Comparing Vaults

You can compare the vault-level configuration between two vaults from Tools > System Tools > Deployment. With this report, you can easily identify what changes your vault-level deployment will apply.

In the current release, Vault compares the following configuration elements:

  • Custom Roles
  • Custom Objects
  • Change Reasons
  • Reports
  • Dashboards
  • User Managed Groups

How to Compare Vaults

To compare vaults:

  1. Navigate to Tools > System Tools > Deployment.
  2. Select a Source Vault.
  3. Select a Target Vault.
  4. Click Compare Vaults.
  5. In the confirmation dialog, click OK.
  6. When the job finishes, Vault sends you an email with a link to download the output Excel™ file.

About the Output File

The output file of the Vault Comparison job (“diff report”) is an Excel™ file with a summary worksheet and then a worksheet for each component that Vault evaluates during comparison:

Each worksheet contains a column for the Source Vault and the Target Vault. The values in these columns indicate what is present in each vault. If the cell is blank in the Target Vault column, this means that the component isn’t present in the target vault.


The Summary worksheet lists the name of the Source Vault and the Target Vault and the date that the comparison occurred.

Custom Roles

The Custom Roles worksheet lists all differences in custom Study Roles between the source and target vaults.

Note that Vault only compares custom Study Roles that are on the Deployment Whitelist. Learn to add Study Roles to the Deployment List.

Vault evaluates the following objects for custom role comparison. These are identified in the Types column.

  • Permission
  • Permission Set
  • Object Lifecycle
  • Matching Sharing Rules
  • Application Role Custom Object
Column Description
Study Role The Study Role in which there is a difference between vaults.
Type The object that contains the difference. For example, if the Study Role has a new permission in the target vault, the type is “Permission”.
Component The component (by Label) that is different. For example, if a study role has the Sign permission in the source vault, this column lists “Sign”.
Source Vault Yes/No, if the component is present in the source vault.
Target Vault Yes/No, if the component is present in the target vault.

Custom Objects

The Custom Objects worksheet lists differences in the configuration of custom Vault objects in the source and target vaults.

Note that Vault only compares objects that are on the Deployment List. You can add objects to the deployment list from System Tools > Custom Objects.

Vault tracks differences between the source and target vaults for both object- and field-level configuration.

Column Description
Custom Object Label of the custom object
Type Detail or Field: Detail is object-level configuration, and Field is field-level configuration.
Component The label of the object configuration or object field.
Sub-component The name of the field configuration. This is marked as N/A for any Detail-type components.
Source Vault The value of the field in the source vault.
Target Vault The value of the field in the source vault.

Change Reasons

The Change Reasons worksheet lists differences between Change Reasons in the source and target vaults.

Vault evaluates differences on the following Change Reason configuration fields. These are identified in the Type column:

  • Change Reason Type
  • Change Reason Subtype
  • Change Reason Status
Column Description
Change Reason Name The Name of the Change Reason
Type The Type of the Change Reason (Change Reason Type, Change Reason Subtype, and Change Reason Status)
Source Vault The value of the field in the Source vault
Target Vault The value of the field in the Target vault


The Reports worksheet lists differences between Reports in the source and target vaults.

Note that Vault only compares Reports that are on the Deployment Whitelist. Learn how to add Reports to the Deployment Whitelist.

Vault evaluates differences on the following reporting configurations. These are identified in the Type column:

  • Report Description
  • Report Type (the Report Type of the Report)
  • Report Name
  • Sharing Settings
  • Report Type
    • Label
    • Name
    • Status
Column Description
Report or Report Setting The Name of the Report, or, for report type configuration, the Label of the Report Type, that is different between the two vaults.
Type The reporting configuration that is different: Report Description, Report Type, Report Name, or Sharing Settings.
Component The difference within the report type configuration: Label, Name, or Status.
Source Vault The value of the field in the Source vault
Target Vault The value of the field in the Target vault


The Dashboards worksheet lists differences between Dashboards in the source and target vaults.

Note that Vault only compares Dashboards that are on the Deployment Whitelist. Learn how to add Dashboards to the Deployment Whitelist.

Vault evaluates differences on the following dashboard configurations. These are identified in the Type, Component, and Sub Component columns:

  • Field (Dashboard-level configuration)
    • Label
    • Name
    • Type
    • Sharing Settings
  • Chart
    • Featured
    • Label
    • Report
    • Type
Column Description
Dashboard The Label of the Dashboard that is different between the two vaults.
Type The Type of configuration that is different: Field or Chart.
Component For Field-type differences, the dashboard configuration field that is different: Label, Name, Type, or Sharing Settings.

For Chart-type differences, the Label of the Chart that is different.
Sub Component For Chart-type differences, the chart configuration field that is different: Label, Report, Type, Featured.

This column is blank for Field-type differences.
Source Vault The value of the field in the Source vault
Target Vault The value of the field in the Target vault

User Managed Groups

The User Managed Groups worksheet lists differences between user managed Groups in the source and target vaults.

Vault evaluates differences on the following group configurations. These are identified in the Component column:

  • Label
  • Description
  • Status
  • Included Security Profiles
Column Description
User Managed Group Name The Name of the user managed Group that is different.
Type This column lists “User Managed Group” for every row.
Component The Component of configuration that is different between the source and target vaults: Label, Description, Status, or Included Security Profiles.
Source Vault The value of the field in the Source vault
Target Vault The value of the field in the Target vault


The Vault Comparison job output now includes columns for data from the Labs module. The output includes the following tabs:

  • Analyte Library: This tab lists all of the analyte differences between the source and destination vault
  • Lab Units: This tab lists all of the unit differences between the source and destination vault
  • Lab Codelist: This tab lists all of the codelist differences between the source and destination vault