21R3 Maintenance Releases

A “maintenance release” is a release that contains fixes for issues that are affecting customers in production environments. We communicate 24 hours prior to the release that we will be applying a maintenance release and that there will be a short service disruption. This list only covers fixes to General Release versions.

The list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the release occurs. When we identify issues to fix in a maintenance release, we attempt to get them into the earliest release possible. Sometimes, we target a specific release but are not able to deliver a fix early enough for full testing. In situations like this, we postpone the fix for a later release and strike out the description in this list.

We number maintenance releases by appending the number of the maintenance release to the General Release number. Vault CDMS uses odd-numbered releases, while Vault uses even-numbered releases. The most recent General Release was 21R3, so our maintenance releases for this version are 21R3.0.3, 21R3.0.5, and so on.

April 2022

April 13, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.49 | Build Number: 11018 CDMS

This release did not include any customer-facing issues. This release improved internal infrastructure.

Release Number: 21R3.0.49 | Build Number: 316 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Import In large studies, Workbench may take much longer than expected to load packages when loading packages from multiple sources. VDC-48684
CDB - Import When there are multiple EDC import packages in the queue, CDB may not skip packages correctly to import the most recent one. VDC-95388

April 6, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.47 | Build Number: 11017 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Rule Execution Users receive an email regarding errors encountered while running rules on a form that previously had data entered but is currently marked "Intentionally Left Blank." VDC-94733
UI & Performance Vault doesn't display the Change Reason pop-up dialog for users to enter a Change Reason when changing a Lab Location in Data Entry. VDC-94224

Release Number: 21R3.0.47 | Build Number: 314 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Listings Certain review-enabled listings may be incorrectly marked as Invalid with a "null" error message. VDC-94532

Release Number: 21R3.0.47 | Build Number: 85 Utilities

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Utilities If a user or the system cancels an In Progress job, the job may not be fully cancelled, causing issues with later job instances. VDC-94806
Utilities Listing jobs for the Subject Progress listing may take much longer than usual, causing the job to overlap with the next scheduled run of the job. This can result in downstream issues with reports.
(Postponed to a later release)

March 2022

March 30, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.45 | Build Number: 11012 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coding Some Medical History Events are missing Code Requests. VDC-91670
Jobs Retrospective amendments fail with a query-related error for some users. VDC-86263
Jobs The "Late" and "Overdue Values" columns don't populate for Form Progress Listing jobs. VDC-92590
Safety Link Users are shown a safety import error when importing a safety configuration. VDC-89808
UI & Performance A Progressive Display label appears on the wrong Item Value until the form is saved. VDC-93770
UI & Performance Users can't edit the first Item entered in the first row on a repeating Item Group until the form is submitted. VDC-94127

Release Number: 21R3.0.45 | Build Number: 313 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export Generation of SAS export packages may fail unexpectedly. VDC-94647
CDB - Import Import of third party data may fail due to a copy error. VDC-89403
CDB - Import CDB may fail to import data from EDC. VDC-94337

March 23, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.43 | Build Number: 10992 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Jobs The Subject Progress Listing job fails in Production instances. VDC-93143
Queries Users experience unexpected behavior when Vault returns queries across all casebook versions when using the form_name query parameter. VDC-92469
Rule Execution A dynamic form isn't created when executing a dynamic rule in EDC Tools. VDC-93520
Safety Link Users are shown an error message when attempting to import a JSON file from UAT to Production. VDC-93194
Safety Link The Safety Scheduler Export Job fails while attempting to generate the E2B XML when a related AE form and SAE form both have a value for the Action Taken Item. VDC-93219

March 16, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.41 | Build Number: 10975 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Review Plan Assignment The Reorder Assignment job fails with errors. VDC-88474
Role & User Management Cross domain users are shown an "Invalid User Name/Password" error when entering credentials to edit normal ranges in the Labs module. VDC-91272

Release Number: 21R3.0.41 | Build Number: 311 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL Users are unable to save listings that use CALL Sys_Events or CALL Sys_Forms in the CQL statement. VDC-91721, VDC-93037

March 9, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.39 | Build Number: 10966 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Data Entry Users with their locale set to "France" can't edit the day or year on a Datetime Item on a Lab form. VDC-85639
Study Design In previous versions of Studio, the month and day is marked as unknown in cases where only the day is unknown. VDC-89592
UI & Performance Users are shown a server error when attempting to modify assessment data. VDC-85434

Release Number: 21R3.0.39 | Build Number: 169 Migration

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Migration With this release, the Migrator role has permission to execute the Post-Run action. VDC-90971

March 2, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.37 | Build Number: 10943 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Data Entry Vault doesn't allow users to submit a form after switching to form link view after an item autosaves. VDC-91482
Deployment Deployment doesn't include "Included Security Profiles" when deploying new groups that have included security profiles. VDC-88246
Integrations The ACK2 file sent back via the AS2 Gateway doesn't update all the safety case and safety message fields correctly. VDC-90836
Labs Deployment fails when deploying the analyte library. VDC-90671
Role & User Management In some cases, custom roles have more field permissions than the roles they were migrated from. VDC-91508
Rule Execution Some rules produce duplicate lines for the same result in the resulting file. VDC-89494
Rule Execution Some rules don't execute properly when there are multiple rules running for multiple casebooks. VDC-90987
Rule Execution Some rules that use aggregate identifiers don't execute properly. VDC-91606

