20R3 Maintenance Releases

A “maintenance release” is a release that contains fixes for issues that are affecting customers in production environments. We communicate 24 hours prior to the release that we will be applying a maintenance release and that there will be a short service disruption. This list only covers fixes to General Release versions.

The list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the release occurs. When we identify issues to fix in a maintenance release, we attempt to get them into the earliest release possible. Sometimes, we target a specific release but are not able to deliver a fix early enough for full testing. In situations like this, we postpone the fix for a later release and strike out the description in this list.

We number maintenance releases by appending the number of the maintenance release to the General Release number. Vault CDMS uses odd-numbered releases, while Vault uses even-numbered releases. The most recent General Release was 20R3, so our maintenance releases for this version are 20R3.0.3, 20R3.0.5, and so on.

April 2021

April 12, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.51 | Build Number: 168 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export Workbench doesn't show any Available Listings in the Create New Export Definition panel. VDC-70741

April 7, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.49 | Build Number: 11565

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coder Single and Batch Upversioning Synonym Lists results in duplicated Synonym Lists. VDC-70466
Coder The Drug Name column appears blank in upversioned Synonym Lists. VDC-70467
Coder User's can't upversion Synonym Lists that are assigned to one or more MC Item Definitions. VDC-70480
Integrations Studies show blank Event statuses in CTMS that aren't blank in CDMS. VDC-70635

Release Number: 20R3.0.49 | Build Number: 167 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export Raw exports with Forms that have a large number of Items per Form may fail with an "Unknown column in field list" error. VDC-70625, VDC-70753
CDB - Listings The Cell Details panel may display the Query from another Subject (not the row's Subject) when the row is number 51 or greater in the result set. VDC-70553

April 1, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.47 | Build Number: 165 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export For raw exports, the RawDate() function has been looking to the Value Normalized (value_normalized__v) from EDC instead of Value (value__v) for date and datetime Items, causing confusion as Workbench displays the Value in all other locations. With this release, RawDate() returns the raw date based on the Value date or datetime. VDC-69534
CDB - Export Workbench may fail to generate a package for raw exports with a "Too many columns" error when referencing one or more large Forms. VDC-69841
CDB - Import Import > Packages doesn't display any of the source packages. VDC-69890
CDB - Listings Users may not be able to save a custom listing when the CQL statement selects @Form.Name with an alias inside a subquery. VDC-68723
CDB - Listings Workbench marks review listings as invalid when there are multiple import jobs occurring too close together. VDC-69574
CDB - CQL CQL returns a "Duplicate column name" error when @Form.Name is referenced in a subquery.
(Postponed to a later release)

March 2021

March 31, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.47 | Build Number: 11555

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Blank & Detail PDFs Detail PDF exports fail with errors. VDC-69966, VDC-69964
Casebook Versioning Retrospective Amendments on specific casebooks fail. VDC-68926
Casebook Versioning Restrospective amendments unsubmit events if Items are added to a Form, resulting in a difference in status between events and forms. VDC-69998
CDB - Export Workbench doesn't change the modified date of a Form after an Item is updated in EDC. VDC-64739
CDB - Export The EDC Export job fails. VDC-68406
CDB - Export For raw exports, the RawDate() function has been looking to the Value Normalized (value_normalized_v) from EDC instead of Value (value_v) for date and datetime Items, causing confusion as Workbench displays the Value in all other locations. With this release, RawDate() returns the raw date based on the Value date or datetime. VDC-69534
Deployment (Study Level) Some deployments complete with multiple errors and inconsistencies in documentation, Casebook Versioning, and Study Build numbering. VDC-67459
Jobs User Activity Reports fail with errors. VDC-68726
Jobs Detail PDF jobs fail in certain environments. VDC-70181
Labs Pending Lab Locations duplicate in the Site Lab Assignment tab after approval. VDC-68402
Labs Users receive a server error when entering Lab Results in the Data Entry tab. VDC-69106
Labs Users receive a server error when attempting to remove the Collection Date and Time in a Lab Panel in the Data Entry tab. VDC-69918
Localization Users with non-English locales or languages can't enter dates in Data Entry. VDC-69105
Role & User Management Users receive an error message when attempting to update/add permissions to a role. VDC-68594
Rule Editor Users can add and select a sequence number when adding an event. VDC-64229
UI & Performance The Copy from Study dialog text changes while users are copying forms from another study. VDC-68771

March 24, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.45 | Build Number: 11534

