24R1 Maintenance Releases

A “maintenance release” is a release that contains fixes for issues that are affecting customers in production environments. We communicate 24 hours prior to the release that we will be applying a maintenance release and that there will be a short service disruption. This list only covers fixes to General Release versions.

The list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the release occurs. When we identify issues to fix in a maintenance release, we attempt to get them into the earliest release possible. Sometimes, we target a specific release but are not able to deliver a fix early enough for full testing. In situations like this, we postpone the fix for a later release and strike out the description in this list.

We number maintenance releases by appending the number of the maintenance release to the General Release number. Vault CDMS uses odd-numbered releases, while Vault uses even-numbered releases. The most recent General Release was 24R1, so our maintenance releases for this version are 24R1.0.3, 24R1.0.5, and so on.

July 2024

July 25, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.33 | Build Number: 11606 CDMS

This release did not include any customer-facing issues. This release improved internal infrastructure.

July 10, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.31 | Build Number: 11584 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Review Plan Assignment Some users encounter an error when trying to update the Review Plan assigned to a casebook. VDC-160616
Rule Execution In some cases, Rules Job execution takes longer than expected. VDC-160523
Rule Execution When a Form contains two Items that have an Integration Configuration and a Create Integration Record rule is run to create an Integration Record for one Item but not the other, the system incorrectly generates two Integration Records for each Item. VDC-161091

July 9, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.29 | Build Number: 299 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Checks & Queries Users aren't able to open queries on linked items. VDC-156708
CDB - CQL CQL may return an unknown column error when selecting from a view that uses an advanced join. VDC-152857

July 3, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.29 | Build Number: 11564 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coding Changing the Coding Status of an autocoded Code Request does not reset the attributes of the Code Request. VDC-159930
Review Plan Assignment Some users find that the SDS shows incorrect requirement values in the Event Dates Review field. VDC-160546
Rule Execution When a Form contains two Items that have an Integration Configuration and a Create Integration Record rule is run to create an Integration Record for one Item but not the other, the system incorrectly generates two Integration Records for each Item.
(Postponed to a later release)
Safety Integration In some cases, the progression of the delivery status of Safety Messages is not in the expected order. VDC-160547
Study Administration Deletion of a study environment that has more than 75 Study Countries configured completes with failures. VDC-155693

June 2024

June 26, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.27 | Build Number: 11540 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coding The "Copy and Link" feature for copying an indication from a linked form does not work for items with a length shorter than 51 characters. VDC-157505
Deployment Some users find that the deployment of vault-level reports and dashboards from the DEV environment to the TST environment fails after the creation of a custom report in the DEV environment. VDC-157511
Study Administration Some users can't delete PPT environments. VDC-154777
UI & Performance In some cases, the form design page takes an overly long time to load. VDC-159611

Release Number: 24R1.0.27 | Build Number: 296 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Checks & Queries When a user updates a query in CDB, CDB doesn't update @Query.LastModifiedBy. VDC-153240
CDB - Listings Certain studies may show a page not found error. VDC-158772
CDB - Listings With this release, users are no longer able to open review listings that are in the Pending status. VDC-158838
Clinical Reporting Clinical Reporting may show the last listing visited from Workbench as the Last Listing Visited. Then, the Last Listing Visited in Clinical Reporting leads to a 404 error. VDC-151370
Clinical Reporting Users aren't able to save listing properties when copying a listing using Save As. VDC-159494

June 20, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.25 | Build Number: N/A Utilities

This release did not include any customer-facing issues. This release improved internal infrastructure.

Release Number: 24R1.0.25 | Build Number: 11511 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coding Configuration When the Coding Configuration of a study is deleted, closed queries should not be deleted. VDC-158138
Deployment Deployment fails when a Study is deployed to TST with User Defined Roles that are then deleted. VDC-157835
Integrations In some cases, the system does not generate expected User Exception Messages. VDC-157842
Jobs When summaries are missing, Study Progress Listing jobs will now fail early with an error. VDC-155488
Labs The Audit Trail for Lab Locations without specified normal ranges incorrectly displays updates to analyte information for another Lab Location. VDC-155545
SDV & DMR Some users are unable to save after completing SDV. VDC-159995
UI & Performance When a user is located in certain time zones,, the Randomization Lists import page shows "Invalid date" in the "Last Updated Date column. VDC-158635
UI & Performance In some cases, users encounter a server error when loading the Snapshots page for a study. VDC-159349