Release Number: 21R3.0.37 | Build Number: 309 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Deployment CDB updates the Last Modified Date for Review Listings after successful data import. VDC-87613
CDB - Export The Sys_Forms listing, when exported as CSV, has ".0" appended to the datetime values. VDC-90413
CDB - Export Export packages generated by users without the Restricted Data Access permission display data about restricted Forms in the Sys_Forms listing. VDC-91871

Release Number: 21R3.0.37 | Build Number: 84 Utilities

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Utilities Certain extract jobs fail due to a malformed URL error (when the resulting data requires pagination). VDC-89230
Utilities Vault may not attempt to restart jobs after certain types of errors occur. VDC-91135

February 2022

February 24, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.35 | Build Number: 10917 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Jobs The Workbench Export job now includes the following information: Form, Event, and Event Group Labels, the Study Country of the Site, the site's Timezone, and the Open to Reply, Rule ID, Trigger ID, and Caused Data Change values on Queries. VDC-89650
Publishing Validation A large quantity of rules are marked as invalid after running a validation job. VDC-90832
Publishing Validation Some users experience validation errors due to outdated rule syntax. VDC-91223
Rule Editor Some Protocol Deviation rules regarding Lab forms that are ILB don't execute properly if the rule syntax doesn't reference the ILB value of a specific item within a Lab form. VDC-90344
Rule Execution The IsAnyBlank() function doesn't handle empty arrays correctly. When there are no instances of the repeating identifier, it returns false instead of true. VDC-87221

Release Number: 21R3.0.35 | Build Number: 306 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL With this release, the following attributes are queryable: @Form.Label, @HDR.Event.Label, @HDR.EventGroup.Label, @HDR.Site.CountryName, @QRY.OpenToReply, @QRY.RuleID, @QRY.TriggerID, @QRY.CausedDataChange, and @HDR.Site.Timezone. VDC-89650
CDB - CQL CALL Sys_Forms may take a long time to return results. VDC-91189
CDB - Export Users may be unable to generate CSV or SAS exports from raw-type Export Definitions. VDC-91700
CDB - Listings Certain listings may return duplicate rows. VDC-91541

February 22, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.33 | Build Number: 10908 CDMS

Changes to Study Role Deployment (VDC-91458)

With this release, depoyment administrators must now include all Study Roles in the Deployment List when deploying from one vault to another. Failure to do so results in the removal of user-defined access from those Study Roles. Once a Study Role is added to the Deployment List, do not remove it.

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Deployment Deployment fails due to an SDK error. VDC-91458
Publishing Validation Some users experience validation errors due to rules that aren't supported. VDC-90452

February 16, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.31 | Build Number: 10888 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coding Not all ConMed records that are entered are available to code. VDC-90715
Deployment Deployment fails when deploying user roles. VDC-90006
Integrations Users are shown an error message when adding a new Learning System for a new study deployment in EDC Tools. VDC-91040
Jobs Users receive an error message when running the Delete Study Data job. VDC-89468
Labs Users are shown an error message when using the same name for the Lab Unit Name and Lab Unit Label. VDC-89328
Labs Deployment fails when deploying the analyte library. VDC-90671
Rule Execution Information in the dynamics_summary file is put in the wrong columns. VDC-90787
Safety Link In some cases, Seriousness Criteria isn't included in the generated XML file in Safety Link. VDC-90819
Safety Link Vault doesn't store a value for the Sex item if it's a derived item and its value is set after a demographics form is submitted. VDC-90983
Study Data Extracts Hyperlinks created using the FGUID column don't redirect to the correct page when used on a repeating form. VDC-88247

Release Number: 21R3.0.31 | Build Number: 300 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL CQL returns an unknown column error when the listing statement references a View and uses a blinded Item in the WHERE clause. VDC-88172
CDB - CQL CQL returns an unknown column error when using Union with @HDR.Event.Name in a subquery when the results include an Item marked as Intentionally Left Blank. VDC-88512
CDB - CQL When joining a View to a Form, CQL may not return result rows where @Form.SeqNbr is null. VDC-89506
CDB - CQL CQL returns an unknown column error when using Union with mismatched items and headers. VDC-89647
CDB - CQL CQL may not filter results as expected when the WHERE clause references @Form.SeqNbr or @ItemGroup.SeqNbr. VDC-90300
CDB - CQL To improve performance, CQL statements using the Union function no longer have a default ORDER BY clause. VDC-90468
CDB - CQL When the WHERE clause uses the CodedTerm function, CQL may return duplicate records and may not return all possible result rows. VDC-91072, VDC-91073, VDC-91074
CDB - Import CDB updates the Last Modified Date for Review Listings in the production environment upon each successful import, when it should only update this date for a new deployment.
(Postponed to a later release)

