Configuring the Vault Safety EDC Connection Connection

The Vault Safety EDC Connection is an integration between your CDMS vault and your Safety vault. Vault transfers data between CDMS and Safety with the Vault Safety EDC Connector. This integration automates the reporting of all serious adverse events (SAEs) and related information for hte safety case to the safety system.

Any time a site completes or updates the SAE form, or any related forms, CDMS automatically generates a first-send or follow-up and sends it to Vault Safety. Study designers can define item mappings, case duration rules, and linking by the site to determine which subject data is included in the safety case. The integration and message statuses can be tracked in the Safety Cases Report.

The integration also supports the automated nulliofication of a safety case due to a change to non-serious or a form reset.

Vault Safety sends back case decisions and status updates to CDMS.


Contact Veeva Support to enable this feature in your vault.

Create the Connection

Once this feature is enabled in your vault, you can begin configuration. First, you must connect your CDMS and Safety vaults.

  1. Navigate to Tools > System Tools > Connections > Safety.
  2. Click + New Connection.
  3. Enter a Name for the Connection.
  4. Select Active for Status.
  5. Select Vault Safety for Type.
  6. Enter a comma-separated list of email addresses for Notification Emails. These are the users that will receive email notifications related to the connection’s status.
  7. Select Vault Safety-EDC Connection for Vault Safety Inbox Type.
  8. Click Save.

Notification Emails

You can set your configuration so that up to five (5) users receive notifications when the following events occur:

  • Transmission of a Safety Case or Safety Message fails via the Safety to CDMS Connector or via the AS2 Gateway to a third party safety system
  • Safety to CDMS or AS2 Gateway connection becomes inactive
  • Gateway Profile becomes inactive
  • AS2 Gateway Encryption Certificate expires:
    • 3 months before expiration
    • 1 month before expiration
    • Day of expiration

Scan Vault Safety

You can run a job from the Connections page that scans Vault Safety for its design elements relative to CDMS-to-Safety transfers over the connnector (non E2B).

To run a scan:

  1. Navigate to your Connection.
  2. Hover over the connection’s Name to show the Scan button.
  3. Click Scan.

  4. In the Scan Vault Safety dialog, click Run Job.

Set Safety Integrations Type

Next, you must set your study’s Safety Integration Type to Vault Safety-EDC Connection.

To set the integration type:

  1. Navigate to Studio > Study Settings for your Study.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. For Safety Integrations Type, select Vault Safety-EDC Connection.

  4. Click Save.

Safety Integration Setup

Now that you’ve enabled the feature for your Study, you can perform integration setup from Tools > Safety Integrations.

  1. Navigate to Tools > Safety Integrations.
  2. Select your Study.
  3. In Safety Settings, click Edit.
  4. Select your Connection for Safety System Connection Profile.
  5. Make your setup selections. The table below describes the settings available.
  6. Click Save.
Setting Description
Safety System Connection Profile

Select the Connection you created in System Tools that connects your CDMS vault to the safety system.

Study Transmission Status

Set this to Active to indicate that your study is ready to transmit data to Safety. Otherwise, leave this set to Inactive.

Alerting on Unsubmitted Forms

Select Yes to activate a job that will alert selected users about unsubmitted SAE forms. This option sends an alert when a site user creates a new SAE form, enters data to mark it as Serious, and doesn’t submit the Form. This option also sends an alert if the user submits the Form but doesn’t enter a value for the mapped AE term item. These scenarios prevent the initial sending of safety data. The reporting deadline will also be set when seriousness is set to Yes. You can choose alert recipients from Tools > Safety Integrations. From Safety Integrations, you can choose a specific list of users or email groups and limit recipients by country. Vault sends a notification to the selected users and to the site user one hour after form creation.

Acknowledgement File Late Behavior

This setting applies when an E2B XML is sent to the safety system, but no acknowledgement file is received yet. Vault sets the message with the chosen status and text to indicate the action. An ack file can be still received later, but this action will put the case back in a status where it is eligible for additional follow-ups. You can choose to always wait for the ack file (None - Always Wait for Ack), or you can choose to accept or reject after waiting a number of days.

Data Synchronization Period (days)

Enter the number of days after the SAE End Date when new data will no longer be synchronized with Vault Safety. All data already included in the case will continue to be synchronized.

Integration Setup Not Deployed: Your selections in Tools > Safety Integrations > Integration Setup aren’t included in study deployment. You will need to manage these settings in each environment.