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Data Entry In some instances, items controlled by Progressive Display don't appear until the page is reloaded. VDC-67557
Data Entry Users can only link Adverse Event forms to Serious Adverse Event forms or they receive an error. VDC-67786
Deployment (Study Level) Users receive an error when upgrading studies to the automatic deployment model. VDC-68716
Jobs The Outdated Normals mass update job doesn't run on all Lab forms. VDC-67577
Jobs When a user runs multiple mass update jobs, the job trigger responses carry over and combine into each other's responses. VDC-67873
Labs Users receive an exception error when attempting to add a lab panel to a form after a deployment. VDC-67234
Labs Queries aren't fired for Clinical Significance when normals are out of range. VDC-67596
Labs All mass update jobs fail in certain vaults. VDC-69426
Role & User Management Users receive an error when importing users if the file is missing certain information. VDC-64998
Rule Execution The job trigger rule execution response exceeds the maximum size allowed. VDC-67665
UI & Performance Users receive an error message when attempting to link a Lab form with another form. VDC-68447
UI & Performance Users receive a server error message when entering lab results in Data Entry. VDC-68531
UI & Performance The Coder Tools Study Settings page takes too long to load. VDC-68558
UI & Performance Some users receive an error when attempting to add a new user while others can't add a new user at all. VDC-69387

Release Number: 20R3.0.45 | Build Number: 161 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL CQL may return an unknown column error when @Form.SeqNbr is used in a function. VDC-58247
CDB - CQL In some cases, if a column uses an expression as the alias, CQL may return the expression as the column name, instead of the alias. VDC-64843, VDC-66489, VDC-67659, VDC-68045, VDC-68077
CDB - Listings When a study has one or more very large Forms, Workbench marks valid listings as Invalid. VDC-68163
CDB - Listings Workbench marks review listings as invalid when there are multiple import jobs occurring too close together.
(Postponed to a later release)

March 18, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.43 | Build Number: 11510

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Rule Execution Some rules don't provide information for Subject, Event Group, Event Group Sequence, Form, etc. when executed. VDC-67187

March 17, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.41 | Build Number: 11509

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Audit Trails Event audit trails show duplicate signatures. VDC-69073
CDB - Import If a user creates a query on a restricted Item in CDB, then imports a new package from that source, Workbench allows users without the Restricted Data Access permission to view the query. VDC-68204
Randomization Users receive server errors when subjects aren't using the latest casebook version for a Randomization study with stratification. VDC-66981
Randomization Randomization lists are invalidated after deployment. VDC-68681
UI & Performance Users receive an error message when creating a subject status rule in Studio. VDC-68765

Release Number: 20R3.0.41 | Build Number: 159 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL In some cases, if a column uses an expression as the alias, CQL may return the expression as the column name, instead of the alias. VDC-67659
CDB - Import Import of large packages may take much longer than expected. VDC-66657
CDB - Import If a user creates a query on a restricted Item in CDB, then imports a new package from that source, Workbench allows users without the Restricted Data Access permission to view the query. VDC-68204, VDC-68581
CDB - Import Users without the Restricted Data Access permission are able to view restricted values by downloading the EDC import package. VDC-68371
CDB - Listings Users with the Restricted Data Access permission are unable to view restricted Items from a Review Listing.
(Postponed to a later release)
CDB - Queries Users without the Restricted Data Access permission can view the messages of queries on restricted Items. VDC-63286

March 15, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.39 | Build Number: 11501

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Reports & Dashboards Frozen casebooks, events, and forms don't appear as frozen in operational summary reports. VDC-64712
UI & Performance Users can still submit a form with a duplicate Randomization number even when a custom trigger should prevent submission. VDC-68595
UI & Performance After migration, the audit trail for signed casebooks show the incorrect signature date and take too long to load. VDC-68887
UI & Performance Audit trails incorrectly show that casebooks that were frozen after a migration were frozen at the time of migration. VDC-68888

March 14, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.37 | Build Number: 11479

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Jobs Retrospective amendment jobs continuously fail. VDC-68650, VDC-68738, VDC-68777

March 10, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.37 | Build Number: 153 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL CQL may return an error when using UNION ALL and static text (' '). VDC-66301, VDC-68043
CDB - CQL With this release, CQL now aligns by @ItemGroup.SeqNbr in subqueries, making @ItemGroup.SeqNbr available as a column within subqueries. VDC-66834
CDB - Export Users are unable to select the Delivery checkbox in an Export Definition's properties. VDC-64800
CDB - Export Raw export listings may not show values in coding columns when the listing's forms have a large number of items. VDC-65260
CDB - Listings When a Review Listing's CQL returns empty results, Workbench may mark the Review Listing as Invalid. VDC-68048
Role & User Management Workbench now fully respects the Restricted Data Access study role permission for the handling of restricted data from EDC. VDC-46703
UI & Performance Pagination in listing datasheets is much slower than expected. VDC-65198

March 8, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.35 | Build Number: 11468

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Data Entry Users that don't have access to restricted data can't open repeating common forms that aren't restricted. VDC-67831
UI & Performance Pages in the review tab take much longer to load than they should. VDC-67077

March 4, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.35 | Build Number: 145 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export Workbench treats datetimes as strings for SAS format exports. VDC-63653
CDB - Export Workbench doesn't include coded term columns in raw export listings. VDC-67490, VDC-67893
CDB - Export Users aren't able to save changes to the properties of an Export Definition when there isn't an FTP export destination configured for the Study. VDC-67836
CDB - Import Workbench creates Core Listings for Forms that aren't used in the study schedule. VDC-49722
CDB - Import During third party data import, Workbench duplicates EDC-based core listings and marks them with the third party source. VDC-67629
CDB - Queries Users may not be able to create queries after a listing is deleted in the Study. VDC-67383