Release Number: 21R3.0.31 | Build Number: 83 Utilities

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Utilities Jobs may fail unexpectedly due to an invalid session ID. VDC-91054

February 10, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.29 | Build Number: 10862 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Integrations Users are shown an error message that points to an inactive user when attempting to set up a new Learning System. VDC-90571
Jobs Retrospective Amendments shouldn't change translated values. VDC-90760
Rule Execution A Protocol Deviation with a reference to a recently deleted form can be created if a Protocol Deviation rule executes during an event reset. VDC-90384
Safety Link G.k.10.r should not be included in the XML when it isn't mapped or has no value. VDC-89939
Security In some cases, a Learning System User object is only created for one Study when the user has access to multiple studies. VDC-90156
UI & Performance In the Review tab, some events are marked as fully SDV'd even though the form is not fully SDV'd. VDC-89227, VDC-90546
UI & Performance Users receive an empty Zip file when downloading a site closeout PDF. VDC-89707

Release Number: 21R3.0.29 | Build Number: 82 Utilities

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Utilities Data export jobs may fail unexpectedly. VDC-90333

February 7, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.27 | Build Number: 10847

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Deployment Deployment fails when deploying custom roles. VDC-89989, VDC-90514

February 4, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.25 | Build Number: 298 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL CQL may take a longer time to return results when the statement uses the CodedTerm function. VDC-88011
CDB - Export When a listing has two columns with duplicate names, due to reusing an Item across multiple Item Groups, the SAS export file generated for that listing may be missing rows (due to an attempt to fill the duplicate columns with data from the next row) and the CSV export file may be missing columns. VDC-90365, VDC-90493, VDC-90499
CDB - Listings Workbench now allows users to save listings with invalid CQL. VDC-88419

February 2, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.25 | Build Number: 10839

Study Environment Deletion (VDC-90007)

With this release, the Delete option in the action menu found in EDC Tools > Study Master > Study Instance has been renamed to Delete Environment.

Users can use the Delete Environment action to delete a study environment. Note that this option is not available for Production environments.

The Delete Environment action will permanently delete the study environment, including study Definitions and Data. Users must enter the study name to complete the deletion.

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Jobs The Data and Definition Export job fails occasionally. VDC-89598, VDC-89820
Labs Users should not be able to have duplicate labels for Unit Item Def and Codelist Item Def. VDC-89274
Queries In some specific cases, Query Team restrictions are not enforced after changing users. VDC-88143
Security Users are shown the wrong error message when creating an in-domain user from another vault. VDC-88531
Study Data Extracts Translated values are incorrectly shown in scientific format in SAS files. The SAS format type column will now display translated values as "32.15."
(Postponed to a later release)
UI & Performance Users experience slow performance when selecting rules on rule listings to trigger a rules job. VDC-88341

Release Number: 21R3.0.25 | Build Number: 168 Migration

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Migration When multiple loads are initiated at the same time, only the first load is successful, and the remaining jobs fail. VDC-88492
Migration With this release, we added a Task Status Report job that generates a CSV for pending and failed records. VDC-88495
Migration Site users may receive a server error when attempting to open a Form that contains a label-type Item in a migrated Study. VDC-89635, VDC-89690

January 2022

January 26, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.23 | Build Number: 10817

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Jobs Some users may be unable to select the current date when applying a Date Range filter to the Audit Trail Export by Study job. VDC-86667
Jobs Audit Trail Export jobs fail due to incorrectly created custom trigger data. VDC-89377
Labs Users receive an error email when importing normal ranges. VDC-88965
Rule Editor Users are shown an error message when attempting to complete a form in Data Entry that points to a rule error that isn't visible in the Rule Editor. VDC-89670
Rule Execution Users are shown an error message when submitting a form on a repeating DateTime item when the item is set up to allow for unknown parts or if there is a blank instance of the item on the form. VDC-89612
Safety Link If a Safety Case has two SAEs and no Treatment forms, the E2B XML includes an extra instance of G.k.1 and G.k.2.2. VDC-86543
Safety Link ID root values are missing when Treatment forms are configured but none are submitted. VDC-86778
Safety Link In Safety Configuration > Medical History, the E2B XML shows "null null" when an Item isn't mapped. VDC-87970
Study Data Extracts The SDE job fails due to an error in the SYS_FORM dataset. VDC-87750
Study Design Users aren't shown an error message in Schedule View when there's a medical coding configuration error on a form. VDC-89194
UI & Performance Users should be shown an error message when attempting to remove an Event Group, Event, or Form through the Schedule Editor if they have existing coding configurations. VDC-88537