Case Settings

To set the integration type:

  1. Navigate to Studio > Safety Settings for your Study.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Make your changes. The table below lists the available case settings.
  4. Click Save.

The following settings are available:

Setting Description
Subject ID Location

Select the location of the Subject ID value that you want to send to the safety system

Subject ID Format

Define the format for the Subject ID. You can choose from the following: Subject Only, Site-Subject, Country ISO-Site-Subject.

Primary Source Qualification Value

Select the value for the Primary Source Qualification.

Study Drug Classify when ConMed Suspect

Select the classification for the Concomitant Medication when the site user chooses Suspect. This is for cases when a user is classifying a Concomitant Medication via an Item to Form link, and user chooses SUSPECT, then this classification is to be instead used for Study Drug classification(s) of the send/case.

Study Name Value

Optional: You can define a Study Name to send to the safety system. When left blank, Vault sends the Study Label.

Sponsor Study Number Value

Optional: You can define a Sponsor Study Number to send to the safety system. When left blank, Vault sends the Study Label.


Select None or Principal Investigator. If you choose Principal Investigator, Vault uses the Principal Investigator assigned to the Site. This is the value for the Reporter field on the Safety Case.

NullFlavor for Coding

Select how to handle null values for coding: “None”, “10067482”, or “99999999”. If you choose “None”, Vault won’t include the E2Bs below in the Safety Case. If you choose “99999999” or “10067482”, CDMS sends that as the value for the E2Bs below. Coding E2Bs:

  • SAE - E.i.2.1b: Reaction / Event (MedDRA code)
  • AE - E.i.2.1b: Reaction / Event (MedDRA code)
  • MH - D.7.1.r.1b: Medical History (disease / surgical procedure / etc.) (MedDRA code)
Mute Coding Follow-ups

When set to Yes, this setting stops Vault from sending follow-ups when the only change is the coding of the AE term (coded, uncoded, or a change to the dictionary version). When set to No, Vault sends follow-ups for all changes, including coding. If your study primarily performs coding in the safety system, Vault recommends setting this option to Yes to prevent unnecessary follow-ups to the safety system.

Datetime Value Behavior

When configuring safety data against datetime fields on an EDC form, this option indicates which value to send. You can choose from Use Screen / Entered Value to use the value as entered by the site, or you can choose Use Normalized (UTC) Value to use the datetime normalized to UTC using the site time zone relative to the screen value.

Configure Forms for Send to Safety

You must create a Form Configuration for your Serious Adverse Event form and any other Form that you want to use to send data to the safety system. Create Form Configurations from Studio > Form Configurations.

For each Form Configuration, there are three steps:

  1. Form Properties: Define the Form Properties, including the form type and the key item.
  2. Item Configurations: Map Safety Fields to their corresponding Items.
  3. Inclusion Criteria: Define the inclusion criteria Vault will use to determine the form data included in the send to the safety system.

How to Map Safety Fields

For each Form Configuration, you will map Safety Fields to their corresponding Items on the Form.

  1. Proceed to the Item Configurations step of your Form Configuration.
  2. For each Safety Field row, click in the Configured Item cell.
  3. Select the Item you want to map to the Safety Field.
  4. For your Serious Adverse Event form configuration, select Required for First Send to require a value in this item field for the first-send to occur.
  5. When finished with your mappings, click Save. Then you can proceed to the Inclusion Criteria step.

Serious Adverse Events

To configure your Serious Adverse Event form:

  1. Navigate to Studio > Form Configurations for your Study.
  2. Click + New Form Configuration.
  3. Select Serious Adverse Events for Safety Form Type.
  4. Select the Form.
  5. For Each Entry In, select which method to determine individual SAEs:
    • Form: Select this option to treat each instance of the Form as its own SAE
    • Repeating item group in form: Select this option to treat each instance of the repeating Item Group as its own SAE.
  6. Optional: Enter a Description.
  7. Select the Safety Key Item. This is typically the Item that indicates seriousness.
  8. Define the Safety Key Item Value:
    • Select Specify value and enter a specific value to match on.
    • Select Any non empty value to consider any non-empty value a match.
  9. Click Save and Next.
  10. For each Safety Field, you must map it to a Configured Item on your Form. For reference, see the Adverse Event Safety Fields table.
  11. Click Save and Next.
  12. To define Inclusion Criteria, select Yes for Include Related Adverse Event Forms in Safety Case.Otherwise, leave this set to No.
  13. Select your inclusion method: * Include Related Adverse Event Forms Linked by Site Users: Select Yes to include related Adverse Events that are linked by sit4 users in the Safety Case. Otherwise, leave this set to No. * Include Related Adverse Event Forms by Date Matching: Select Yes to include related Adverse Events by date matching in the Safety Case. Otherwise, leave this set to No.
  14. If you selected Yes for Include Related Adverse Event Forms by Date Matching, enter your date ranges.
  15. Click Save.