June 19, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.25 | Build Number: 291 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Dashboards The Dashboard may show all listings as Invalid. VDC-157931, VDC-156394
CDB - Export Exports older than 30 days aren't available in Workbench. VDC-155668
CDB - Import When auto swap is disabled, imports may fail with an unknown column error on event date columns. VDC-148672
CDB - Listings The Deletion Log may list "System" instead of the user name of the user who deleted the listing. VDC-155490
CDB - Listings Some review listings may get stuck in the pending status. VDC-158659, VDC-158791
Clinical Reporting After a user copies a listing with the Copy To action, using the browser's Back button opens the current listing with a "Unable To Retrieve Results" error. VDC-152295
UI & Performance Some core listings may take longer than expected to load. VDC-155852

June 12, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.23 | Build Number: 11477 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Data Entry An Event Window rule definition will be created regardless of the configuration of Subject ID generation type. VDC-156802
Jobs Users can select Events that have been removed from the Study Schedule when creating a Snapshot causing the Refresh Results job to fail. VDC-157922
Labs In some cases, when the precision of an analyte is blank in the import file, the analyte is incorrectly imported with a data type of Integer rather than Float. VDC-157106
Queries In some cases, users can answer a closed query causing it to reopen.
(Postponed to a later release)
Rule Editor The system does not save Send Email rules that are configured with 'Evaluate Rule When' as 'Randomized', but no error is displayed. VDC-157969
Rule Execution In some cases, users encounter an error when running derivation rules. VDC-157850
SDV & DMR Some users encounter a server error when clicking the form-level radio button. VDC-157330

Release Number: 24R1.0.23 | Build Number: 283 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Deployment Deployment > Packages may not show the Packages in the grid until the user refreshes the page. VDC-152949
CDB - Export If a third party source is deleted, SYS_FORMS may be marked as Invalid in an Export Definition that refrerenced forms from that source. VDC-157622
CDB - Listings Review listings in production may be marked as Invalid unexpectedly. VDC-156951, VDC-157283
CDB - Listings Paused review listings may not refresh after a deployment. VDC-157286

June 6, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.21 | Build Number: 11415 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Jobs Reverted VDC-155331 (24R1.0.19) because these changes caused the Audit Trail Export job to fail. VDC-158318, VDC-158324

June 5, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.19 | Build Number: 11409 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Jobs (Reverted on June 6, 2024 with 24R1.0.19) When two forms are linked using Form-to-Form linking, the Audit Trail Export job output CSV only mentions one Link Form object, and not both Link Form objects that are associated with the corresponding linked Forms. VDC-155331
Reports & Dashboards When the "Enable First Review Date" study configuration is disabled, the "First DMR Date" and "First SDV Date" columns are still populated in the Form Operational Summary. VDC-153090
Review Plan Editor When Visit Methods is enabled, the Visit Methods Review field shows as Required even though no value has been saved and the Save button cannot be clicked. VDC-156328
SDS & Annotated PDFs In some cases, the Review Plan tab in Study Data Specifications incorrectly shows Forms as not Optional. VDC-156632
Study Design When Visit Methods is enabled for a study, the current Casebook Definition remains in Validated status, even though it should be changed to In Progress. VDC-156327
UI & Performance The Dynamic Action icon is incorrectly displayed for some Event Groups in the Study Schedule. VDC-157153

Release Number: 24R1.0.19 | Build Number: 278 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Checks & Queries When a user changes the query text on a check action, CDB doesn't update the Modified On date, Modified By user, or the Check Status. VDC-154983
CDB - Checks & Queries When a user opens a query, CDB shows an unhandled exception error. CDB still creates the query, but the query doesn't display in any query listing until someone has responded to it. VDC-157423
CDB - Clone The Object Summary Report lists the Clone Modified value to true when the status is updated from Compatible to Ready to Approve. VDC-155981
CDB - Deployment The Deploy button may be unexpectedly disabled. VDC-155023
CDB - Listings CDB may not show the correct count for review listing rows in the Not Reviewed status. VDC-156720