Release Number: 21R3.0.23 | Build Number: 293 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL Using Select * to query a View may return unexpected rows. VDC-87296
CDB - CQL The Union function doesn't honor Limit or Offset. VDC-87767
CDB - CQL CQL returns an unknown column error when a blinded user references a restricted Item in the WHERE clause. VDC-88172
CDB - CQL When a user generates a CSV for a listing that references a View with blinded columns, and that user doesn't have the Restricted Data Access permission, the CSV includes column headers for those blinded columns. VDC-88194
CDB - CQL When referencing a View that uses an alias inside of a Union, CQL returns an unknown column error for the aliased column. VDC-88529
CDB - CQL When the CQL statement uses a subquery, CQL filters out Events that Did Not Occur automatically, which removes rows with blank Item values from the results. With this release, CQL no longer applies this filter, unless it is specified in a WHERE clause. VDC-88639
CDB - CQL CQL returns fewer rows in a View using On Subject Unalign than a Custom Listing referencing that same Form. VDC-88957
CDB - CQL CQL may return an unknown column error when selecting from two Views using On Subject Align. VDC-88958
CDB - CQL CQL returns a "The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns" error when using Union with On Subject only applied to one selection. VDC-89681
CDB - CQL CQL returns an unknown column error when using Select * on a subquery that references @HDR properties. VDC-89697, VDC-89779
CDB - Listings If a listing references a View that uses a CASE statement, Workbench may not show all possible cell decorations. VDC-85879
CDB - Listings Workbench now allows users to save listings with invalid CQL. VDC-88419
Role & User Management In vaults using Multi-Role Security, if a user has access to CDB, but only one of two Studies, that user is able to see both of those Studies on the Studies page. If the user clicks to open the Study that they don't have access to, the page doesn't load. VDC-89139

Release Number: 21R3.0.23 | Build Number: 81 Utilities

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Utilities After a number of jobs, Utilities jobs may begin to fail due to an authentication error. VDC-89844

January 21, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.21 | Build Number: 286 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL @QRYMSG.Status returns the value from @QRY.Status, instead of the Status for the Query Message. VDC-86990
CDB - Deployment CDB may encounter issues when deploying Listings and Views from UAT to Production environments when the a matching field has been modified in the Production environment. VDC-87901
CDB - Export In some studies, package generation for raw-type Export Definition fails due to a duplicate @QRY.Name column in the EDC Closed Queries listing. VDC-86469
CDB - Export For some export definitions, package generation fails due to an out of memory error. VDC-87552
CDB - Export Export package generation may get stuck in the In Progress status. VDC-89781
CDB - Import In Studies with several Lab Panels in EDC, import from EDC may get stuck in the Pending status. VDC-86788
CDB - Import Users may receive an error when importing a key mapping file with the "name" mapping type after deleting a key mapping file with the "external_id" mapping type. VDC-89254
CDB - Listings Workbench may get stuck loading certain listings. VDC-87912
CDB - Listings After import of new data into an existing Study, Review Listings may be marked as Invalid when there are no errors. VDC-88931
CDB - CQL Using Select * to query a View may return unexpected rows.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL The Union function doesn't honor Limit or Offset.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL CQL returns an unknown column error when a blinded user references a restricted Item in the WHERE clause.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL When a user generates a CSV for a listing that references a View with blinded columns, and that user doesn't have the Restricted Data Access permission, the CSV includes column headers for those blinded columns.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL When referencing a View that uses an alias inside of a Union, CQL returns an unknown column error for the aliased column.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL When the CQL statement uses a subquery, CQL filters out Events that Did Not Occur automatically, which removes rows with blank Item values from the results. With this release, CQL no longer applies this filter, unless it is specified in a WHERE clause.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL CQL returns fewer rows in a View using On Subject Unalign than a Custom Listing referencing that same Form.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL CQL may return an unknown column error when selecting from two Views using On Subject Align.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Listings If a listing references a View that uses a CASE statement, Workbench may not show all possible cell decorations.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Listings Workbench now allows users to save listings with invalid CQL.
(Postponed to a later release)

January 20, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.21 | Build Number: 10788

Translated Values Truncated to 15 Decimal Places for new Unit Values (VDC-88339)

With this release, forms with item data types using units will use translated values of 15 decimal places instead of 4. This change will not round but will truncate values so that everything that exceeds the maximum of 15 places will be cut off.

Queries, Rules, and Edit Checks may be impacted by this extended truncation.

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export The Workbench Export job fails when attempting to export EDC data to CDB. VDC-88916
Coding Code requests aren't generated for some users. VDC-89370
Compare Versions & Vaults Cross Vault ID may appear differently in a Vault-level diff report. VDC-87951
Integrations In some cases, users aren't marked as "Trained" after completing training. VDC-88861
Jobs In some cases, the Validation job in Studio doesn't find invalid rules when run after a change made during Post Go Live. VDC-89174
Safety Link ID root values are missing when Treatment forms are configured but none are submitted.
(Postponed to a later release)
Study Data Extracts Scheduled SDE jobs occasionally fail with an error. VDC-86943

Release Number: 21R3.0.21 | Build Number: 80 Utilities

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Utilities Data export jobs may fail intermittently due to "Bad Gateway" and "Internal Server Errors" from Vault. VDC-87474

January 12, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.19 | Build Number: 10759 CDMS