Safety Field Data Type
Event Reported Text (250)
Event Reported (Coding LLT) Text (8)
Start / Onset Date Date/Datetime
End / Resolved Date Date
Outcome Mapped Value
Serious Mapped Value
Adverse Event of Special Interest Boolean
Seriousness Criteria Mapped Value
CTCAE Grade Mapped Value
Severity Mapped Value
Age at Onset Numeric (3)
Age at Onset Unit Mapped Value
Country Event Occurred Text (2)
Symptom / Diagnosis Mapped Value
Expedited Event Boolean
Healthcare Professional Confirmed Boolean
Hospital Admission Date Date
Hospital Discharge Date Date
Days Hospitalized Numeric (4)
Hospital Name Text (200)
Hospital City Text (35)
Hospital State Text (40)
Narrative Text (30000)
Reporter Commments Text (20000)
Sender Comments Text (20000)
Nullification Reason Text (200)
Reporter Qualification Mapped Value
Reporter First Name Text (50)
Reporter Last Name Text (50)
Overall Action Taken Mapped Value
Concomitant Medication Drug Role Mapped Value
Action Taken with Study Product Mapped Value
Did Reaction / Event Recur when Study Drug Resumed Mapped Value
Method of Assessment to Study Drug Text (60)
Result of Assessment to Study Drug Mapped Value
Source of Assessment to Study Drug Text (60)

Concomitant Medications

To include Concomitant Medications:

  1. Navigate to Studio > Form Configurations for your Study.
  2. Click + New Form Configuration.
  3. Select Concomitant Medication for Safety Form Type.
  4. For Each Entry In, select which method to determine individual ConMeds:
    • Form: Select this option to treat each instance of the Form as its own ConMed.
    • Repeating item group in form: Select this option to treat each instance of the repeating Item Group as its own ConMed.
  5. Optional: Enter a Description.
  6. Click Save and Next.
  7. Select the Item for each CM Field that you include in your form. Note that the Item must have the correct data type. See the table below for a list of Items and their expected Data Type.
  8. Optional: (If enabled) By Default, CDMS uses Always Interacting for G.k.1 (Study Drug Classify when ConMed Suspect) when classifying a Concomitant Medication via an Item to Form Link, in which a user chose Subject. You can choose instead to use Always Suspect.
  9. Click Save and Next.
  10. To include all Forms in the Safety Case, select Yes for Include All Forms in Safety Case. Otherwise, leave this set to No and define inclusion criteria.
  11. Select your inclusion method:
    • Include Forms Linked by Site Users: Select Yes to include related Adverse Events that are linked by sit4 users in the Safety Case. Otherwise, leave this set to No.
    • Include Forms by Date Matching: Select Yes to include related Adverse Events by date matching in the Safety Case. Otherwise, leave this set to No.
  12. If you selected Yes for Include Forms by Date Matching, enter your date ranges.
  13. Click Save.
Safety Field Data Type
Product / Medication Reported Text (250)
Country Obtained Text (2)
Gestation Exposure Number Numeric with Precision (3,3)
Gestation Exposure Unit Mapped Value
Device Name Text (1000)
Device Evaluated Mapped Value
Device Usage Type Mapped Value
Device Implanted Date Date/Datetime
Device Explanted Date Date/Datetime
Device Age Numeric with Precision (5,4)
Device Age Unit Mapped Value
Additional Information Coded Mapped Value
Start Date Date/Datetime
End Date Date/Datetime
Duration of Dispense Value Numeric with Precision (5,3)
Duration of Dispense Unit Mapped Value
Dose Value (Number) Numeric with Precision (9,3)
Dose Value (Text) Text (2000)
Dose Unit (Code) Mapped Value
Dose Unit (Text) Text (50)
Frequency Value Numeric with Precision (4,8)
Frequency Unit Mapped Value
Route (Code) Mapped Value
Route (Text) Text (60)
Route Term ID Text (50)
Route Term ID Version Text (50)
Site of Dispense Mapped Value
Batch / Lot Number Text (35)
Dose Form Term ID Text (50)
Dose Form Term ID Version Text (50)
Parent Route (Text) Text (60)
Parent Route (Code) Mapped Value
Parent Route Term ID Text (50)
Parent Route Term ID Version Text (50)

