24R2 Maintenance Releases

A “maintenance release” is a release that contains fixes for issues that are affecting customers in production environments. We communicate 24 hours prior to the release that we will be applying a maintenance release and that there will be a short service disruption. This list only covers fixes to General Release versions.

The list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the release occurs. When we identify issues to fix in a maintenance release, we attempt to get them into the earliest release possible. Sometimes, we target a specific release but are not able to deliver a fix early enough for full testing. In situations like this, we postpone the fix for a later release and strike out the description in this list.

We number maintenance releases by appending the number of the maintenance release to the General Release number. Vault CDMS uses odd-numbered releases, while Vault uses even-numbered releases. The most recent General Release was 24R2, so our maintenance releases for this version are 24R2.0.3, 24R2.0.5, and so on.

November 2024

November 14, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.37 | Build Number: 10864 CDMS

This release did not include any customer-facing issues. This release improved internal infrastructure.

November 13, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.35 | Build Number: 242 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL Call Sys_ILB may not return all expected data. VDC-166726, VDC-173371
CDB - CQL Users may receive an "Error Updating CQL" when attempting to update an Export Definition. VDC-172506
CDB - Import In incremental import studies, third party import may fail during the full load due to a deadlock, and CDB doesn't retry the job. VDC-172961
CDB - Import Incremental import doesn't account for precision correctly with a maximum length on the Item.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Import Primary source imports into OpenEDC studies in a swap may cause the Study to get stuck in the Pending status. VDC-173551
CDB - Import If a study's Name contains a whitespace, import of reference data packages gets stuck in processing. VDC-174198
CDB - Queries Check-opened queries on OpenEDC or third party data may not display correctly. VDC-173759

November 7, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.35 | Build Number: 10859 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Jobs In some cases, after the timing of an SDE job is updated, the job does not include originally configured Custom Objects and Datasets the next time it is run. VDC-173016
Library Collections In come cases, rules do not copy as expected from a Library collection to a study. VDC-170157
Queries A query may be marked as Closed in Coder but still be Answered in EDC. VDC-173219

October 2024

October 30, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.33 | Build Number: 235 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Checks & Queries CDB closes queries opened by checks immediately if the check's CQL has a coding function in the subquery. VDC-169034
CDB - Export The Export Audit Log doesn't include entries for deleted export packages. VDC-168618
CDB - Export In incremental import studies, export package generation may fail with an unknown column error for @HDR.Event.Name. VDC-173297
CDB - Import Incremental import jobs may take too long, which causes the job to stop. VDC-172132
CDB - Import Non-incremental EDC imports may fail unexpectedly with an unnamed error. VDC-172857
CDB - Import Incremental import may not fully import Form Links, which causes related fields to be blank in listing output, including Sys_Links. VDC-173359

October 25, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.33 | Build Number: 10839 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Jobs Audit Trail Export jobs take an overly long time to complete. VDC-173001
Queries Reverted VDC-169951 because this change caused Last Queried By to not be captured on query response. VDC-173180

October 23, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.31 | Build Number: 10828 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Casebook Versioning The ER-047 casebook validation is incorrectly reported as E7-046. VDC-166482
E2BLink In some cases, duplicate Safety Connector Subjects can be created for the same study. VDC-166665
Freezing & Locking In some cases, snapshots affect all repeating event group instances instead of instances that fall within the specified start/end sequence numbers. VDC-167911
Integrations Curriculum assignments imported via Load from File cannot be saved to multiple studies. VDC-167316
Integrations The user training report loads courses with a Learning System Status of Archived. VDC-171451
Integrations Some site users are incorrectly imported as sponsor users. VDC-172103
Jobs Snapshot generation fails when a subject is on a casebook version that removed the ending Event Group from the study schedule. VDC-165932
Jobs In some cases, the Difference Report job completes with errors. VDC-171346
Publishing Validation If a derived item's rule is archived, publishing validation doesn't return the appropriate error. VDC-153601
Queries A query may be marked as Closed in Coder but still be Answered in EDC. VDC-169951
Role & User Management Custom User Administrator roles that do not have the Manage Learning permission cannot manage users' study or role assignments and access for studies that have required training. VDC-172462
Rule Execution Derivation results should not be persisted if the item is not a derived item. VDC-168007
SDS & Annotated PDFs In some cases, the range annotation is only displayed in the PDF when an item has a maximum range. Minimum ranges alone are not displayed. VDC-169871
SDS & Annotated PDFs When a user generates an SDS without selecting the Include Rules checkbox, No Future Date related columns don't show the correct values. VDC-170183
UI & Performance In some cases, the system query window does not close when expected. VDC-168391
UI & Performance In some cases, users encounter an error when moving from item to item during data entry. VDC-169543