March 1, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.33 | Build Number: 11457

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Casebook Versioning If a single form in a batch upversion fails, the rest of the forms in the batch fail. VDC-59364
Randomization Lead Data Managers can view and download Randomization lists through EDC Tools even though they shouldn't have access. VDC-67635
UI & Performance The Job Queued dialog in Coder is formatted incorrectly. VDC-59348
UI & Performance The new dialog that appears when users add new Item Groups or Items in Studio enforces a 128 character limit when it should allow up to 500 characters. VDC-64812
UI & Performance The password field in EDC Tools FTP connections displays in clear text. VDC-66546

Release Number: 20R3.0.33 | Build Number: 136 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export With this release, lead data managers may now configure an FTP export destination for scheduled Workbench exports from Tools > EDC Tools > FTPs. VDC-65057

February 2021

February 25, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.31 | Build Number: 11440

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Rule Editor The wrong Rule Engine UI is shown when the user adds a new rule from the schedule editor in Studio. VDC-66167
UI & Performance Lab forms in Data Entry have active labels on disabled fields. VDC-49825
UI & Performance Items that are taken out of composites retain the composite label instead of the item label in Studio. VDC-55846
UI & Performance The properties panel doesn't refresh when moving between form cells in Schedule view in Studio. VDC-65426
UI & Performance Data Definition extracts don't match the entered event dates. VDC-66310
UI & Performance The Get Event API doesn't return planned events and events that did not occur. VDC-66602
UI & Performance EDC tools data listings show the wrong time and not what the user entered. VDC-66848
UI & Performance Users are shown a pop-up dialog asking to turn on the Repeating Form Expansion feature when Repeating Form Expansion is already configured. VDC-67229

February 24, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.31 | Build Number: 135 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export Users may receive an error when attempting to add a Custom Listing to a raw-type Export Definition. VDC-67138
CDB - Import Importing a source where ItemGroup and ItemGroupSequence are both mapped in the manifest file may not import all records from the source. VDC-66280

February 22, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.29 | Build Number: 11419

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Deployment (Study Level) Deployment fails when an item group definition has a Lab item group type. VDC-67054
Deployment (Vault Level) Deployment fails when a Change Reason doesn't have a label. VDC-66817
Jobs The User Activity Report shows logins for studies before the studies existed. VDC-66813
Labs The Lab Collection Date Time field changes to the incorrect time after the user enters the correct time. VDC-66852
Labs An Out of Range query doesn't fire when the user enters normal ranges in Data Entry that are out of range. VDC-66888
Randomization Randomization fails with error message: "Subject cannot be randomized because there are no available records matching the strata group of the subject." VDC-65922
UI & Performance Data Definition extracts don't match the entered event dates. VDC-66310
UI & Performance Users receive an error message when attempting to hide a codelist value in Studio. VDC-66397

February 18, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.29 | Build Number: 131 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL Including @ItemGroup.SeqNbr in a listing with both repeating and non-repeating Item Groups causes non-repeating Item Groups to repeat. VDC-66495
CDB - Listings Workbench may mark Listings as Invalid, even when the CQL is correct, because of inconsistent header date values. VDC-55802, VDC-66889

Release Number: 20R3.0.27 | Build Number: 11405

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Audit Trails After upgrading a Study to data model version 2, users receive a server error when attempting to open the Audit Trail of a locked Item. VDC-60745
Casebook Versioning When a retrospective amendment adds Items to a signed Form and sets the Form Status to In Progress, Vault first sets the status to In Progress Post Submit before setting it to In Progress. VDC-57082
Coder Some statuses that should not be visible show up in Coder Tools > Upversioning. VDC-58977
Coder The Coding Method field doesn't appear when selecting a dictionary release in Coder Tools > Study Settings > Form Configurations. VDC-64624
Coder Clinical Coders and Clinical Coder Admins receive an error when attempting to uncode all group requests. VDC-66264
Coding Configuration Vault disables the Enable SAE Prioritization checkbox for all Adverse Event or Medical History forms. VDC-60848
Jobs The EDC Data Export job fails without explanation. VDC-64898
Localization Users receive an error when entering an Event Date in Japanese. VDC-66209
UI & Performance Users receive a server error when navigating to Review Plan Assignments in EDC Tools. VDC-66446
UI & Performance Users receive a server error when marking a composite Item as Intentionally Left Blank in Data Entry. VDC-66461
UI & Performance EDC tools data listings show the wrong time and not what the user entered. VDC-66848

February 10, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.27 | Build Number: 128 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL When a statement uses UNION ALL, CQL doesn't return values for @ItemGroup.SeqNbr. VDC-64238
CDB - Export When an Item's value contains newline characters, Workbench splits the value's lines across columns in the exported SAS file. VDC-64888
CDB - Export In some studies, Workbench may mark export listings for a raw-type Export Definition as Invalid unnecessarily. VDC-66143
CDB - Export In some cases, Workbench may fail to generate SAS export packages. VDC-66534
CDB - Import Import fails when the manifest file uses "generate: true" for event matching. VDC-64886
CDB - Import When an import package contains a column for @HDR.Event.ChangeReason, and a value is longer than 100 characters, import fails. VDC-65642, VDC-65643, VDC-65714
CDB - Import Import of EDC packages for Studies using Data Model Version 2 may fail unexpectedly. VDC-65645