May 2024

May 30, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.17 | Build Number: 11353 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Data Loader Users encounter an error when attempting to import dates with "JUN" as the month. VDC-153844
Data Loader In some cases, copying a Data Loader configuration into a study causes the Data Loader tab to crash. VDC-154827
Deployment Copying a study design from a study with Visit Method enabled makes the corresponding visit method fields required for review plans, causing deployment to fail with an error. VDC-155935
Jobs The Query Details Listing report incorrectly lists some queries as open when they are actually answered. VDC-156997
Jobs A blank Visit Method row is included in blank CRF PDF exports even when Visit Method is not configured for the study. VDC-157187
Rule Execution The Run Rules job preview shows some repeating forms as deleted, even though the form does not exist in the subject's casebook. VDC-156315
Safety Integration Boolean fields should return null when they are not mapped. VDC-153347
Safety Integration Changing the name of a Subject after the first send of a safety case leads the follow-up job to fail. VDC-156494
SDV & DMR In some cases, users need to click "Go to the next incomplete SDV item" button two times to be navigated to the next incomplete SDV row. VDC-145066
UI & Performance When Protocol Deviations or Local Labs are enabled in study settings, the Integration Configuration tab is no longer visible in the Study Design panel in Studio. VDC-156921

Release Number: 24R1.0.17 | Build Number: 272 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Clone The Object Summary Report lists the Clone Modified value to true when the status is updated from Compatible to Ready to Approve.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Import CDB may set the Date Applied as earlier than the Import Completion timestamp. VDC-152592
CDB - Listing Builder With this release, CDB disables the Private option after a listing is enabled for review. VDC-151975
CDB - Listings Newly created private, review-enabled listings may remain in the Pending state. VDC-151070
CDB - Listings A review listing may not refresh when expected. VDC-156386
Clinical Reporting Notification emails from Clinical Reporting are sent from "cdb-workbench-emails@veeva.com" insead of "cdb-clinicalreporting-emails@veeva.com". VDC-151730
Clinical Reporting If a user creates one listing, then a second listing, and then uses Save As on the first listing, the Listing Builder opens to the second listing. VDC-155430
Clinical Reporting The Configuration page isn't in the navigation drawer for users with the CDMS Super User study role. VDC-155435

May 22, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.15 | Build Number: 11273 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Assessments A validation error message should display when a validation error prevents the system from saving an assessment. VDC-154866
Cross-form Derivations In some cases, derived items that were marked as requiring review before being changed to cross-form derivations are set as requiring review but are not displayed for SDV. VDC-155437
Data Loader Error messages are missing or incomplete when the Form Definition that is tied to a Data Loader Configuration is deleted. VDC-155336
Data Loader The Label column value is missing from item row error messages, and no error message is shown when the Data Loader configuration endpoint fails due to removal of all items or item groups. VDC-155408
Labs Changing the Data Type, Length, and Precision of an Analyte Definition causes vault deployment from DEV to TST to fail. VDC-156595
Review Plan Assignment In some cases, SDV is incorrectly shown as required. VDC-155790

Release Number: 24R1.0.15 | Build Number: 262 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Clone The Object Summary Report lists the Clone Modified value to true when the status is updated from Compatible to Ready to Approve.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Export Assigned users don't receive email notifications for exports with the Delivery Failed status. VDC-152620
CDB - Import When auto swap is disabled, CDB may not apply data from newly imported packages. VDC-149410
CDB - Listing Builder If a user modifies a saved listing via the Listing Builder, their changes may not show on the listing. VDC-148406
CDB - Listings Newly created private, review-enabled listings may remain in the Pending state.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Listings When a review listing has restricted data hidden, and then a Vault Owner disables masking, CDB shows the listing as invalid. VDC-151986
CDB - Listings Users receive a "Error Saving Listing 3PD7" error when attempting to copy a review listing. VDC-152171
CDB - Listings Review listings may be marked as Invalid unexpectedly, even when the listing's CQL statement is valid. VDC-156557