October 16, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.29 | Build Number: 228 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Checks & Queries When queries are opened and closed via check, Workbench doesn't populate origin fields on the query. VDC-169971, VDC-170398
CDB - Checks & Queries When a check opens a query on an item, and then the check is modified to action against a different item, CDB doesn't close the original query and open a query on the new Item. Then, if the user deletes the check, CDB doesn't remove the query. VDC-171851
CDB - Export Export package generation may fail with an unknown column error for @HDR.Event.Name if a user has initiated a third party import job at a near enough time to the export package generation job. VDC-159009
CDB - Import On the Import > Packages page, CDB may show the Complete status for third party data packages that are actually in the Skipped status. VDC-163882
CDB - Import CDB doesn't display third party and reference data packages older than 30 days in the Import > Packages page. VDC-164415
CDB - Import Some studies may be stuck in an error state due to a duplicate key constraint exception. VDC-166042
CDB - Import After an incremental import from EDC finishes, if a user begins an import of a third party data package, that import job may be unexpectedly skipped. This is due to an incomplete swap on the incremental EDC import. VDC-171317

October 12, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.27 | Build Number: 221 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Import Import of third party data into a Study using legacy EDC imports (the Workbench Export job in EDC Tools) may fail unexpectedly, which also moves the reprocessing of the EDC package into an error state. VDC-171397

October 11, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.25 | Build Number: 219 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Deployment CDB checks the Last Deployed Date in the production environment instead of the TST environment. Upon deployment, CDB doesn't update the production listings with the deployed changes. VDC-161916
CDB - Import In incremental import studies, CQL may not return values for coding dictionary columns. VDC-168509
CDB - Import Enabling incremental import may change row IDs when an Event Group or Event label contains a leading space. VDC-170189

October 9, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.25 | Build Number: 10763 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
E2BLink In some cases, Safety Messages in pending status are unexpectedly set to "Message Rejected" status even though an acknowledgement file has been received. VDC-170263
E2BLink In some cases, follow-up scans result in inconsistent generation of follow-up inbox items and Safety Connector Subject versions. VDC-170297
Integrations In some cases, the Training Report appears to show users as assigned trainings that are not assigned through the associated study. VDC-169047
Integrations The check for whether a CDMS Vault Training curriculum has been completed by a user is now more rigorous. VDC-170597
Jobs Training Report jobs that fail due to reaching the maximum number of rows supported by Excel files keep retrying and no error is thrown. VDC-168562
Publishing Validation In some cases, when the same Event definition is used in multiple Event Group definitions, the Validation Report incorrectly shows the WEW-001 Circular Event Window warning. VDC-163792
Queries Some users encounter a server error when attempting to answer queries. VDC-170017
Role & User Management For vaults that do not have Veeva ID enabled, when importing users, no error occurs if the import file contains rows with different user names but the same email address as an existing user with different capitalization. VDC-169547
SDS & Annotated PDFs The Safety Form Configurations tab in the Study Design Specifications is missing data in the Item-to-Form Link and Paired Date columns. VDC-168830
SDS & Annotated PDFs The Safety Form Configurations tab in the Study Design Specifications are missing the study drug mapping at the item/safety connector mapping level. VDC-168831
Study Design In some cases, when an item associated with an archived univariate rule is copied to a target study, the rule is un-archived. VDC-167783
Study Design In some cases, the system cannot copy Forms containing Lab Items. VDC-170175
UI & Performance In some cases, users encounter a server error when resetting a Form and Event that are marked for removal. VDC-155478
UI & Performance In some cases, forms remain loading after the Submit button is clicked. VDC-166448
UI & Performance In some cases, an error is displayed when resetting a Form. VDC-167808

