 | Missing SAE End Date Mapping | There isn’t a mapping for SAE Start Date (E.i.5 - Date of End of Reaction/Event) and a safety configuration exists for the study. |
ESF-010 | Missing [Grouping Property Section] Start Date Mapping | The safety configuration is missing the start date mapping for the form type and that form type is enabled. These start date mappings include: G.k.4.r.4, F.r.1, D.7.1.r.2, G.k.4.r.4, or D.8.r.4. |
ESF-012 | Reporter comments mapping is invalid | The mapping for Reporter Comments isn’t up to date with the latest study design. |
ESF-013 | Reporter comments inclusion is invalid | The properties for Site Linked Only or In Case Only are not valid or current to the study design and safety configuration. |
ESF-015 | Form needs safety integration inclusion criteria | The form [Form Name] is configured as a safety mapping with the Safety Form Type [Form Type]. This type requires at least one inclusion criterion. |
ESF-016 | Form needs mapped item | The form [Form Name] is configured as a safety mapping with the Safety Form Type [Form Type]. There must be at least one Item mapped from the Form. |
ESF-017 | Invalid value mappings for safety configured item |
ESF-019 | Form needs key item and value information | Form [ form definition name] is configured as a safety mapping with Safety Form Type [grouping property picklist label]. There must be information set for the Safety Key Item and Safety Key Item Value for this type of form. |
ESF-020 | [ E2B Section Label ] cannot be defined more than once | [ E2B Grouping Property Label ] cannot be defined more than once in safety form mappings. |
EINTG-001 | Rule and Integration Definition Form Mismatch | The Form directly referenced by the Rule and the Integration Definition must match. |
EINTG-002 | Integration Study Reference Invalid | The Integration Definition references study objects that don’t exist in any casebook version. |
EINTG-003 | A Required Column Is Not Defined | A required column (field) isn’t defined on the Integration Definition. |
Common Warning Messages
Vault EDC does not require you to resolve all warnings before publishing your casebook version. If you choose to resolve a warning prior to publishing, see the Actions column in the table below for ways to resolve a warning.
Warning No. | Name | Explanation | Actions |
WCB-01 | Casebook Name Set to 1 | The current Casebook Definition record’s Name is “1”. |
WEW-001 | Circular Event Window | The Event Window contains a circular reference. For example, the Screening event references Enrollment for the Offset Event, but then the Enrollment event references the Screening event for its Offset Event. |
WEW-002 | Invalid Window on First Event | The first Event in the study schedule references an Event in the Offset Event property. This property must be blank on the first event in the schedule. |
WEW-003 | Offset Event Not in Schedule | The event’s Offset Event selection is not in an Event Group on the study schedule. |
WEW-004 | Offset Event Not Available | The event’s Offset Event selection is within an Event Group that is only added to the schedule by a rule that won’t fire while the subject is in the Event. |
WEW-005 | Offset Event Invalid | The event’s Offset Event selection occurs later in the study schedule than the event. |
WF-001 | Two or more Forms in the same Event have the same label | Two or more Forms in the same Event have the same label. |
WF-002 | The item total count is greater than the supported maximum | The number of items on the Form, calculated from items in item groups and repeating item groups based on the repeat maximum, exceeds the configured maximum. |
WID-001 | OID is not Unique (Study) | The External ID (formerly known as OID) for that object type in the Study. |
WID-002 | OID is not Unique (Parent) | The External ID (formerly known as OID) for the object record is not unique within the parent object definition in the study design. For example, an item’s External ID is not unique within its parent Item Group when there are two Items with the External ID “I.DIASTOLIC_BLOOD_PRESSURE” in the Vitals item group. |
WIG-002 | Item Group Tabular Display Contains Label | At least one Item in the Item Group has the Label item type. Vault doesn’t display label-type Items in tabular (grid) view. |
WL-001 | Form Link References a Non-repeating Form | The form link references a form that is not a repeating form. |
WL-002 | Form Link References an Orphan Form | The form link references a form that is not in the schedule because the Event Group containing the Form does not have an Add Schedule rule or the Form is dynamically added and does not yet exist. |
WL-003 | Copy Item was Moved or Deleted | The Copy Item used in form linking was deleted, moved to another item group, or moved to another form and must be updated. |
WLB-001 | Invalid Study Reference for Casebook Variable Female Cycle | Local Labs is enabled but the Female Cycle casebook variable isn’t associated with an item referencing the Female Cycle codelist. |
WR-008 | Orphan Object in View | The identifier (set of Private Keys) in the mapping to the column can’t be evaluated for any combination of keys in any casebook version for that Study. |
WR-009 | Null Object in View | One or more parts of the identifier (set of Private Keys) in the mapping to the column is null or can’t be evaluated for any combination of keys in a casebook version for that Study. |