Release Number: 20R3.0.25 | Build Number: 11374

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Audit Trails After upgrading a Study to data model version 2, users receive a server error when attempting to open the Audit Trail of a locked Item. VDC-60745
Casebook Variables Casebook variables show differences in the Difference Report even though no changes have been made. VDC-66154, VDC-66061
CDB - Import Some EDC exports fail due to a duplicate column name on import. VDC-65902
Data Entry Dates are not consistently cleared by progressive display after the user receives a dialog that dates will be cleared. VDC-52739
Data Entry The action ellipsis icon doesn't display when the user hovers over Lab header items in Data Entry. VDC-63079
Data Entry Casebook schedules are ordered incorrectly after a retrospective amendment is performed. VDC-65039
Data Entry Progressive display doesn't clear all fields when it should. VDC-65424
Data Entry Users can't edit a field that was intentionally left blank. VDC-66202
Labs Change reasons for Labs Not Performed are shown differently in Dev than in UAT. VDC-64847
Labs Importing normal ranges fails. VDC-64848
Labs After a user copies Lab Normals, and approval is enabled, Vault moves the Lab Normals into the Active status, instead of Pending Approval. VDC-65267
SDV & DMR The SDV Re-assignment job fails with an error. VDC-66213
Signatures In data model version 2 studies, Vault doesn't invalidate all signatures after a study designer modifies the Signature Definition in Studio. VDC-61005
Study Design Copying Event Groups from another study with Include Rules selected doesn't copy the Rules from that Study. VDC-62686
Study Design Users receive an error message in Studio when creating a Signature Definition that states that Vault can't determine the Study for that Signature Definition. VDC-66445
UI & Performance Users receive an error when attempting to load users in utilities. VDC-65427
UI & Performance Users receive errors when attempting to add users in utilities. VDC-65517
UI & Performance Users receive a server error when accessing the casebook schedule page for some Study Sites. VDC-65663
UI & Performance Users experience errors and job failures when importing in EDC Tools. VDC-65917

February 4, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.25 | Build Number: 121 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL When a statement has multiple Union sections, at least one Union section retrieves multiple Forms, one of those Forms has a repeating Item Group, and the WHERE clause references an @Form property, CQL may return duplicate data. VDC-66217

February 3, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.23 | Build Number: 119 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL CQL doesn't display header aliases within a union correctly. VDC-48933
CDB - CQL In some very large Forms, Core Listings may not include all Item Groups. VDC-65460
CDB - CQL CQL may return a "The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns" error when the statement uses UNION and the two SELECT statements have different numbers of Forms. VDC-65550
CDB - Export In some circumstances, the Sys_ILB listing of a raw export may be missing some Items. VDC-63871
CDB - Export Raw exports may show "1" for @ItemGroup.SeqNbr on all sequences of a repeating Item Group. VDC-64724
CDB - Export When an Item's value contains newline characters, Workbench splits the value's lines across columns in the exported SAS file. VDC-64888
CDB - Import Import fails when the manifest file uses "generate: true" for event matching. VDC-64886
CDB - Import With this release, Workbench now displays Studies in any Status other than Archived. Archived studies are considered inactive, so Workbench doesn't display them in the Study listing. Prior to this release, only the Planning, Execution, Maintenance, and Closeout statuses were handled as active statuses. VDC-65308
CDB - Listings CQL may return no results when a user filters a review listing with the Not Entered or Overdue data filters. VDC-65633
CDB - Listings Workbench removes the Overdue filter when a user opens the next page of results. VDC-65634

Release Number: 20R3.0.23 | Build Number: 11333

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export EDC workbench exports fail with 10 million items. VDC-65533
Deployment (Vault Level) Deployment fails in certain vaults likely because of coding configuration. VDC-65390
Labs When users attempt to deploy Vault-level Labs settings from the DEV to the UAT vault, the deployment fails without explanation. VDC-65386
Rule Execution The Override Review Plan rule doesn't execute properly, resulting in a "No Review" Review States requirement mode. VDC-65849
Signatures Vault should use the most recent signature meaning so that signatures can be added or updated in live studies. VDC-65506
Signatures Signature bindings fail due to the V1 to V2 migration. VDC-65652
UI & Performance Some items are missing when the user uses the "View as Site" option in the Review tab. VDC-63885
UI & Performance The second instance of a repeating event group is added twice due to a rule but doesn't change when the rule is invalidated. VDC-65095
UI & Performance In Studio, View Sets are showing views from other studies. VDC-65243
UI & Performance Casebook listings take too long to load in the Data Entry tab. VDC-65322
UI & Performance Adding Event Date support to an event shouldn't break the signature, frozen, or locked status. VDC-65482
UI & Performance Review states aren't shown for offset events in Data Entry. VDC-65855