October 3, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.23 | Build Number: 208 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Clean Patient Tracker CDB doesn't apply sort order or filters on the Incomplete Reviews by Subject column. VDC-165944
CDB - Import In incremental import studies, empty Form Definitions in EDC cause errors during import into CDB. VDC-166134
CDB - Import After upgrading to incremental import, some listings may fail due to an "Unknown form name" error. VDC-168768
CDB - Import After a full import with lab panel design changes, CDB may not maintain review listing statuses. VDC-170084
CDB - Import Incremental import in studies using EDC Labs may fail unexpectedly. VDC-170127
CDB - Import In some circumstances, CDB may start a second full import while the first full import is still swapping. VDC-170130
CDB - Import Upgrading to incremental imports may change the order of lab data results in listings when any private keys begin with a dash (-). VDC-170186
CDB - Import Review-related fields aren't populated correctly during incremental import in studies using Data Model V1. VDC-170310

October 2, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.23 | Build Number: 10727 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Integrations This patch updates the enrollment completion data and status for ineligible users who have had enrollment completions created in EDC systems in error. VDC-170028

Release Number: 24R2.0.23 | Build Number: 121 Utilities

This release did not include any customer-facing issues. This release improved internal infrastructure.

September 2024

September 26, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.21 | Build Number: 191 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Checks & Queries Queries closed by checks are able to have the Last Modified By user as "CDMS Workbench". VDC-165607
CDB - Checks & Queries Queries previously missing an appropriate value for @QRY.OriginSystem now have the appropriate value. VDC-166277
CDB - CQL In studies using incremental imports, CQL returns null for the LabModifier function on the LBORRES item. VDC-166267
CDB - Import Third party and reference object data packages aren't available in the Import UI after 30 days.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Import Enabling incremental import may change row IDs. VDC-166959
CDB - Import Upgrading to incremental imports may change the order of lab data results in listings. VDC-167968
CDB - Import After upgrading to incremental import, some listings may fail due to an "Unknown form name" error.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Import Incremental import may fail due to an unexpected lock wait timeout error. VDC-169044
CDB - Import If an import began while the enablement of incremental import was in progress, the import fails and causes issues with future imports. VDC-169240
CDB - Listings Review listings may be marked as invalid but show "No errors" instead of the appropriate error message. VDC-168888
UI & Performance Import and listing pages may be slow to load. VDC-165395

September 25, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.21 | Build Number: 10697 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Casebook Versioning During a retrospective amendment, the system checks the Data Model 1 lock state of item groups, regardless of whether the study is on Data Model 1 or Data Model 2. VDC-168781
Coding With this release, the new September 2024 MedDRA and WHODrug dictionaries and the April 2024 JDrug dictionary are released to production. VDC-166717
E2BLink When the Safety integration settings are configured with Use Screen / Entered Value, the SubjectJSON file should also display the datetime as entered, rather than in UTC. VDC-162147
E2BLink In some cases, Safety Messages are not being cleaned to allow for sending of Follow-ups. VDC-168620
Jobs Some users encounter failures when attempting to run the User Activity Report job. VDC-165687
Jobs In some cases, the Difference report includes unexpected differences. VDC-168312
Labs In some cases, the Update Outdated Lab Normals Job does not update records as expected based on the Age Ranges. Some Normal records that were previously not updated may be updated after this fix. If those Normals are in SDV, DMR, or Signed status, then the status will break the next time the Update Outdated Lab Normals job is run.  VDC-167213, VDC-169143
Publishing Validation With this release, the ER-002 Orphan System Rule casebook validation is removed. VDC-162940
Publishing Validation The Casebook validation error ER-010 for an invalid StringArray data type was removed for form link identifiers. VDC-166581
Role & User Management If a user with a VeevaID is created before converesion, and then the user is converted to VeevaID in CDMS, they receive the incorrect email notification. VDC-162408
Rule Execution Some users encounter an error when running dynamic rules in batch mode. VDC-168361
Study Import & Export In some cases, ODM study exports fail. VDC-166844
UI & Performance Some users encounter a server error when entering event dates. VDC-166807
UI & Performance In some cases, users are unable to delete a site even though it does not have any subjects. VDC-167410
UI & Performance With this release, full width numeric characters are converted to half width numeric characters. VDC-168080

