Operational Reporting Overview

Vault reports make it easy to answer important business questions about your vault. You can use reports to organize, analyze, and share any data related to your operational processes.

What Can Reporting Do?

Here are a few highlights of the type of things you can do with Vault Reporting:

  • Create a forward-looking report to see which Forms need attention (for example, frozen Forms)
  • Create a historical report to analyze how long it takes for a Query to go through a review process, discover how it differs across Sites, and identify the bottlenecks.
  • Create a Study Listing report to view and filter Study Listings. Learn about how to create a Study Listing Report.

The Reports tab helps users to better organize reports across Vault, and provides flexibility for searching and filtering across reports.

Tabular View

The Reports tab appears in tabular view and functions like a spreadsheet. In this view, you can:

  • Resize columns
  • Rearrange columns by clicking and dragging the column headers
  • Add or remove custom columns by clicking Edit Columns in the Actions menu
  • Sort by column values
  • Customize appearance of column text by clicking Truncate Cell Text or Wrap Cell Text in the Actions menu
  • Favorite reports by clicking the Star icon

Study Selector

You can use the Study Selector in the Reports tab to preselect a study for the Current Study field when opening reports.

Using the Study Selector

  1. Click in the Study Selector text box to open a dropdown menu. Select the name of the study you want to view reports for, or select All Studies.
  2. Open the desired report. In the Select Report Values window, select Current Study.
  3. Vault displays the report for the study you selected in the Study Selector.

Report Views & Favorites

From the Reports tab, you’ll see several views:

  • All Reports shows all reports in the vault for which you are an Owner, Viewer, or Editor. All other views are subsets of this view.
  • Recent Reports shows the last 20 reports that you viewed, edited, or created.
  • My Reports shows only reports that you have created.
  • Favorites shows reports that you have marked as a favorite by clicking the star icon.
  • Flash Reports shows all flash reports in the vault for which you are an Owner, Viewer, or Editor.

From the All Reports view, you can also use search and filters and edit the column layout to create custom views. Click Save View As to save this view to your Views panel. 

Vault remembers the view that you last selected and opens it automatically when you open Reports.


Use the Filters options to refine the list of displayed reports in any view or within search results. From this panel, you can also remove an applied filter.


When configured, you can assign tags to a report, making it easier to group, search, and filter your reports. To add tags, click into the Tags field for a report and select a tag from the picklist. If the Tags column doesn’t appear in tabular view, you can add it using the Edit Columns action. If no tags appear in the picklist, your Admin needs to configure them. Note that only users with the Owner role can edit tags for flash reports.

Standard Report Templates

The Vault EDC application includes several standard report templates that you can view or create new reports from. See Standard Vault EDC Report Templates for details.

V3 Standard Report Templates: In the 23R3 release, Vault made V3 Standard Report Templates available. It is recommended that you use a V3 Standard Report Template if it is available for your study.

Report Edit Access

You have special permissions for reports that you create. As the report creator, you are automatically granted the Owner role for that report, and you can view and edit the report. When sharing, you can also assign users and groups to Viewer, Editor, and Owner roles on the report. Report editors and users in the Report Administrators group have the same permissions as the report creator.

In the current release, only users with the Vault Owner security profile can delete a report.