January 2021

January 27, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.21 | Build Number: 11297

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Blank & Detail PDFs If a unit- or number-type Analyte returns only the "< {Normal High Value}" or "{Normal Low Value <", Vault doesn't include those values in the Detail PDF. VDC-61222
CDB - Export Data exports with a large amount of items results in an error. VDC-64398
Coding Configuration Users receive an error when attempting to delete coding configuration in Studio. VDC-63917
Data Entry Events that are marked for removal due to a rule evaluation remain marked for removal when the marked for removal field should be set to "false." VDC-64439
Jobs The user receives a "File not found" error when downloading Audit Trail export files. VDC-61999
Jobs The Delete Study Data job fails. VDC-64162
Jobs The Migration job for Reviews migrating from v1 to v2 fails with errors. VDC-65107
Labs Users receive a server error when configuring Labs on a pre-release vault. VDC-61903
Labs When a user creates a Lab panel in Studio's design view that includes more than 25 analytes, the panel doesn't load properly unless the user refreshes the page. VDC-61970
Labs Vault doesn't respond as it should when the user clicks the action menu icon on the lab header of a newly created lab form. VDC-62250
Labs Users can't use the same Name and Label for Lab Units. VDC-63324
Labs The Normal Range unit displays on the wrong row when the user adds a new Normal Range. VDC-63519
Labs Lab Normal export files are missing the Status column. VDC-63571
Labs In Data Entry, the Normal Override column is visible even when "Allow Site Override" is set to "No." The Clinical Significance column is displayed as an empty column when "Allow Clinical Significance" is set to "No." VDC-64651
Labs The Lab panel in Data Entry disappears after lab results have been entered. VDC-65182
Randomization Randomization masks data when masking is no longer configured. VDC-64912
Rule Editor Users receive an error when searching Rule Definitions in Studio. VDC-62390
SDV & DMR In some cases, the SDV job fails. The user also has trouble assigning SDV to some sites. VDC-63835
UI & Performance The Review tab doesn't sort Subjects correctly. VDC-56819
UI & Performance Users are unable to select "Other Specify" to specify another reason for Reason for Change and Intentionally Left Blank fields. VDC-64736
Vault Administration Users are unable to delete casebooks in Data Entry and EDC Tools in Data Model 2.0. VDC-65083

January 27, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.21 | Build Number: 107 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL CQL may return a "The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns" error when the statement uses UNION and the two SELECT statements have different numbers of columns. VDC-57791

January 21, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.19 | Build Number: 105 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL CQL may return errors that a statement is invalid when the statement uses Union() or UnionAll(). VDC-64633, VDC-64665
CDB - CQL Null checks don't work as expected when checking an Item within a repeating Item Group across multiple sequences of the Item Group. VDC-64770
CDB - Export Workbench doesn't display the coded terms columns for raw export listings of Adverse Event forms. VDC-64808
CDB - Export If an Item is reused on the same Form, Workbench merges all instances of the Item into a single column in SAS-format raw exports. VDC-64868
CDB - Import Workbench can't handle EDC packages when the Study in EDC doesn't have any data. VDC-57298
CDB - Import The Workbench Export job in EDC now supports Item V2 studies. VDC-62311
CDB - Listings After a user clicks a listing cell to open the Cell Details panel, Workbench doesn't display a visual indicator that the Cell Details panel is loading. VDC-64745

Release Number: 20R3.0.19 | Build Number: 11249

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export Coded terms aren't visible in the MedDRA export CSV. VDC-64741
Compare Versions The Diff Report doesn't include the Controlling Item, Controlling Item Values, and Display Type properties for progressively displayed Items in the Schedule worksheet. VDC-61899
Jobs Audit trail exports shows "null" as the Lab Result value for any unit-type Analytes. VDC-61277
Labs Locked Lab Form headers should be in "View" mode, not "Edit" mode. VDC-61497
Labs A query should be created for the Age field on Lab Forms when the value that is entered is different from the calculated age. VDC-63308
Labs Units that are configured to be hidden in Studio are visible on Lab Forms. VDC-63411
Randomization When a Study doesn't allow unbalanced randomization, Vault doesn't detect unequal numbers of tratment records during the import of a Randomization List. VDC-61767
Randomization Data enty users may receive a server error when editing the Kit or Device for a subject using the Kit or Device ID manually added on another subject. VDC-62019
Randomization Randomization Study Settings updates don't save when the Rand ID Type is System Generated. VDC-63597
Randomization Users receive multiple errors when importing a Randomization list. VDC-63938
Randomization The characters ">", "<", and "=" cause errors in the Label field when the user is editing a codelist. VDC-64515
Role & User Management Users without the "Create Event" permission are able to create events. VDC-54655
Role & User Management Standard roles have permissions for modules that aren't enabled. VDC-63911
Rule Editor The Form field isn't required when creating a new Add Event Group rule but the field becomes required when the user tries to save. VDC-61445
Rule Execution Queries using the date comparator feature show the Item label text instead of the display override text. VDC-61516
Rule Execution In some cases, repeating Event Groups are removed if they invalidate a rule and are unable to be added back. VDC-64453
UI & Performance Users receive a network error when attempting to view the Change Reason for an Item on a Lab Form using the View as Site option in the Review tab. VDC-61202
UI & Performance Several controls in Lab Panels don't display correctly in Internet Explorer™, Microsoft Edge™, or Google Chrome™ on Windows™. VDC-61504
UI & Performance Users receive a server error when navigating to a Study in the breadcrumb menu in the Review tab. VDC-61996
UI & Performance Users receive an error message when opening a Lab form in the Review tab's "View as Site" feature. VDC-62605
UI & Performance Updating the identifier in a rule action in Studio doesn't update the display. VDC-64021
UI & Performance Users receive a server error when trying to complete a Subject Visit. VDC-64435
UI & Performance Progressive display fields don't open correctly when the user edits a form that has previously been edited. VDC-64663
UI & Performance A pop-up about expanding log forms should appear in the Review tab when configured. VDC-64829