Characterization of Drug Role

If this Concomitant Medication is suspected to have caused the related Serious Adverse Event, this element captures the relationship between the ConMed and SAE. Map this element to the Item that indicates the drug role. This is typically a codelist-type Item. Then, you can translate the codelist to the appropriate coded values for the mapped field.

To use this element, your Study must have a configured Item to Form linking relationship between the appropriate Item on the Concomitant Medication form and the Serious Adverse Event form.

Medical History

To include Medical History:

  1. Navigate to Studio > Form Configurations for your Study.
  2. Click + New Form Configuration.
  3. Select Medical History* for **Safety Form Type.
  4. For Each Entry In, select which method to determine individual medical history events:
    • Form: Select this option to treat each instance of the Form as its own history
    • Repeating item group in form: Select this option to treat each instance of the repeating Item Group as its own history.
  5. Optional: Enter a Description.
  6. Click Save and Next.
  7. Select the Item for each MH Field that you include in your form. Note that the Item must have the correct data type. See the table below for a list of Items and their expected Data Type.
  8. Click Save and Next.
  9. To include all Forms in the Safety Case, select Yes for Include All Forms in Safety Case. Otherwise, leave this set to No and define inclusion criteria.
  10. Select your inclusion method:
    • Include Forms Linked by Site Users: Select Yes to include related Adverse Events that are linked by site users in the Safety Case. Otherwise, leave this set to No.
    • Include Forms by Date Matching: Select Yes to include related Adverse Events by date matching in the Safety Case. Otherwise, leave this set to No.
  11. If you selected Yes for Include Forms by Date Matching, enter your date ranges.
  12. Click Save.
Safety Field Data Type
Medical History Reported Text (250)
Medical History Reported (Coding LLT) Text (8)
Start Date Date/Datetime
Continuing Boolean
End Date Date/Datetime
Comments Text (2000)
Family History Boolean
Illness at Vaccination Boolean

Patient Characteristics

To include Patient Characteristics:

  1. Navigate to Studio > Form Configurations for your Study.
  2. Click + New Form Configuration.
  3. Select Patient Characteristics for Safety Form Type.
  4. Optional: Enter a Description.
  5. Click Save and Next.
  6. Select the Item for each CM Field that you include in your form. Note that the Item must have the correct data type. See the table below for a list of Items and their expected Data Type.
  7. Click Save and Next.
  8. For Patient Characteristics, Include All Forms in Safety Case is automatically enabled.
  9. Click Save.
Safety Field Data Type
Gender Mapped Value
Date of Birth Date / Numeric / Text
Race Mapped Value
Ethnicity Mapped Value
Age Group Mapped Value
Age at SAE Numeric (3)
Age at SAE Unit Mapped Value
Age at Vaccination Numeric (3)
Age Unit at Vaccination Mapped Value
Gestation Value Numeric (3)
Gestation Unit Mapped Value
Weight (kg) Numeric with Precision (4,4)
Height (cm) Numeric with Precision (4,3)
Patient Name or Initials Text (60)
GP Medical Record Number Text (20)
Hospital Record Number Text (20)
Investigational Record Number Text (20)
Specialist Record Number Text (20)
Randomization Number Text (20)
Last Menstrual Date Date
Pregnancy Occurrences Numeric (2)
Number Given Birth Numeric (2)
Pregnant at SAE Boolean
Pregnant at Vaccination Boolean
Pregnancy Conception Date Date
Pregnancy Due Date Date
Pregnancy Outcome Mapped Value
Delivery Method Mapped Value
Date of Pregnancy Outcome Date
Parent Subject Number Text (128)
General Medical History Text (10000)
Subject had Concomitant Therapies Boolean

In Case of Death

To include data from an In Case of Death form:

  1. Navigate to Studio > Form Configurations for your Study.
  2. Click + New Form Configuration.
  3. Select In Case of Death for Safety Form Type.
  4. Optional: Enter a Description.
  5. Click Save and Next.
  6. Select the Item for each Field that you include in your form. Note that the Item must have the correct data type. See the table below for a list of Items and their expected Data Type.
  7. Click Save and Next.
  8. For In Case of Death, Include All Forms in Safety Case is automatically enabled.
  9. Click Save.
Safety Field Data Type
Date of Death Date
Autopsy Result Available Boolean
Reason Autopsy Result Omitted Mapped Value
Cause of Death - Type Mapped Value
Cause of Death - Reported Text (250)
Cause of Death - Reported (Coding LLT) Text (8)

External Labs

To include data from External Labs:

  1. Click Edit if you aren’t already in Edit mode.
  2. Click External Labs to expand that section.
  3. For Include External Labs, select Yes.
  4. Select the External Labs Form.
  5. Select the Item for each field that you include in your form. Note that the Item must have the correct data type. See the table below for a list of Items and their expected Data Type.
  6. Click Save.
Safety Field Data Type
Test Date Date/Datetime
Test Name Text (250)
Test Name (Coding LLT) Text (8)
Test Result (Numeric) Numeric with Precision (14,3)
Test Result (Code) Mapped Value
Test Unit Mapped Value
Test Result (Text) Text (2000)
Test Result (Qualifier) Mapped Value
Test Normal Low Value Text (50)
Test Normal High Value Text (50)
Test Comments Text (2000)
More Information Available Boolean

Study Drug

To include data from a Study Drug form (formerly labeled Treatment):

  1. Navigate to Studio > Form Configurations for your Study.
  2. Click + New Form Configuration.
  3. Select Study Drug for Safety Form Type.
  4. For Each Entry In, select which method to determine individual study drugs:
    • Form: Select this option to treat each instance of the Form as its own study drug.
    • Repeating item group in form: Select this option to treat each instance of the repeating Item Group as its own study drug.
  5. Enter the Study Drug Name.
  6. Select Yes or No for Blinding.
  7. Optional: You can choose to only include this form in the case when the Subject is in a certain Subject Group. Select a Group for Only Include When Subject Group Is to do so. When this field is blank, Vault includes the form for all subjects when the inclusion criteria are met.
  8. Optional: Enter a Description.
  9. Select the Safety Key Item. This is typically the Item indicating that the dispense was performed.
  10. Define the Safety Key Item Value: * Select Specify value and enter a specific value to match on. * Select Any non empty value to consider any non-empty value a match.
  11. Click Save and Next.
  12. Select the Item for each Field that you include in your form. Note that the Item must have the correct data type. See the table below for a list of Items and their expected Data Type.
  13. Click Save and Next.
  14. To include all Forms in the Safety Case, select Yes for Include All Forms in Safety Case. Otherwise, leave this set to No and define inclusion criteria.
  15. Select your inclusion method:
    • All: Include all Forms in the Safety Case.
    • Closest dispense on/before SAE start
    • Advanced date matching
  16. If you selected Advanced date matching, enter your date ranges.
  17. Click Save.
Safety Field Data Type
Start Date Date/Datetime
End Date Date/Datetime
Duration of Dispense Value Numeric with Precision (5,3)
Duration of Dispense Unit Mapped Value
Dose Value (Number) Numeric with Precision (9,3)
Dose Value (Text) Text (2000)
Dose Unit (Code) Mapped Value
Dose Unit (Text) Text (50)
Frequency Value Numeric with Precision (4,8)
Frequency Unit Mapped Value
Route (Code) Mapped Value
Route (Text) Text (60)
Route Term ID Text (50)
Route Term ID Version Text (50)
Site of Dispense Mapped Value
Batch / Lot Number Text (35)
Dose Form Term ID Text (50)
Dose Form Term ID Version Text (50)
Dose Form Text Text (128)
Parent Route (Text) Text (60)
Parent Route (Code) Mapped Value
Parent Route Term ID Text (50)
Parent Route Term ID Version Text (50)

Drug History

To include data from a Drug History form:

  1. Navigate to Studio > Form Configurations for your Study.
  2. Click + New Form Configuration.
  3. Select Drug History for Safety Form Type.
  4. For Each Entry In, select which method to determine individual drug histories:
    • Form: Select this option to treat each instance of the Form as its own drug history.
    • Repeating item group in form: Select this option to treat each instance of the repeating Item Group as its own drug history.
  5. Optional: Enter a Description.
  6. Click Save and Next.
  7. Select the Item for each Field that you include in your form. Note that the Item must have the correct data type. See the table below for a list of Items and their expected Data Type.
  8. Click Save and Next.
  9. To include all Forms in the Safety Case, select Yes for Include All Forms in Safety Case. Otherwise, leave this set to No and define inclusion criteria.
  10. Select your inclusion method:
    • All: Include all Forms in the Safety Case.
    • Closest dispense on/before SAE start
    • Advanced date matching
  11. If you selected Advanced date matching, enter your date ranges.
  12. Click Save.
Safety Field Data Type
Drug History Reported Text (250)
Start Date Date/Datetime
End Date Date/Datetime
Age at Vaccination / Use Numeric (3)
Age At Vaccination / Use Unit Mapped Value
Product Type Mapped Value
Indication Reported Text (250)
Reaction Reported Text (250)

Inclusion Criteria

You can choose to include a related Form based on it’s date in relation to the SAE form.

General Notes

  1. Allows site linking for inclusion. This is an option for any section except Study Drug.
  2. Compare dates - SAE Start / End to the related form Start / End
  3. Both date comparison and allowance of site linking can be configured within a section, i.e. any are true, the form data is included in the safety case / transfer.
  4. For fields where date only field is compared to full datetime, both are considered date for the comparison purpose
  5. For datetime to datetime comparison where one of the time values is set unknown, both are considered date for the comparison purpose
  6. Study Drug is a special section that contains several options that are specific only to that section.
  7. When a start date is not set on a related form (or the primary SAE), duration inclusion rules are ignored
  8. For forms with no end date (yet, or ongoing), the end date is considered far in the future for comparison purposes of the two durations. As such, those forms are included as the conservative default.
  9. For partial dates (e.g. unknown day), comparisons are done with respect to the year first, then month.
  10. When a form has no end date map (common with study drug or external labs), then the end date is considered equal to the start date.

X = ‘Can be used in the section’

Options AE CM MH Labs Study Drug Notes
All X X X X X Disables any other option in that section
Linked by Site User X X X X When this option is used, Form to Form or Item to Form linking must be configured and site must perform the link
Duration overlaps any part of SAE X X X X X The start to end range of the related form overlaps the start to end date range of the primary SAE
Duration overlaps X days on/before SAE start X X X X X The start to end range of the related form overlaps the following range: SAE Start - X days → SAE Start
Duration overlaps X days on/after SAE start X X X X X The start to end range of the related form overlaps the following range: SAE Start → SAE Start + X days
Duration overlaps any X days on/before SAE end X X X X X The start to end range of the related form overlaps the following range: SAE End - X days → End Start
Duration overlaps any X days on/after SAE end X X X X X The start to end range of the related form overlaps the following range: SAE End → SAE End + X days
Duration ends before the SAE start X X X X X The end date of the related form is before the SAE start
Study drug start date prior to the SAE start X The start date of the study drug form is before the SAE start
Closest On Before SAE Start X This is a special option only for Study Drug. When set, no other option can be used. This option includes one dispense of the study drug that is closest to the SAE start (on/before)

Duration Rule Examples

Here are some common examples for use of duration rules:

Section Intent Configuration Include/Exclude Examples
Adverse Events Include any other Adverse Event, serious or not, that occurred within 2 days of the start of the serious adverse event.
  • Select Duration overlaps X days on/before SAE Start and enter "2" for Value.
  • Select Duration overlaps X days on/after SAE Start and enter "2" for Value.

Multiple Cases: This example creates multiple cases in the safety system with the same events. Use the safety system to mark one closed as duplicate and work with the other.

If the primary SAE form's SAE Start Date and End Date is January 15th:
  • SAE #1, start date January 14th: Included
  • SAE #2, start date January 17th: Included
  • SAE #3, start date January 19th: Excluded
Concomitant Medications Include any Concomitant Medication form that is ongoing at the SAE Start or that has ended within 3 days of the SAE Start.
  • Select Duration overlaps X days on/before SAE Start and enter "3" for Value.
  • Select Duration overlaps any part of SAE
If the primary SAE form's SAE Start Date is January 15th and its SAE End Date is also January 15th:
  • CM #1, start date January 10th, no end date (ongoing): Included
  • CM #2, start date January 17th: Excluded
  • CM #3, start date January 5th, end date January 13th: Included

Remove Form Configurations

You can remove a single Form Configuration or remove all Form Configurations at once to start over. If you have Safety Cases associated with a Form Configuration, Vault disables the delete option.