WR-011 | Dynamic Flag Not Set | An Add Event or Add Form rule references an Event or Form that doesn’t have the Dynamic checkbox selected. |
WR-012 | Dynamic Object Won't Display | An Event or Form that is marked as Dynamic doesn’t have a related Rule Definition that adds it to the Casebook. |
WR-016 | Multiple dynamic rules on object | There are multiple dynamic rules (Add Event Group, Add Event, or Add Form) that add this Event Group, Event, or Form in the rule action. This can cause conflicts during rule execution, resulting in display issues. |
WR-017 | Multiple Override review plan rules on form definition | A single Form is referenced by multiple Override Review Plan rules using the same review task (SDV or DMR). |
WR-021 | Rule evaluation might result in too many permutations | The rule’s expression contains multiple, fully-qualified identifiers on repeating objects. This might result in too many permutations for evaluation. |
WR-025 | Orphan Form in Rule | The Rule references an orphaned or invalid Form. |
WSC-001 | Missing SDV Review Plan | An SDV-type Review Plan doesn’t exist for this Study. |
WSC-002 | Missing Signature Statement | There are no active Signature Definition object records that reference this Study. |
WSC-003 | Orphan Review Plan Object | The Review Plan references the Private Key of a definition object record that isn’t used in any casebook version for the Study. |
WSC-004 | Null Object in Review Plan | The Review Plan references the Private Key of a definition object record that doesn’t exist in any casebook version for the Study. |
WSC-005 | Randomizing rules in studies without Randomization | Rules used in Randomization are triggered when Randomization is not configured. |
WSC-006 | No Set as Ready to Randomize rule | Randomization is configured but there is no Set as Ready to Randomize rule. |
WSC-007 | Multiple Set as Ready to Randomize rules | There are multiple Set as Ready to Randomize rules. |
ER-019 | Form Cannot Be Repeating | The Form selected in the Rule Details panel for a Set Subject Status rule must not be a repeating Form. |
ER-020 | Sequence Number must be specified | Any repeating object definitions (event groups, forms, or item groups) in the Set Subject Status rule action identifiers must have a sequence number specified. |
ER-041 | Circular Reference in Derived Rules | Derived rules are creating a circular reference between items. |
ER-046 | Subject Status Rule Action must be fully qualified | The Subject Status rule action identifier cannot contain “this event group”, “this event”, or “this form”. |
ER-048 | Rule contains invalid sequence number after a link | Link identifiers cannot contain sequence numbers after the link. |
WPD-001 | The controlling item is not a codelist or boolean value | The Item chosen for the progressive display Controlling Item is not of the codelist or boolean (checkbox) data type. |
WPD-002 | The codelist values have changed and can't be evaluated | The codelist item chosen for the Controlling Item Value (progressive display) has been updated or removed. |
WPD-003 | The controlling item cannot be evaluated | The Item chosen as the Controlling Item has been removed from the Form in the current casebook version. |
WPD-004 | Hide/Show in Editable Grid | This Item is configured to hide/show inside of an editable grid. Due to this, Vault will display this Item as enable/disable. |
WLB-001 | Invalid Study Reference for Casebook Variable Female Cycle | Labs is enabled for this Study, but the Female Cycle casebook variable isn’t mapped to an Item that uses the Female Cycle codelist. |
WE-001 | Event contains only Restricted Forms | All Forms within this Event are restricted (Restricted checkbox property is selected). For users without the Restricted Data Access permission, this Event will display as a blank Event (having no Forms). |
WE-002 | Two or more Events in the same Casebook have the same label | Two or more Events have the same Label in the casebook. This may cause an issue when generating blank PDFs or in how the casebook displays to users. |
WEG-001 | Two or more Event Groups in the same Casebook have the same label | Two or more Event Groups have the same Label in the casebook. This may cause an issue when generating blank PDFs. |
WEG-002 | Unscheduled Event Group contains more than one non-dynamic event | An Unscheduled Event Group contains more than one non-dynamic event. |
WCL-001 | Item Length is longer than the longest codelist length | The Length for the Item associated to the Codelist is longer than the longest Code value in the Codelist. |
WSF-011 | [Grouping Property Section] End Date Mapping | [Grouping Property Label]/[Form Definition Name] End Date mapping is missing (D.8.r.5, G.k.4.r.5, or D.7.1.r.4) and there are duration based rules for this section. As a result, Vault will use the Start Date as the End Date for duration based evaluations. |
WSF-014 | Form used multiple times in study schedule | The form [form] is configured as a safety mapping with the [type] form type. This form is used multiple times in the study schedule. The data from this safety configuration type is answered only once in a safety case. Ensure that the appropriate dynamic rues exist so that the subject can only have this form once in their study schedule. |