January 13, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.17 | Build Number: 97 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL IS NULL doesn't work as expected when checking between a repeating and a non-repeating Item Group. VDC-63217
CDB - Export Raw Exports now include Coded Terms. VDC-63304, VDC-63477
CDB - Import Imports completed after a query is created clear the query decoration from that cell in the listing until the user clicks the cell or refreshes the page. VDC-63410
CDB - Import Importing a Study fails when there aren't any Subjects in the Study. VDC-64193
CDB - Listings When a user selects all possible filter options one by one, instead of via Select All, then Workbench doesn't return all possible results for the filter. VDC-63799

Release Number: 20R3.0.17 | Build Number: 11191

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Blank & Detail PDFs Users receive an error message when attempting to generate a Form Detail or Casebook Detail PDF when a Lab Location is not specified. VDC-62526
Coder The Dictionary search doesn't return results for a specific search term. VDC-63295
Coding Configuration Vault disables the Enable SAE Prioritization checkbox for all Adverse Event or Medical History forms. VDC-60848
Data Entry Users are allowed to make changes to a Lab form without providing a Reason for Change under certain circumstances. VDC-60716
Labs Vault displays the incorrect unit value and unit measurement for the Age field when a unit can't be found. VDC-60157
Labs Clicking the actions menu in the Lab result field of a Lab panel doesn't show available menu items. VDC-60822
Labs If a Form was frozen while the chosen Lab Location was still pending, and a labs data manager later approves the location and adds normal ranges, Vault updates the frozen form with the updated normal range. VDC-61490
Labs The flag icon isn't updated after the user clicks "Refresh Lab Normals." Users must refresh the window to update. VDC-61499
Labs The Lab Results grid resets when the user refreshes lab normals or switches lab locations after marking or unmarking "If Left Blank." VDC-62061
Labs The Lab Results table fields don't show dropdown menus. VDC-62198
Labs Users receive an error message when attempting to clear a normal override value of a Codelist-type Analyte. VDC-62429
Labs Users receive an error when attempting to save only a low or high value for Normal Override. VDC-62902
Labs Normal values are cleared instead of updated when the user clicks "Refresh Lab Normals." VDC-64499
Review Plan Assignment The SDV/DMR columns are missing in the subject review grid for subjects configured with Manual Review Plan Assignment. VDC-53294
Role & User Management Users with the Manage Review Plan Assignment permission are unable to edit Site templates. VDC-63309
UI & Performance Users don't have the option to specify another option as the reason for an Item change in Studio. VDC-63300
UI & Performance The SDV column doesn't appear in the Events view for some subjects. VDC-63746
UI & Performance Some users using older vaults can't see the "Expand Log Forms" option in the Review tab. VDC-64387

January 8, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.15 | Build Number: 89 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - CQL When the statement uses Union() inside a subquery, CQL returns this error: "The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns". VDC-62675
CDB - CQL CQL doesn't support bit status fields when the statement has more than one subquery level. VDC-63916
CDB - CQL CQL doesn't allow @HDR attributes in the ORDER BY clause. VDC-64205
CDB - Export For raw-type Export Definitions, Workbench doesn't generate a RawDate column for all date columns. VDC-62633
CDB - Export In some cases, the Sys_ILB system listing may not use the correct values in the Item Name column. VDC-63450
CDB - Export Export package generation may fail when a raw-type Export Definition references third-party, blinded Item. VDC-63818
CDB - Export Workbench may fail to generate Export Listings when the source listing's CQL statement uses a form alias. VDC-64197
CDB - Export When the Sys_ILB listing for a raw export is very large, CSV generation may fail with the "Failed to export listing Sys_ILB 10" error. VDC-64469

January 6, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.15 | Build Number: 11134