To remove a single Form Configuration:

  1. Navigate to Studio > Form Configurations for your Study.
  2. Hover over the Form Configuration Name to show the Actions menu**.
  3. Select Delete.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Delete.

To remove all Form Configurations:

  1. Navigate to Studio > Safety Settings for your Study.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Delete All Safety Configurations.
  3. In the confirmation dialog, click Delete.

Custom Safety Fields

You can configure the connection to send data to custom fields in Vault Safety, in addition to those defined by default.

You must first create the object fields in your Safety vault.

Then, you can add the field metadata to your CDMS vault. Then, you can map these fields as you do standard fields in the form configuration. Once you’ve performed these tasks, Vault CDMS sends data from these fields in the same way as standard fields.

Configuration in Vault Safety

Before you can configure your custom fields in CDMS, you must first do so in Vault Safety.

See Mapping Custom Fields in the Vault Safety documentation.

Import Custom Fields

You use Vault Loader to load these fields in bulk using a CSV file.

Prepare the CSV File

The following columns are required in the CSV file:

  • name__v
  • grouping_property__v
  • system_field_only__v
  • display_order__v
  • label__v
  • hover_text__v
  • json_parent__v
  • json_node_name__v
  • field_data_type__v
  • field_max_length__v
  • field_max_precision__v
  • common_field__v
  • allow_static_value__v
  • needs_value_for_related_eligible__v
  • multi_picklist_destination__v
  • multi_value_with_date__v
  • system_managed__v
  • answer_each_study_drug__v
  • definition_status__v
  • vocab_synch_type__v
  • vocab_synch_info__v
  • cross_vault_unique_id__v
  • item_to_form_link_paired__v

Import Using Vault Loader

To load object records:

  1. In the left panel of the Loader tab, click Load.
  2. For the CSV File, click Choose and select the CSV input file.
  3. In the Object Type drop-down, select the object on which to perform bulk actions.
  4. In the Action Type drop-down, select Create, Update, Upsert, or Delete.
  5. In the Key Field drop-down, select any unique fields from the specified object. This option is only required for the Delete, Upsert, and Update actions.
  6. Optional: Select the Record Migration Mode checkbox to allow the creation or update of object records in any lifecycle state or state type. Additionally, Vault bypasses entry criteria, entry actions, validation rules, event actions and reference constraints when creating or updating records in migration mode.
  7. Optional: Select the Include updated field values in the output log for verification checkbox to include supported VQL fields in the output logs. VQL query validation will impact performance.
  8. Optional: Click Map Fields to access the field mapping grid. You can also load a previously saved mapping by clicking the Map Fields drop-down button and selecting Load Saved Mapping.
  9. Click Start Load.

Before processing the request, Vault validates the selected CSV file. If the file is valid, Vault begins processing the request. When finished, you’ll receive a Vault notification and email with request details and CSV output files.

For additional information about Vault Loader, see Vault Loader: Create, Update & Delete Object Records in the Vault Platform help.

Scan Vault Safety for Design Elements

You can run a job from the Connections page that scans Vault Safety for its design elements relative to CDMS-to-Safety transfers over the connector (non E2B).

To run a scan:

  1. Navigate to your Connection.
  2. Hover over the connection’s Name to show the Scan button.
  3. Click Scan.
  4. In the Scan Vault Safety dialog, click Run Job.

Map Fields to their Safety Case Elements

Once you’ve imported the field information from Safety, those fields become available for mapping in Studio. This is the same process as mapping the standard fields.

See Configuring Forms for Send to Safety.

Download Specifications

You can download your safety configuration via the Study Design Specification or the All CRFs PDF export.

Deploying your Safety Configuration

Once you finish your configuration in your study’s DEV environment, you can deploy it to TST for testing, then onward into your training and production environments.

Your safety configuration, except for the Integration Setup and Connection, is automatically included in your study’s deployment package. When you deploy your study, Vault includes the current configuration in the package.

Because this configuration is managed as part of study deployments, you can only make changes in DEV type environment. To make changes, make them in the DEV environment and then deploy those changes to your other environments. This configuration is validated as part of casebook version publication. While validation is in progress, editing is disabled. A list of possible errors and warnings is available here.

Learn how to deploy a study.