September 19, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.19 | Build Number: 172 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Import In incremental-enabled studies, CDB sends a package approved notification when reprocessing a third party data package succeeds. VDC-165221
CDB - Import For incremental import studies, when a form contains only a repeating item group, form review status and review dates are blank. VDC-167995
CDB - Import Signature status for log events doesn't match between legacy import and incremental import. VDC-168315
CDB - Import When there is an in progress swap, and the study is upgraded to incremental imports, the first full ingestion uses that same swap. VDC-168438
Clinical Reporting Translated lab unit values may not match the data from the Study Data Extract in EDC. VDC-167931

September 13, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.19 | Build Number: 10634 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coding In some cases, queries are displayed with the Site Responded status in Coder, even though the system message says the query status is Closed. VDC-167019
Data Loader Some users encounter an error message in the Destination Form column when attempting to load a previously saved Data Loader configuration. VDC-163326
Developer Features The API unexpectedly stops working for some users. VDC-167809
Freezing & Locking In some cases, Snapshots Refresh Results and Bulk Freeze/Lock Jobs fail unexpectedly.
(Postponed to a later release)
Integrations In some cases, a CDMS Vault Training course or curriculum could have an empty completion date, despite having the completed status. VDC-168231
Integrations Users with multiple user accounts with the same email address may encounter an error during enrollment reconciliation for CDMS Vault Training. VDC-168232
Role & User Management Users with the Vault Owner security profile may receive an error when attempting to inactivate accounts. VDC-162811
Safety Integration The Safety Value (To) column in the Safety Form Configuration tab of the SDS export does not display the mapped Vault Safety fields even though they are available in the UI. VDC-166392
Safety Integration In some cases, when an Adverse event is submitted from Vault EDC to Safety, when the inbox item in Safety is promoted to a Case, the New Info Date and the Receipt Date have different timestamps. VDC-166863
Study Design Some users encounter an error when attempting to copy event groups from one DEV environment to another. VDC-164870
Study Design The SDTM name property is not displayed consistently at the item level in the Study Design Specifications export. VDC-167563
Study Design In some cases, the system does not update event windows as expected after a retrospective amendment is performed. VDC-167829

September 11, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.17 | Build Number: 162 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Checks & Queries In some cases, the Query Origin ID field isn't populated as expected. VDC-163755
CDB - CQL In incremental-enabled studies, CQL may not return all possible rows when filtering on @Form.SeqNbr. VDC-166474, VDC-167218
CDB - Export When incremental import is enabled, scheduled exports may not run as expected. VDC-166919
CDB - Import Incremental imports may get stuck in the Pending status. VDC-162946
CDB - Import Reference objects aren't active when imported into studies where incremental import is enabled. VDC-165833
CDB - Import Incremental import may not import the correct or all possible values for review-related columns. VDC-166775
CDB - Import Listings referencing third party data may be unexpectedly marked as invalid in incremental import studies. VDC-166954
CDB - Import Incremental import may not ingest frozen, locked, or signed statuses correctly for log-type Events. VDC-166962, VDC-167003
CDB - Import Upgrading to incremental import may decrease the number of rows returned by a check listing. VDC-166986
CDB - Import Incremental import may take longer than expected. VDC-167895
CDB - Import Values may change unexpectedly in columns related to codelist item Labels in incremental import studies. VDC-167971
CDB - Import The Reset and Complete filter buttons are missing in Import > Packages for incremental import studies. VDC-168152
CDB - Listings The Last Updated Date field for Core Listings shows the date of the last full package instead of the last incremental update. VDC-163940

September 10, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.17 | Build Number: 10619 CDMS

This release did not include any customer-facing issues. This release improved internal infrastructure.