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Jobs Users receive an error when running a Retrospective Amendment. VDC-63707
Labs Queries are generated when a lab result unit is overridden, even when the unit matches the set override value. VDC-61079
Labs Newly-imported normal ranges are marked as "Pending Approval" when the approval setting is set to "No." VDC-63296
Labs Queries fire even when normals are within normal range. VDC-63572
Labs Lab unit labels aren't deployed by Vault Deployment. VDC-63588
Labs Lab Data Managers are unable to import normal ranges. VDC-63910
Randomization Kit/Device listings display records that reference a study site that the user doesn't have access to. VDC-63407
Rule Execution Rules don't work on events marked as "Did Not Occur" in Data Models 1.0 and 2.0. VDC-63266
Study Administration Difference reports incorrectly report vault identifiers for short labels. VDC-64031
Study Design Creating a study by copying a study design from another study fails but is shown as successful in the log. VDC-64126
UI & Performance Migrating items from Data Model 1.0 to 2.0 takes much longer than it should. VDC-63006

December 2020

December 22, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.13 | Build Number: 11104

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coding Lists After upversioning a Synonym List from Coder Tools > Synonym Lists, Vault creates a duplicate copy of the Synonym List. VDC-61702
Coding Lists After batch upversioning all Forms for a Synonym List, Vault may briefly display a duplicate Synonym List in Coder Tools > Synonym Lists before deleting the duplicate. VDC-62010
Labs Newly-imported normal ranges are marked as "Pending Approval" when the approval setting is set to "No." VDC-63296
Labs Users receive an error when attempting to save a lab panel in Studio. VDC-63529
Review Plan Assignment The Reorder Assignment job doesn't reorder existing casebooks. VDC-63775
SDS & Annotated PDFs Annotated PDFs and SDS are missing several forms. VDC-63830
SDV & DMR Some forms that have completed the SDV process are labeled as incomplete or not started. VDC-63667
SDV & DMR SDV isn't marked as complete in the Events panel even after all pages have completed the SDV process. VDC-63745
UI & Performance The search results in the Items tab in Studio resets after returning results. VDC-61958
UI & Performance Repeating forms don't show the correct SDV/DMR status in the events panel in the Review tab. VDC-63203

December 18, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.11 | Build Number: 11071

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Listings The EDC link from the query panel doesn't work for users with the standard LDM role. VDC-62249
Labs Lab location and normal range imports aren't available in non-control center vaults. VDC-63589
Role & User Management LDM aren't given the permission to Close All Queries. VDC-63412
Rule Execution Some sites can't trigger a subject status form for certain subjects and on certain days due to a rule error. VDC-63685
Study Administration The scheduled Data and Definition job fails for all studies. VDC-63747

December 16, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.9 | Build Number: 11014

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Casebook Variables The Sex casebook variable should only be available in Studies that are using the Local Labs module. VDC-62099
Casebook Versioning Creating a new casebook version and adding new analytes to a Lab Panel changes the order of analytes in that Lab Panel. VDC-62595
CDB - Listings The EDC link from the query panel doesn't work for users with the standard LDM role. VDC-62249
Coding Configuration Vault disables the Enable SAE Prioritization checkbox for all Adverse Event or Medical History forms. VDC-60848
Data Entry Users receive a server error when enrolling new subjects in Sites. VDC-62535
Deployment (Vault Level) Some users experience deployment failure deploying from DEV to UAT. VDC-63160
Developer Features Users with permission to close queries via the API are able to close queries created by users on other teams. VDC-61985
Labs For unit- and number-type Analytes, if only the "< {Normal High Value}" or "> {Normal Low Value}" is returned after a user clicks Refresh Lab Normals, Vault doesn't update the Normal cell. VDC-61225
Labs Vault doesn't update the Normal Results on the labs Form after a user edits an Item to change the subject's sex from Male to Female. VDC-61331
Labs If a user edits a previously submitted Lab form, and changes the Lab Location to a location that doesn't have a configured normal range for one of the form's analytes, Vault doesn't clear the normal results cell. VDC-61498
Labs Users receive an error message when attempting to save values for Lab header items in a Lab form in Data Entry. VDC-62379
Labs Users receive a server error when resetting a Lab Form in Data Entry. VDC-62844
Randomization Randomization Settings don't save when users update the Randomization ID formatting. VDC-62967
Randomization Data Managers can't access the Randomization tab. VDC-63094
Randomization Randomization settings don't save when users attempt to update the Randomization ID type. VDC-63299
Study Administration Study deletion jobs fail in certain instances. VDC-62689
UI & Performance Users receive a server error when clicking on the Amendment History page in EDC Tools. VDC-63360

December 11, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.7 | Build Number: 10968

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Compare Versions The DIff Report doesn't dispaly the Subject, Message, or Binding of Send Email rules. VDC-61760
Data Entry Intentionally Left Blank actions are not available for Site users until a form is completed and edited. VDC-62628
Integrations Some users receive a server error when using a CDMS spark job. VDC-62794
Labs For unit- and number-type Analytes, if only the "< {Normal High Value}" or "> {Normal Low Value}" is returned after a user clicks Refresh Lab Normals, Vault doesn't update the Normal cell. VDC-61225
Randomization Randomization settings don't save when users attempt to update Randomization ID formatting. VDC-62967
SDV & DMR SDV/DMR columns are missing in the Subject Review grid for Subjects that are configured with a manual Review Plan assignment. VDC-53294
Study Design Users have to double-click the "Save" button to save a new Item that's been created in Studio. VDC-62943
UI & Performance Users receive a server error when entering a date in Cycle 2 of an Event in Data Entry. VDC-62906