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Audit Trails In some cases, the Audit Trail shows the ID of the changed value instead of the picklist label when resetting a form on a codelist item. VDC-86129
Audit Trails The page freezes when users attempt to filter the Audit Trail Export by Study job by a specific user. VDC-88166
CDB - Import Ingestion fails when there are two Item Definitions with the same Name but with different capitalization of that Name. VDC-85535
Compare Versions & Vaults Cross Vault ID may appear differently in a Vault-level diff report. VDC-88340
Jobs The Event Date not Frozen and Event Date not Locked columns in the Subject Progress Listing job pull data from the wrong object. VDC-87893
Safety Link Study Drug is listed twice in the E2B XML when treatment forms aren't configured. VDC-87492
UI & Performance Users should be shown a warning message that prevents a subject with a duplicate name from moving when the user is transferring sites. VDC-87123

Release Number: 21R3.0.19 | Build Number: 277 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL When a View only returns the Subject.Name column, if CQL statement selects * from the View, CQL returns Subject.Name and Subject.ID. VDC-87204
CDB - CQL CQL returns an "Unknown column '$sub.header_event__r.event_id' in 'field list'" error when referencing @HDR with Union. VDC-87989
CDB - CQL CQL returns "null" when @ItemGroup.SeqNbr is aliased within a subquery referencing a View. VDC-88610
CDB - Deployment With this release, Workbench now uses the incoming values from a deployment for Modified On and Modified By. VDC-88066
CDB - Deployment The Object Deletion Log doesn't include the deletion of Private Listings. VDC-88120
CDB - Import In larger Studies, transformation may take longer than usual. VDC-87645
CDB - Views When the view's CQL uses aliasing, CQL may return an error when a selecting from the View. VDC-86841
CDB - Views Views may not display the correct value for @ItemGroup.SeqNbr. VDC-87126
UI & Performance Users may be unable to delete certain objects in Workbench. VDC-88034, VDC-89204
UI & Performance In some circumstances, users may get an HTTP 500 error when attempting to access Workbench. VDC-88789
CDB - CQL The Union function doesn't honor Limit or Offset.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL When a user generates a CSV for a listing that references a View with blinded columns, and that user doesn't have the Restricted Data Access permission, the CSV includes column headers for those blinded columns.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL When referencing a View that uses an alias inside of a Union, CQL returns an unknown column error for the aliased column.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Deployment CDB may encounter issues when deploying Listings and Views from UAT to Production environments when the a matching field has been modified in the Production environment.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Export In some studies, package generation for raw-type Export Definition fails due to a duplicate @QRY.Name column in the EDC Closed Queries listing.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Import Import may fail when the manifest has a rowid with no distinctid.
(Postponed to a later release)
VDC-83233, VDC-83271
CDB - Import In Studies with several Lab Panels in EDC, import from EDC may get stuck in the Pending status.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Import Successfully imported Key Mappings now show a green Complete badge, instead of an orange one.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Export For some export definitions, package generation fails due to an out of memory error.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Listings In the Cell Details panel, Workbench may not show up to date status icons for SDV, DMR, Signed, Frozen, or Not Locked.
(Postponed to a later release)

Release Number: 21R3.0.19 | Build Number: 79 Utilities

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Utilities Long-running export jobs may fail unexpectedly near the end of the job run. VDC-89179

Release Number: 21R3.0.19 | Build Number: 166 Migration

This release did not include any customer-facing issues. This release improved internal infrastructure.

January 6, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.17 | Build Number: 269 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL CQL now supports the use of the OverrideReason function for the LBOVRDNRC item. VDC-80584
CDB - Deployment Workbench highlights the Last Modified Date on listings and views in orange when that date is the same as the Last Deployed Date. VDC-86556
CDB - Export If a user edits the Title of a listing in an existing Export Definition, then generates the export packaeg, the export package doesn't show that new Title. VDC-87910
CDB - Import Workbench generates a Date Applied value for the import Audit Log when the import of a package fails. VDC-86770
CDB - CQL When a View only returns the Subject.Name column, if CQL statement selects * from the View, CQL returns Subject.Name and Subject.ID.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL CQL returns an "Unknown column '$sub.header_event__r.event_id' in 'field list'" error when referencing @HDR with Union.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL CQL returns "null" when @ItemGroup.SeqNbr is aliased within a subquery referencing a View.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Views When the view's CQL uses aliasing, CQL may return an error when a selecting from the View.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Views Views may not display the correct value for @ItemGroup.SeqNbr.
(Postponed to a later release)

January 5, 2022

Release Number: 21R3.0.17 | Build Number: 10718

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Audit Trails Users encounter errors when running the Audit Trail Export job on specific casebooks. VDC-88543, VDC-88860
Coding Some users encounter errors when attempting to upversion a dictionary in the Production environment. VDC-88356
Integrations Users receive an error message when saving a Curriculum Map copy to multiple studies in the Learning Systems tab. VDC-85810
Protocol Deviations Some Protocol Deviation reports are missing Event, Form, and Item fields. VDC-88308
Safety Link Sometimes ConMed information doesn't transfer to Safety Vault. VDC-88481
Study Administration Users with the CDMS Lead Data Manager study role may be unable to delete a Study Country, even when that Study Country isn't associated with any Sites. VDC-86494

December 2021

December 29, 2021

Release Number: 21R3.0.15 | Build Number: 10701

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Data Entry Users are shown a server error message when navigating to a specific site. VDC-88858