September 4, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.15 | Build Number: 10588 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coding Configuration While batch assigning lists, if a user selects forms, then applies filters, their selections persist when those forms are filtered out. VDC-163141
Data Loader Datetime Items aren't formatted correctly on the Data Loader Import page. VDC-163338
E2BLink In some cases, the root IDs of Conmed Item to Form Link Items are incorrect in the Safety XML. VDC-166063
Rule Editor In some cases, users encounter an error when attempting to edit a rule that has been copied. VDC-162746
Rule Execution In some cases, the system does not inactivate a Protocol Deviation record even when the conditions for the Protocol Deviation rule evaluate as false. VDC-164151
Rule Execution Rule result action scope matching logic may cause extra forms or events to be sent to EDC for deletion or creation. VDC-164381
Safety Integration With the Vault Safety EDC Connection, the JSON file doesn't include any lab units. VDC-162006
Study Data Extracts In some cases, coding item columns are missing for SDE jobs. VDC-164579
UI & Performance It is not possible to edit a previously locked Form or Item Group to Intentionally Left Blank in a study that has been migrated from Data Model 1 to Data Model 2. VDC-164539
UI & Performance In some cases, cross domain SSO users encounter an error when attempting to log in. VDC-165878

August 2024

August 29, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.13 | Build Number: 10552 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
E2BLink In some cases, the incorrect time stamp is shown for C.1.5 when a safety message is changed to "Accepted" status. VDC-161201
Publishing Validation No error should be shown in validations when the G.k.8 field is mapped to a repeating Item Group on the Concomitant Medication Form. VDC-163535
Role & User Management Users with the User Administrator role may encounter an error message when attempting to import a CSV file. VDC-163307
Study Administration In some cases, when a study name contains special characters or spaces, the Enable CDB Incremental setting does not appear in Study Settings, even though the feature is enabled for the vault. VDC-165648
Study Design In some cases, when a form containing Lab items is copied to another study, a Lab item is copied over leading the Difference Report to report a data type change for the item. VDC-163557
UI & Performance Some users encounter an error when attempting to save lab normal ranges. VDC-163372
UI & Performance In some cases, very large forms fail to load. VDC-167159

Release Number: 24R2.0.13 | Build Number: 121 Utilities

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Utilities In some cases, the recorded sample collection time is incorrect when downloading CSV or SAS files. VDC-166284

August 28, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.13 | Build Number: 135 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Checks & Queries When incremental import is enabled, checks only run after the full, daily incremental import. VDC-166918
CDB - Checks & Queries Checks don't re-run after the import of a third party data package. VDC-167078
CDB - CQL Call Sys_Forms and Call Sys_Links may return more rows than expected. VDC-166478, VDC-166831
CDB - Import The Last Design Change date isn't updated after a new deployment. VDC-163545
Developer Features CDB API calls may take longer than usual. VDC-165670
Study Administration In some cases, when a study name contains special characters or spaces, the Enable CDB Incremental setting does not appear in Study Settings, even though the feature is enabled for the vault. VDC-165648
UI & Performance In studies using incremental imports, certain listings may take longer to load than before incremental import was enabled. VDC-166575