December 9, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.5 | Build Number: 10934

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coder Users are unable to delete study instances with synonym lists. VDC-62389
Developer Features The Retrieve Events API doesn't return SDV Mode as a picklist. VDC-62283
Labs Clinical Significance doesn't update after override values are entered. VDC-60598
Labs Vault incorrectly displays Normal results that are only configured with one value. VDC-60975
Labs Users are unable to save a new codelist in Labs. VDC-62246
Labs Vault only counts Analytes towards the study's limit when the analyte's Lab Panel is used in a Form. VDC-62423
Labs Sex codelist Item defs in Studio aren't being populated from the label field in the Labs tab. VDC-63009
Review Plan Assignment Vault doesn't disable the Edit Site Templates button for users who don't have All Sites access. VDC-61740
Rule Editor Users can't search for Items in the Item Selector. VDC-61959
Rule Editor Vault doesn't support the "did_not_occur_v" and "change_reason_v" tokens for Send Email rules. VDC-62588
UI & Performance Progressive display doesn't work as it should. VDC-60039
UI & Performance The "Sponsor" field in the Verbatim Listings page header in Coder is blank. VDC-61637
UI & Performance Consistency Checker fails to run due to an error. VDC-63018

December 4, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.3 | Build Number: 10816

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coder Code Requests created while upversioning is in progress may not have the correct dictionary version. VDC-61324
Coder Users are unable to select a Dictionary Type in the Edit dialog for an Adverse Events form. VDC-61824
Data Entry Users receive an error message when clicking the action menu icon for Collection Date Time, Lab Location, or Age on a newly created Lab form. VDC-60849
Data Entry Users are unable to create new repeating Item Group instances and save data in those new Items when editing a Form after submission. VDC-61754
Deployment (Vault Level) Vault-level deployments may fail unexpectedly. VDC-62008
Jobs In certain circumstances, users may receive a server error when opening EDC Tools > Jobs. VDC-61677
Labs The Age item value isn't displayed when viewing a query. VDC-60976
Labs Users receive a server error when clearing the value from the Clinically Significant column of the lab panel. VDC-61329
Labs After a Study has a new casebook version, users receive a server error when attempting to save a Lab Header Item in a new Casebook. VDC-61494
Labs After creating a new version of a Study, Vault lists both versions of the same Lab Panel in Studio > Lab Panels, instead of only the current version. VDC-61495
Labs Data entry users aren't required to provide an Override Reason when overriding a normal range. VDC-61716
Labs Labels for lab Units don't match the capitalization of those labels in Lab Tools. VDC-62055
Labs Vault assigns new normal ranges an "Active" status instead of "Pending Approval" in Labs configured to enable approvals for normals. VDC-62155
Labs Labels are missing for Age "lab_unit_item_def__v" records. VDC-62176
Review Plan Assignment In certain circumstances, the SDV Re-assignment job may fail unexpectedly after an amendment. VDC-61810
Study Design When copying a study, Vault doesn't remove the Lab Codelist Link from the Sex or Female Cycle codelists. VDC-58089
Study Design With this release, we support migrating from data model version 1 to 2. VDC-61835
UI & Performance The Dynamic Rule link for Event Groups doesn't open the Rule Editor. VDC-60921
UI & Performance The View as Site dialog doesn't show the Change Reason value for modified data within a Lab Panel. VDC-60951
UI & Performance On the Code Request Listing, selecting the Edit Columns action for the first time results in a blank page. VDC-61759

December 1, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.3 | Build Number: 19 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export Raw Exports now include the following System Listings: Sys_Sites, Sys_Subjects, Sys_Events, Sys_Forms, and Sys_ILB. VDC-57317
CDB - Export Export manifest files now list the item's data type. VDC-60014
CDB - Export Workbench may fail to export system listings for Studies that use all lowercase form names. VDC-60791
CDB - Export Workbench treats any Export Listings created from Review Listings as Invalid. VDC-61910
CDB - Export Users receive an error when creating a raw-type Export Definition for Studies that have more than 61 forms. VDC-62367
CDB - Export Users may receive an "Data truncation: Data too long for column" error when creating a raw-type Export Definition. VDC-62460
CDB - Import CDB now supports the import and export of data model version 2 items. VDC-55631
CDB - Import Vault may not show the correct status or the links to download the job files for the Workbench Export job. VDC-57907
CDB - Import Import from Vault EDC may fail when users initiate more than one import too close together. VDC-61829

November 2020

November 25, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.1 | Build Number: 16 CDB

Category Issue Description Issue No.
CDB - Export With this release, we introduced the Schedule property to Export Definitions. VDC-58357
CDB - Export Users may receive a "Failed cloning existing listings" error when creating a Raw-type Export Definition. VDC-61832