December 22, 2021

Release Number: 21R3.0.13 | Build Number: 10694

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Blank & Detail PDFs Blank PDFs at the subject level show incorrect page numbers. VDC-88815
UI & Performance Users are shown a server error message when loading some casebooks in Data Entry and the Review tab. VDC-88650, VDC-88149

December 21, 2021

Release Number: 21R3.0.11 | Build Number: 10690

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Deployment Deployment fails after users create custom roles. VDC-87253
Integrations CTMS jobs that call to CDMS "getevent" ID API take too long to complete and eventually fail. VDC-88284
Jobs If there are special characters in a file name for a Study Listings job, those characters should be replaced with underscores. VDC-85901
Jobs For the Query Detail Listing, when the Item Value Before Query column is for a unit-type Item with a null value, Vault still includes the unit definition. VDC-86180
Jobs Users receive an error email when running training reports for all studies. No errors are shown for single studies. VDC-87804
Jobs The Core Listing job fails with errors when running from the DEV1 environment. VDC-88133
Reports & Dashboards A new summary repair job should start at the same time that the previous successful summary repair job started. VDC-88362
Rule Editor Users receive an error message when using "@User" in the rule editor. VDC-85779
Rule Execution Rule execution job files return blank when forms are added by the job. VDC-87282
SDS & Annotated PDFs The study build number shown in the SDS is incorrect in some cases. VDC-86496

Release Number: 21R3.0.11 | Build Number: 264 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL When referencing a View that uses On Subject Unalign and Union, CQL may return a "Column in order clause is ambiguous" error. VDC-86000
CDB - CQL CQL returns an "Unknown column" error when selecting @HDR from a View. VDC-86581
CDB - CQL When a View uses On Subject and Union, selecting from that View doesn't return the expected results. VDC-86627
CDB - CQL When a View uses On Subject, selecting from that View doesn't return the expected results. VDC-86630
CDB - CQL CQL may return an unknown column error when the ORDER BY or GROUP BY references an aliased column. VDC-88389, VDC-88390
CDB - Deployment In some circumstances, a deployment may not include the source for a listing, and so the listing may not be updated or may have errors in the production environment. VDC-88177, VDC-88428
CDB - Import When a Study has a Form with only a repeating Item Groups, and then a new version adds a non-repeating Item Group to that Form, Workbench may not fully import EDC data for Casebooks using the earlier version. VDC-85925
CDB - Import Import may fail when the manifest specifies a GroupID but doesn't specify event mapping. VDC-87796
CDB - Import When using key mapping on Event, Workbench may not generate Event Group Sequence Numbers as expected. VDC-88103
CDB - Listings For some Forms, CQL may return "null" instead of "1" for @ItemGroup.SeqNbr on non-repeating Item Groups. VDC-88244
CDB - Views In View Listings, CQL returns boolean Item values as 1/0 instead of true/false. VDC-86628
CDB - Views When using On Subject Unalign in a View Listing, CQL may not return all possible result rows. VDC-87825, VDC-87972

December 15, 2021

Release Number: 21R3.0.9 | Build Number: 10656

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export WHODrug coding fields aren't included in CDB exports of the CM core listing. VDC-86466
CDB - Export Exports in EDC Tools fail unexpectedly for certain studies. VDC-88178
Data Entry Forms with editable grids can't save when completed when progressive display is configured. VDC-86861
Jobs Users encounter errors when running the Audit Trail Export by Study job. VDC-87638
Jobs The Audit Trail Export by Study job fails due to a specific data setup. VDC-87977
Rule Execution Rules for repeating event groups don't execute properly. VDC-86801
Rule Execution Derived items aren't populated when using a derived rule with the Now(@Site.timezone__v) rule expression. VDC-88198
Study Administration Copied forms carry orphaned rules to the Library and Study, causing errors that block deployment. VDC-87501
Study Data Extracts IGROUP, ITEM, and ITEMGROUP override labels for DM1 studies don't display as they should. VDC-87150
UI & Performance Vault shows users an error message when saving certain queries in Data Entry. VDC-81985
UI & Performance Vault shows users an error message when they copy and paste text into the query window in Data Entry. VDC-86751

Release Number: 21R3.0.9 | Build Number: 257 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export Users are unable to save when creating a new Export Definition with invalid listings. VDC-87104
CDB - Deployment The Object Summary Log, when generated in production environments, now has an Access column (lists public or private) and no longer has the Status column. VDC-87862
CDB - Deployment In development environments, the Object Summary Log CSV is empty. VDC-88285
CDB - Import If a new casebook version switches an Item Group from non-repeating to repeating, import fails. VDC-87493
CDB - Import Workbench may attempt the transformation job on packages that have already been transformed. VDC-87985
CDB - Listings When the value filter is applied via the Sort & Filter menu on a Review Listing, Workbench doesn't use the translated value (to the standard unit) for filtering UOM items. VDC-86103
CDB - Listings When a custom listing has a unit-type Item, if a user creates a review-enabled listing from it, Workbench marks the review listing as invalid. VDC-87975
CDB - CQL When referencing a View that uses On Subject Unalign and Union, CQL may return a "Column in order clause is ambiguous" error.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL CQL returns an "Unknown column" error when selecting @HDR from a View.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - CQL When a View uses On Subject and Union, selecting from that View doesn't return the expected results.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Views In View Listings, CQL returns boolean Item values as 1/0 instead of true/false.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Views When the view's CQL uses aliasing, CQL may return an error when a selecting from the View.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Views Views may not display the correct value for @ItemGroup.SeqNbr.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Views When using On Subject Unalign in a View Listing, CQL may not return all possible result rows.
(Postponed to a later release)
VDC-87825, VDC-87972

