Importing Items & Codelists
When designing a study in Studio, you can import a CSV template to automatically create Items and Codelists. Importing can be done for one Casebook version per study.
After a successful import, the following are recreated in EDC:
For Items:
- Item Definitions
- Item Definition - Codelist Definitions
You can view Item Definitions in Studio. Item Definition - Codelist Definitions can only be accessed in Admin > Business Admin.
For Codelists:
- Codelist Definitions
- Codelist Item Definitions
- Codelist Definition - Codelist Item Definitions
You can view Codelist Definitions and Codelist Item Definitions in Studio. Codelist Definition - Codelist Item Definitions are only visible in Admin > Business Admin.
Users with the CDMS Study Designer, CDMS Super User, and CDMS API Read Write study roles can perform the actions described below by default. If your organization uses custom Study Roles, your role must grant the following permissions:
Type | Permission Label | Controls |
Standard Tab | Studio Tab | Ability to access the Studio tab |
Functional Permission | Design Study | Ability to create study design definitions and a study schedule from Studio |
If your Study contains restricted data, you must have the Restricted Data Access permission to view it.
Learn more about Study Roles.
Navigating the Import Page
When you select a CSV file, the Drag and drop file here area on the Import page displays the following:
- Filename
- File size
- Number of rows
A link to this help page is available on the Import page for quick access to the CSV templates (see Codelist and Items sections to download the CSV templates).
Preview Results Table
CSV files are automatically processed and validated. If at least one file can be processed successfully the preview results table displays. This table includes the following:
- Total number of records processed
- Number of records that passed validation
- Number of records that failed validation
- Import Status column in the Results table
- Results column for each template column (columns are not sortable)
- Number of results on the page
You can filter records based on three statuses: Error, Warning, and Ready for import.
The navigation options on the page allow you to move forward to the next results page or back to the previous one. You can also enter a specific page number to jump directly to that results page for quicker access.
Importing Items
Availability: The Importing Items feature is disabled by default. Contact your Veeva Services representative for enablement details.
To import items:
- Navigate to your Study in Studio.
- Under Study Objects, click Items.
- Select Import Items.
- Drag and drop your import CSV file into the Drag and drop file here area. You can also click into this area to upload your file.
- An Import Items preview page appears.
Once items are successfully imported, the Items section displays each item from the CSV file as a distinct entry, with properties matching those defined in the CSV. For example, if an item’s data type is set to “Time”, this property will reflect in Studio. If errors are present in the CSV file, fix them outside of Studio and then re-import.
If an Item Definition already exists in the system, attempting to import it again results in an error. To update an existing item, make the changes directly in Studio. Any properties not included in the CSV, such as Indent, Controlling Items, or Progressive Display, must be manually updated in Studio after import.
Import Items CSV Template
Use the template below as your import file.
Download the Items Import Template
Item Required Columns
The following columns are required in your items import file:
Column | Description |
Item Name | Text |
External ID | Text |
Label | Text |
Item Type | Text; Veeva values. Options: EDC, Status, Header, Read Only, Derived |
Data Type | Text; Veeva values. Options: Text, Date, Datetime, Time, Boolean, URL, Codelist, Label, Number, Unit |
Codelist Definition | Text. Must match an existing Codelist Definition. *Required if data type equals codelist. |
Unit Definition | Text. Must match an existing Unit Codelist Item Definition. *Required if data type equals unit. |
The following columns are optional:
Column | Description |
Description | Text |
Importing Codelists
To import codelists:
- Under Study Objects, click Codelist and select Import Codelist.
- Drag and drop your import CSV file into the Drag and drop file here area. You can also click into this area to upload your file.
- An Import Codelists preview page appears.
Click Cancel to stop the import.
If errors are present in the CSV file, fix them outside of Studio and then re-import. Once codelists are successfully imported, the Codelists section displays each codelist as a separate, distinct item, containing the items assigned to it. Each imported item’s properties match those defined in the CSV, so if Code = “1” for “Item 1” in the template, it appears the same way in Studio.
If a Codelist Definition being imported already exists, an error appears. To update an existing codelist, make changes directly in Studio.
Import Codelists CSV Template
Use the template below as your import file.
Download the Codelists Import Template
Codelists Required Columns
The following columns are required in your codelists import file:
Column | Data Type |
Codelist Name | Text (128 character maximum) |
Codelist External ID | Text (128 character maximum) |
Codelist Description | Description |
Codelist Item Order | Number (0 - 9,999) |
Codelist Item Code | Text (100 character maximum) |
Codelist Item Label | Text (1,500 character maximum) |
Hidden | Boolean (Yes/No) |
The following columns are optional:
Column | Data Type |
Codelist Description | Text (256 character maximum) |
Codelist Item Description | Text (255 character maximum) |
Hidden values are case-sensitive.
You do not need to add a separate row to identify the Codelist.
Sequential order number and accepted field characters are validated after import.
For a codelist, if the order numbers are out of sequence, the system automatically reassigns them based on the last valid number. For example, if a codelist has three items numbered 1, 10, and 3, 10 will be reassigned to 3 and 3 will become 2.
For fields, only the following characters are accepted:
- a-z, A-Z
- 0-9
- hyphens (-)
- single underscores (_)
If invalid characters are found in a row, an error message appears for that record.
Default Values
Default values are automatically provided for required properties not included in the templates. You can update these values in Studio. All Item Definitions default to required except for boolean data types. Items with a Codelist or Unit data type must reference an existing codelist or unit definition for successful import. If a row refers to a non-existent object, an error occurs, and the file cannot be imported. To address this, import the missing Codelist or Unit Definition first or remove the reference from the file.
Validation Errors
The table below lists possible validation errors and their descriptions:
Error | Description |
The following columns are missing in the import file: [missing column names] | The CSV file is unable to be processed at all. For example, the wrong file was selected. |
The following column headers are missing in the import file: [comma separated list of missing column headers] | Columns are missing. |
[comma separated list of missing column headers] are required | Required values are missing. |
Value for [comma separated list of exceeded column headers] exceed char limit. | The value has more characters than the limit for a respective text field. |
[Column Name] value [column value] is invalid | The value is not accepted in the respective picklist, boolean, or number field. |
Order Number is not unique for the Item | The order number is not unique for a particular codelist. |
Duplicate entry in file | Two or more rows share the same Item Name (for item imports) or the Codelist Name + Codelist Item Label (for codelist imports). |