May 17, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.13 | Build Number: 236 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Checks & Queries Users shouldn't be able to create a check when Union Distinct is present in a subquery. VDC-153369
CDB - Clone The Object Summary Report lists the Clone Modified value to true when the status is updated from Compatible to Ready to Approve.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL A left join between a form and view results in an inner join. VDC-152944
CDB - CQL When using a union, CQL may return a "Failure in Executing : The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns" error unexpectedly. VDC-153128
CDB - Export Export packages may take longer than usual to generate when they include the Sys_ILB system listing. VDC-150828
CDB - Import CDB doesn't automatically refresh the page after a user approves an import package. VDC-155568
CDB - Import Open EDC imports may be in the Pending status for longer than usual. VDC-155688
CDB - Listings Core Listings on larger Forms may take longer than usual to load. VDC-150385
CDB - Views When the CQL statement includes Union Distinct, the view's record count may be inconsistent. VDC-152856

May 15, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.13 | Build Number: 11135 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Casebook Versioning In some cases, English-language labels persist across all languages during casebook upversioning. VDC-152642
Data Loader Users encounter validation errors when using Data Loader to import data. VDC-155233
Integrations User Exception Messages do not contain a link to User Exceptions Items. VDC-155696
Labs The audit trail displays Codelist Items from migrated labs incorrectly. VDC-152616
Localization In some cases, when a user manually types Korean or Japanese keywords to search for Items in the Rule Editor, no results appear. VDC-155280
Study Design When a faulty configuration is created in Data Loader, users are prevented from accessing any studies in Studio. VDC-155091
UI & Performance In some cases, users can create Casebooks with duplicate IDs, causing studies to crash. VDC-148015
UI & Performance The CDB Role Management page doesn't match the Role Management Excel™ file. VDC-150862
UI & Performance In some cases, composite layout labels in a study's base language persist across all translated versions. VDC-152327
Views & Data Export In some cases, Casebook Design Exports of PPT-type studies fail. VDC-155304

May 11, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.11 | Build Number: 230 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL In new studies, CQL returns a "Feature not supported: Advanced Join" error when the CQL statement contains an advanced join. VDC-154446
CDB - Deployment Deployment > Packages may not show the Packages in the grid until the user refreshes the page.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Export Export package generation may fail unexpectedly. VDC-154996
CDB - Import In certain vaults, third party imports aren't imported, even though they are moved into the "_processed" directory. VDC-155266
Clinical Reporting The Query Details panel may only show the most recent query message. VDC-151275, VDC-153215
Clinical Reporting In some vaults, studies may not show in Clinical Reporting. VDC-155004
Clinical Reporting Incremental import may fail unexpectedly. VDC-155214
UI & Performance In some TST (UAT) vaults, the Studies page may be very slow to load or not load at all. Other pages in the application may also be slow to load. VDC-155874

May 8, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.11 | Build Number: 11098 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Blank & Detail PDFs When a daily recurring Detail PDF job is created with individual sites selected to run against and then a site is deleted, the Detail PDF job is cancelled for all sites. VDC-153099
Data Loader Users encounter an error when attempting to save Data Loader configuration for a form that contains ineligible items. VDC-151111
Data Loader Users encounter an error when attempting to delete a column header that is mapped to a row via Import File. VDC-151359
Jobs The Safety Follow-up Scan job attachment uses 12 hour time in the file name, instead of 24 hour time. VDC-150973
Labs In Update Outdated Lab Normals reports, pending lab locations are incorrectly shown as successes. VDC-155384
Rule Editor In some cases, when the Form field in the Rule Details panel is left blank when saving a rule, the Form that is auto-filled by default is different than the Form visible in Studio. VDC-155142
SDS & Annotated PDFs In some cases, when a Codelist or Unit Item appears before a page break in the blank or unique PDF, a blank box appears on the following page. VDC-154014
Study Data Extracts The ITEMLINKEDTO column shows Form Link Items in a different order than they appear in Studio. VDC-149422
Study Data Extracts In some cases, Study Data Extract jobs fail with an error. VDC-155483, VDC-155690, VDC-155619, VDC-155499
UI & Performance In some cases, users encounter a server error when resetting a Form and Event that are marked for removal.
(Postponed to a later release)