August 22, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.11 | Build Number: 10519 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Labs In some cases, the Mass Update job does not work as expected. VDC-161788, VDC-164184
Publishing Validation No error should be shown in validations when the G.k.8 field is mapped to a repeating Item Group on the Concomitant Medication Form.
(Postponed to a later release)
Rule Execution In some cases, Add Query rules using the @PreviousEvent variable do not execute as expected. VDC-163399
Rule Execution In some cases, users encounter an error when running Protocol Deviation rules. VDC-165813
Study Data Extracts In some cases, the ITEMLINKEDTO column in Study Data Extracts displays incorrect information. VDC-161948, VDC-162449
Study Design During a retrospective amendment, it should be possible to update new items in item groups that are added within the same amendment. VDC-164685
UI & Performance In some cases, users encounter a server error when saving Forms after a retrospective amendment. VDC-163199
UI & Performance When the Time value is set to Unknown on a source Form, the derived value on the target Form does not update even on resubmission of both Forms. VDC-163500
UI & Performance Some users encounter a server error when saving Forms. VDC-164163
UI & Performance Only the first page of subjects is sorted when sorting by subject in the Subjects grid. VDC-165547
UI & Performance In some cases, Casebooks take an overly long time to load in the Review tab. VDC-166120

Release Number: 24R2.0.11 | Build Number: 129 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Checks & Queries CDB doesn't set the @QRY.OriginSystem to "CDB" for queries created in CDB for OpenEDC studies. VDC-165853
CDB - CQL CQL returns null when the LabModifier function is used on the LBORRES item. VDC-165632
CDB - CQL @QRY.OpenToReply returns "0.00" instead of null. VDC-165962
CDB - CQL CQL may not return the value or expected or the entire column for a codelist's code. VDC-165967
CDB - CQL CQL my return more rows than expected. VDC-166071
CDB - Export Export package generation may fail unexpectedly. VDC-165308
CDB - Import The Imported Date may be incorrect in the audit log. VDC-161107
CDB - Import The datetime displayed for incremental data is the datetime in the user's time zone. VDC-163711
CDB - Import Reference data imports may fail unexpectedly in OpenEDC studies. VDC-165672
CDB - Import @Form.SubmissionDate may be unexpectedly null. VDC-165954

August 16, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.9 | Build Number: 10481 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Blank & Detail PDFs Detail PDF jobs with audit fail with an error. VDC-165339
Jobs The Audit Trail Export by Study job fails in some cases. VDC-165299
Jobs The Audit Trail Export by Subject job fails for some subjects. VDC-165513
Safety Integration Pregnancy field updates may result in an inbox item in Vault Safety but not update in the CDMS Subject Pregnancy Information record. VDC-164958

August 15, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.9 | Build Number: 117 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Import When incremental import is enabled, CDB pauses ingestion on all studies if the design change is a deleted Codelist Item or Unit Item. VDC-152595
CDB - Import CDB doesn't show the approval notification when a third party package is loaded with a manifest change. VDC-164620
CDB - Import Incremental import fails when the Lab Item's Item Definition has a lower precision than is defined in the Analyte. VDC-165318

August 12, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.7 | Build Number: 10467 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Jobs When a study has a deleted Lab Location, the Audit Trail Export job fails. VDC-165328
UI & Performance Users may receive a server error when attempting to perform actions or access different studies in Vault EDC. VDC-165312, VDC-165320, VDC-165327, VDC-165359, VDC-165393

August 10, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.5 | Build Number: 113 CDB

This release did not include any customer-facing issues. This release improved internal infrastructure.

August 9, 2024

Release Number: 24R2.0.3 | Build Number: 10461 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Protocol Deviations Users may receive a server error when navigating to a Protocol Deviation. VDC-162610, VDC-163296
Role & User Management There is a three hour delay between enrollment completion and the update of the user's Training Status. VDC-163751

Release Number: 24R2.0.3 | Build Number: 112 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Import The audit log may take longer than expected to load. VDC-162066
CDB - Import After upgrading to incremental import, the precision may be incorrect for lab values. VDC-163370
CDB - Import When a study has an active swap and a candidate swap, the candidate swap gets stuck in In Progress if a user loads reference data packages. VDC-163868
CDB - Import Third party packages in incremental import studies may get stuck in the Queued status. VDC-164336
CDB - Import When a third party source has the same Name in multiple Studies, CDB may incorrectly require approval upon import for that source. VDC-164524
CDB - Import Import jobs may get stuck in the In Progress status. VDC-164546
CDB - Import CDB may use the same datetime for Date Applied on multiple packages. VDC-164920