December 13, 2021

Release Number: 21R3.0.7 | Build Number: 74 Utilities

This release did not include any customer-facing issues. This release improved internal infrastructure.

December 10, 2021

Release Number: 21R3.0.7 | Build Number: 250 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL CQL may return zero rows when there are expected results if using the Label() function. VDC-87009
CDB - Export Workbench fails to create a raw-type Export Definition when the user selects multiple listings with the same ID. VDC-87125, VDC-87154
CDB - Export Review listings that reference restricted data aren't listed in Available Listings during Export Definition creation. VDC-87131
CDB - Listings If a listing references a View, Workbench doesn't display the Source in the Listing Summary. VDC-87117
UI & Performance Certain listings for Forms with repeating Item Groups may take a long time to load. VDC-87581
CDB - Import In the Audit Log, Workbench disables the Apply button when the Import Date Range filter's date range is greater than 90 days, instead of preventing the selection of an End Date outside of that range.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Import Import may fail when the manifest has a rowid with no distinctid.
(Postponed to a later release)
VDC-83233, VDC-83271
CDB - Import Ingestion fails when there are two Item Definitions with the same Name but with different capitalization of that Name.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Import In the Import Audit Log, the "Load Completion" column is incorrectly labeled as "Loaded Completion".
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Import The import audit log doesn't include jobs that are stuck in the In Progress status.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Import If a new casebook version switches an Item Group from non-repeating to repeating, import fails.
(Postponed to a later release)
VDC-87434, VDC-87493
CDB - Listings In the Cell Details panel, Workbench may not show up to date status icons for SDV, DMR, Signed, Frozen, or Not Locked.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Views Users without the Restricted Data Access permission can access the column headers for restricted (blinded) columns from Views.
(Postponed to a later release)

December 9, 2021

Release Number: 21R3.0.7 | Build Number: 10615

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coding Configuration Vault doesn't prevent users from attempting to start batch upversioning when a single upversioning attempt is ongoing. VDC-86203
Jobs Subject Progress Listing and Form Progress Listing jobs may fail unexpectedly. VDC-85602
Rule Editor If a user copies Subject Groups from another Study, then creates a rule to add a subject to one of those groups, if they save the rule then attempt to reopen it, they receive an error. VDC-86593
Rule Editor Vault shows users an error message and doesn't save rules in Studio. VDC-87207
SDS & Annotated PDFs The Randomization worksheet in the SDS may be empty. VDC-87451
Study Data Extracts Hyphens in study names are replaced with underscores. VDC-87557
Vault Administration Users can access Study links before completing required training. VDC-86531

December 7, 2021

Release Number: 21R3.0.5 | Build Number: 244 CDB

This release did not include any customer-facing issues. This release improved internal infrastructure.

December 6, 2021

Release Number: 21R3.0.5 | Build Number: 10578

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Casebook Versioning Vault produces an error message when users run a casebook comparison. VDC-87510
Rule Execution Vault produces an error message when users attempt to save a rule with DateTime values. VDC-87514

December 3, 2021

Release Number: 21R3.0.3 | Build Number: 10563

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Audit Trails Vault may generate an extra entry in the audit trail when a user edits a Form and changes the value for a codelist that disables a dependent Item (via a Disable-type rule, not progressive display). VDC-85945
Data Entry Vault doesn't show an error message when a user enters a value in an Item that populates a derived codelist Item and that value doesn't match any codes for existing codelist items (values). VDC-85883
Data Entry If a user enters data on a repeating Form, then resets the Form, and then enters data again, they receive a server error once Vault attempts to autosave their entered data. VDC-86337
Deployment Changing application role names, deploying groups, then deploying roles deletes user managed groups. VDC-84380
Deployment Deployments that include study roles may fail unexpectedly. VDC-85214
Jobs In the Query Detail Listing job output, Vault shows the Study Role for the Closed By column, instead of the user who closed the query. VDC-86261
Jobs Form Progress Listing jobs may fail unexpectedly. VDC-86377
Study Data Extracts The Study Data Extract job may fail unexpectedly when a study includes assessments. VDC-85666
Study Data Extracts If a user renames a scheduled Study Data Extract, the next run of the job fails. VDC-86186

