E2B Elements Reference

This page lists static and system-generated (looked up) E2B elements that are sent to the safety system in the Safety Case, alongside the mapped E2B elements.

E2B ID E2B Element Data Type Source Lookup Field Static Value Explanation
N.1.1 Type of Messages in Batch Number (2) Static 1

This is always set to “1” for ICH ICSR.

N.1.2 Batch Number Number (100) Looked Up safety_case__v.cdms_safety_case_unique_id__v

This value is a concatenation of the Site for the Subject (ISO two letter code), the unique identifier for your EDC system (unique to all Studies in that vault), the vault’s ID, the object record’s ID, a dash (“-“), and the numeric value for the Nth message of the case (for example, “US-VAULTCDMS-110377V6800000000L003-1”). The EDC system identifier has “TEST” appended to it when in non-production environments. For the message number, “0” is the first send, “1” is the first follow up, and so on.

N.1.3 Batch Sender Identifier Text (60) Looked Up transmission_profile__v.batch_sender_identifier__v

This is the Batch Sender Identifier specified in the study’s Transmission Profile. This matches up with the sender profile configured in the safety system.

N.1.4 Batch Receiver Identifier Text (60) Looked Up safety_definition__v.batch_receiver_identifier__v

This is the Batch Receiver Identifier specified in the study’s Transmission Profile. This matches up with the receiver profile configured in the safety system.

N.1.5 Date of Batch Transmission Datetime Looked Up safety_message__v.date_of_transmission__v

The full date and time (in UTC) of when Vault creates the Safety Message and its XML file.

N.2.r.1 Message Identifier Text (100) Looked Up safety_case__v.cdms_safety_case_unique_id__v-safety_message__v.message_id__v

This is the same as “N.1.2”.

N.2.r.2 Message Sender Identifier Text (60) Looked Up transmission_profile__v.batch_sender_identifier__v

This is the same as “N.1.2”.

N.2.r.3 Message Receiver Identifier Text (60) Looked Up safety_definition__v.batch_receiver_identifier__v

This is the same as “N.1.2”.

N.2.r.4 Date of Message Creation Datetime Looked Up safety_message__v.created_date__v

This is the same as “N.1.5”.

C.1.1 Sender's (case) Safety Report Unique Identifier Text (100) Looked Up safety_case__v.cdms_safety_case_unique_id__v

This value is a concatenation of the Site for the Subject (ISO two letter code), the unique identifier for your EDC system (unique to all Studies in that vault), the vault’s ID, and the object record’s ID (for example, “US-VAULTCDMS-110377V6800000000L003”). The EDC system identifier has “TEST” appended to it when in non-production environments.

C.1.2 Date of Creation Datetime Looked Up safety_message__v.created_date__v

Vault creates the Safety Message right before transmitting it. This field captures the date of creation to the second. It acts as a message identifier.

C.1.3 Type of Report Number (1) Static 2

This is set to “2” for “Report from Study”.

C.1.4 Date Report Was First Received from Source Datetime Looked Up safety_case__v.date_report_first_received_from_source__v

This field captures the date and time when all required fields (Items) are captured for an SAE.

C.1.5 Date of Most Recent Information for This Report Datetime Looked Up safety_message__v.date_most_recent_info_in_report__v

Stores the Last Submitted Date for all Form instances contained in the E2B XML

C.1.7 Does This Case Fulfill the Local Criteria for an Expedited Report? Boolean Static true
C.1.8.1 Worldwide Unique Case Identification Number Text (100) Looked Up safety_case__v.cdms_safety_case_unique_id__v

This is the same as “C.1.1”.

C.1.8.2 First Sender of This Case Number (1) Static 2

This is always set to “2” for “Other”.

C.1.11.1 Report Nullification / Amendment Number (1) Condition based

If the Message Type is “Amendment”, Vault sets this field to “2”. If the Message Type is “Nullification”, Vault sets this field to “1”.

C.2.r.1.2 Reporter's Given Name Text (60) Looked Up safety_case__v.first_reporter_first_name__v

If the field is null, this isn’t included.

C.2.r.1.4 Reporter's Family Name Text (60) Looked Up safety_case__v.first_reporter_last_name__v

If the field is null, this isn’t included.

C.2.r.3 Reporter's Country Code Text (2) Looked Up safety_case__v.first_reporter_country__v
C.2.r.5 Primary Source for Regulatory Purposes Number (1) Static 1
C.3.2 Sender's Organization Text (100) Looked Up study__v.organization___v

This is the Name of the study’s Organization (in EDC, the sender).

C.5.3 Sponsor Study Number Text (50) Looked Up study__v.name__v

This is the study’s name/label.

C.5.4 Study Type Where Reaction(s) / Event(s) Were Observed Number (1) Static 1

This is always set to “1”, for “Clinical Trials”.

E.i.9 Identification of the Country Where the Reaction/Event Occurred Text (2) Looked Up site__v.study_country__v

2 character country code for the site’s Study Country

D.7.1.r.1a MedDRA Version for Medical History Text (4) Looked Up mc_request__vr.dictionary_release__v.display_name__v

“MedDRA” is removed from the string. This field is only sent once it is Coded or Autocoded, because there’s no place for the Medical History Term in the E2B, only the coded values.

D.7.1.r.1b Medical History (disease / surgical / procedure / etc.) (MedDRA Code) Number (8) Looked Up mc_request__v.col5_id__v
D.1 Patient (name or initials) Text (60) Looked Up study_country__v-site__v -subject__v