May 1, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.9 | Build Number: 11010 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Deployment In some cases, study copy export jobs complete with errors during PPT deployment. VDC-152796
Deployment In some cases, copying to PPT environments fails during import. VDC-154896, VDC-155099
Developer Features In some cases, when an unscheduled event group definition is created the CDE displays a null for repeat_maximum when it shouldn't. VDC-151261
Freezing & Locking When an Event is locked but a Form in the Event is unlocked, users encounter a server error when attempting to open a query on Items in the Form. VDC-154888
Freezing & Locking When an Event is locked but a signed Form in the Event is unlocked, users cannot update Item values in the Form. VDC-155048
Role & User Management Some users can't copy a study from the library despite having the permission to do so. VDC-153253
Role & User Management In vaults without Multi-Role Security, when a user's role field is changed after training is completed their training status is not reset. VDC-153284
Rule Editor The Description box in the Rule Details panel of the Rule Editor cannot be resized. VDC-154742
Rule Editor In some cases, when the Form field in the Rule Details panel is left blank when saving a rule, the Form auto-filled by default is different than the Form visible in Studio.
(Postponed to a later release)
Safety Integration In some cases, when a new SAE item is created and linked to an existing case, the new SAE item displays the inbox item ID instead of the existing case ID. VDC-151307
Study Data Extracts When a retrospective amendment is run on a study but not on some sites or subjects, the item data appearing in the Study Data Extracts and Core Listing differs. VDC-150157
Vault Administration A CDMS Migration job is visible in EDC Tools for users with Vault Owner permissions. VDC-153651

Release Number: 24R1.0.9 | Build Number: 217 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Import Import may fail unexpectedly due to a "Bad Gateway Error". VDC-153747
CDB - Import Incremental import may fail in Studies using Labs. VDC-154477

April 2024

April 25, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.7 | Build Number: 10922 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Casebook Versioning After one retrospective amendment has been performed, the Status for Changed Forms field unexpectedly defaults to the status selected for the first retrospective amendment when subsequent retrospective amendments are performed. VDC-150646
CDB - Export If a site user adds a new event or casebook after a Workbench Export job starts, the Workbench Export job fails. VDC-154725
Study Data Extracts When a review plan override rule is triggered, the Review tab populates correctly but the SDE output does not. VDC-153477
Study Design When a form is copied again to a target study after being deleted, archived edit check configurations on items in the form that should be unarchived are not unarchived when 'Create a copy' or 'Use existing' is selected. VDC-152249
Study Design When a form that has been copied without Progressive Display Rules is copied again with Progressive Display rules included, future copying of the form fails with an error. VDC-152318

Release Number: 24R1.0.7 | Build Number: 213 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export Export package generation may fail due to a SAS timeout error. VDC-154489
CDB - Export If a site user adds a new event or casebook after a Workbench Export job starts, the Workbench Export job fails. VDC-154725

April 21, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.5 | Build Number: 10870 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Queries When users without an assigned Query Team role try to open, answer, or close queries in a study that has Team Query Restrictions enabled, the action fails. VDC-154464
Safety Integration A new API endpoint will recalculate C.1.5 values for a majority of safety messages in a given vault. VDC-153497
UI & Performance The event tree does not load on very old studies that do not have Event Date review. VDC-154113

Release Number: 24R1.0.5 | Build Number: 208 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export When an export initiates a swap, export package generation may fail unexpectedly. VDC-154456
CDB - Listings Review listings may fail unexpectedly. VDC-154445
CDB - Listings The creation of review listings may fail unexpectedly. VDC-154449

April 19, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.3 | Build Number: 10845 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Safety Integration In some cases, the C.1.5 value returned in Safety Follow-Up jobs incorrectly takes into account safety items on unrelated forms, making the value reported appear earlier than the date of the job. VDC-151710
Role & User Management When users have the Reports Dashboard Tab permission and the vault is using multi-role security, those users may not see the Dashboard tab. VDC-152446

Release Number: 24R1.0.3 | Build Number: 206 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL Event.Status may return an unexpected status. VDC-153295
CDB - CQL Event.DMR and Event.SDV may return null instead of "false". VDC-153349
CDB - CQL Event.Signed and Event.Frozen may unexpectedly return null values. VDC-153393
CDB - Import If a study's Name contains whitespaces or periods (.), third party data import fails. VDC-153478
CDB - Listings In some cases, Review Listings fail with an error. VDC-153127
Clinical Reporting Incremental imports may not occur when expected. VDC-153024, VDC-153725, VDC-154030
Clinical Reporting Import may fail unexpectedly. VDC-153404