Release Number: 21R3.0.3 | Build Number: 244 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL When using UnPivot, if the result set includes more than 1000 rows, Workbench may truncate the rows incorrectly. VDC-85581
CDB - CQL CQL may return an error when using coding functions on data within a repeating Item Group. VDC-86289
CDB - CQL Certain View Listings may not return all possible result rows. VDC-86441, VDC-86590, VDC-86621, VDC-86842
CDB - CQL CQL returns an error when a user attempts to join two Views from a Custom Listing. VDC-86443
CDB - CQL CQL may return an error when a View Listing uses ON SUBJECT. VDC-86489
CDB - CQL Selecting from certain views may return an "Unknown column in 'on clause'" error. VDC-86577
CDB - CQL When using @ItemGroup.SeqNbr in the WHERE clause for a View, and then querying Select * for that View, CQL may return unfilled Forms that have NULL values for @ItemGroup.SeqNbr. VDC-86625
CDB - CQL CQL returns an "Unknown column" error when the alias for an Item ends with a period (.). VDC-86793
CDB - CQL CQL returns an "Unknown column" error when @ItemGroup.SeqNbr is used in the ORDER BY clause. VDC-86798
CDB - Dashboards In some locations, Known Discrepancy is incorrectly labeled as Known Issue. VDC-80558
CDB - Dashboards When a Study has no review-enabled listings, Workbench doesn't display queries in the dashboard's query charts. VDC-82089
CDB - Dashboards After refreshing the dashboard, Workbench may display listings from multiple UAT instances. VDC-86429
CDB - Dashboards For some studies, the Dashboard may incorrectly consider all listings as Invalid. VDC-86760
CDB - Deployment After a deployment, Workbench doesn't populate the Study Build and Casebook Version columns in the production Study. VDC-84790
CDB - Deployment Workbench includes the Review Status in the deployment of Review Listings. VDC-86376
CDB - Export SAS export files truncate variables at 30 characters, instead of 32. VDC-86562
CDB - Export After importing new data, Workbench may not show user-created listings as available for adding to an Export Definition. VDC-87073
CDB - Import A user must refresh the page to see newly imported key mappings. VDC-83290
CDB - Import Workbench doesn't return an appropriate error message when a user imports data for a Study in a given Source, with a mapped Key for the Study Name, but the Key Mapping for that Study is only defined for a diffferent Source. VDC-84954, VDC-86640
CDB - Import The Audit Log cuts off the Study Name value in the column. With this release, we made the column wider. VDC-85311
CDB - Import The import Audit Log doesn't include imports that are in progress. VDC-85398
CDB - Import The import Audit Log doesn't show results for failed imports. VDC-85401, VDC-85833
CDB - Import When there is an error importing a Key Mapping, Workbench doesn't allow users any way to view that error. VDC-85896
CDB - Import Import may fail when a Study includes a Form that has only repeating Item Groups. VDC-86125
CDB - Import Workbench continues to display deleted Key Mappings in the list of Key Mappings. VDC-86347
CDB - Import With this release, we removed the Browse button in the Import Key Mapping dialog. VDC-86620
CDB - Import After importing new data, Workbench may mark certain valid Review Listings as Invalid. VDC-87132
CDB - Listings If there are more than 1000 rows, Workbench doesn't display "1000+ Records". VDC-80440
CDB - Listings Workbench doesn't show any warning icon on Review Listings that include dynamic CQL or duplicate keys. VDC-83106
CDB - Listings Workbench may not return search results when a user searches in the Source column for a listing. VDC-86191
CDB - Listings Workbench doesn't apply filters on the Listing Summary from the Modified In column. VDC-86316
CDB - Listings When a user creates a new Review Listing or enables review for an existing Custom Listing, if the listing's CQL contains certain clinical functions, such as ILB(), Workbench may mark the listing as invalid. VDC-86544
CDB - Listings Workbench attempts to apply decorations to Items marked as Intentionally Left Blank when the Item is retrieved as part of a subquery, causing an error. VDC-86795
CDB - Queries Workbench may not show the Open Query decoration on the Event Date unless a user interacts with a Query on an Item in the same row. VDC-86438
CDB - Queries After a user opens a new Query on the Event Date for all rows of a listing page (using the Select All checkbox), Workbench doesn't display the Open Query decoration on the Event Date column for those rows. VDC-86700
CDB - Views Workbench doesn't display the correct CQL in the Reference CQL tab for Views. VDC-82669
CDB - Views CQL doesn't return an error when a user uses COMPACT within a subquery for a View. VDC-86267
CDB - Views Workbench allows users to save a View when the CQL references @Form attributes. VDC-86462
CDB - Views Users may receive an error when attempting to download the latest CSV for a view from the Views summary page. VDC-86545
CDB - Views Workbench doesn't automatically set the Category to View, causing an error message when saving the new View, but Workbench successfully creates the View. VDC-86695
Deployment With this release, we removed the Deployment option from Study Environments with the Production and Validation types. VDC-86800
UI & Performance The Delete Listing and Delete View dialogs don't include a dialog title. VDC-85547
UI & Performance On Query Listing pages, if a user selects rows, the text for "Rows Selected | #" and "# Records" may overlap. VDC-85934

Release Number: 21R3.0.3 | Build Number: 70 Utilities

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Utilities Run Listings jobs for the Subject Progress Listing with custom objects and specific Sites selected fail unexpectedly. VDC-86580