19R1 Maintenance Releases

A “maintenance release” is a release that contains fixes for issues that are affecting customers in production environments. We communicate 24 hours prior to the release that we will be applying a maintenance release and that there will be a short service disruption. This list only covers fixes to General Release versions.

The list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the release occurs. When we identify issues to fix in a maintenance release, we attempt to get them into the earliest release possible. Sometimes, we target a specific release but are not able to deliver a fix early enough for full testing. In situations like this, we postpone the fix for a later release and strike out the description in this list.

We number maintenance releases by appending the number of the maintenance release to the General Release number. The most recent General Release was 19R1, so our maintenance releases for this version are 19R1.0.1, 19R1.0.2, and so on. 

July 2019

July 25, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.33 | Build Number: 585

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Data Entry In the Data Entry and Review tabs, repeating forms with Closed queries display an Answered status. VDC-30705
Data Entry When a coding query exists on a Form that was marked as Intentionally Left Blank and later edited, users receive a server error when attempting to reset the Form. VDC-31059
Study Design When importing a study with override Labels for composite Items, Vault does not apply the override labels, instead resetting those Labels to their defaults. VDC-29779

Release Number: 19R1.0.34 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

July 18, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.31 | Build Number: 578

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coder Scheduled Autocoding jobs fail when special characters are used. VDC-29988
Data Entry In the Data Entry tab, callouts related to signatures remain displayed once they are triggered. VDC-29007
Data Review The system does not display a date formatting label for form items in the Review tab's View as Site and Form views. VDC-30371
Reporting When a user chooses an FTP as the destination for a Data Consistency Job, the report does not output to the FTP. VDC-30227
Reporting ODM exports are missing the length attribute. VDC-29995
Rules If a user enters a Rule description which exceeds the character limit restriction, the page hangs. VDC-28598
Rules The system allows a user to save a rule in Studio without selecting a form, which is a required field. VDC-25859
UI & Performance In IE, the action of saving a form takes longer than expected. VDC-29442
UI & Performance The callout "Form has one or more queries" remains displayed. VDC-27111

July 17, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.32 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

July 9, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.30 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

July 9, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.30 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

July 02, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.28 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

June 2019

June 27, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.29 | Build Number: 558

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Audit Trail When a Retrospective Amendment job removes deleted records, they are not included in the Audit Trail Export file. VDC-28775
Rule Editor Two rules which compare the Start Date and Date Resolved in a adverse event form do not fire and prevent the form from saving if one or both dates has an unknown component. VDC-29007
Study Design During import of a study with new rule syntax, the blank handling property is not imported. Blank handling allows the system to regard blank numeric fields as null or void. VDC-28900
Study Design When a user resets an Event that contains a controlling Item for a dynamic rule, Vault removes any Forms that were added based on the controlling Item. Vault still attempts to evaluate dynamic rules against controlling Items on the removed Forms, which can cause dependent Forms to be added to the Casebook in error. VDC-28550
Views & Data Export When a view uses a derived column to calculate a date, based on data from repeating Forms, Vault adds the derived values to different rows, instead of the source data row. VDC-24886
Views & Data Export When a user attempts to import items using Vault Loader, the job fails. VDC-28060

June 26, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.26 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

June 24, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.27 | Build Number: 551

Category Issue Description Issue No.
PDF Export Blank PDFs do not contain codelist items which were added in an amendment. VDC-29128
Rule Editor Rule for checking that a date on a form is earlier or later than an Event Date only fires when the date on the form is completed first. VDC-29001

June 20, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.25 | Build Number: 540

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coder When a Clinical Coder Autocodes from the dictionary without using ATCs, any Code Request with a Drug Name which matches a dictionary record's Preferred Name should be Autocoded. VDC-27637
PDF Export In some cases, items that are not included in a form are present when the system generates a Form Detail PDF or Casebook Detail PDF. VDC-28604
PDF Export Vault includes Label-type Items in Detail PDFs. VDC-28603
PDF Export In Detailed PDFs, Item Groups and Items are not arranged in the correct order. VDC-28393
Rule Editor During an Add Schedule action, Events and Forms in a blank or planned state should not be deleted if they have open or answered queries. VDC-28781
Rule Editor The system may delete a Form or Event when there is an open or answered manual query even if the Form or Event is in a Blank or Planned status. The system may delete the open or answered manual query as well. VDC-28468
Data Review A user should not be able to set Locked Planned events to Did Not Occur. VDC-27938
UI & Performance When the Reason for Change picklist is displayed for an Item with text input, the text length counter is obscured. VDC-27122

June 14, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.23 | Build Number: 535

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Casebook Versioning When a user amends a casebook to a new version and then attempts to sign a repeating log form in the casebook using batch signature, the repeating log form is not signed. VDC-28062
Coder With some coding forms, switching from listing mode to grouped mode may take longer than normal. VDC-28118
Coder When a user clicks Autoassign while in Group Mode in the coding Listing page, Autoassign fails. VDC-28597
Data Entry The + New Event button should not appear when the casebook is locked. VDC-25285
Data Entry When a user edits a form and resets the form, the system generates a system query for the required field in the form. VDC-28601
PDF Export In Detailed PDFs, Item Groups and Items are not arranged in the correct order. (Postponed to later release) VDC-28393
Reporting In some instances the screen failed percentage that is reported for Data Entry does not match the screen failed rate per enrollment log calculations. VDC-28030
Rule Editor In some cases, when multiple dynamic rules were trying to create and delete dynamic events at the same time on events without any data, the events without any data were being deleted incorrectly. VDC-28588
Study Design When a user attempts to add more than 150 codelist values to a codelist and attempts to save the codelist, the user receives an Unresponsive Webpage error. VDC-26919
UI & Performance While locking a casebook, the system should display an icon or message that an action is taking place. VDC-26634

June 13, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.24 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

June 10, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.22 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

June 9, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.21 | Build Number: 510

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Data Review Vault deletes open and answered queries on blank Items after a retrospective amendment, the SDV and DMR re-assignment jobs, the Form is frozen or locked, the Item is frozen or locked, or the Item is marked as Intentionally Left Blank. VDC-28443

June 6, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.19 | Build Number: 505

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Casebook Versioning When a vault contains a locked Study, retrospective amendments in other, unlocked studies may fail unexpectedly. VDC-28346
Coder Tools When a user upversions a form or synonym list, Vault does show that the form or synonym lost has been upversioned until the user refreshes the page. VDC-26586
Coder Tools The popup window for assigning a synonym list or stop list to a form is being cut off. VDC-25555
eSignature When a user batch signs a repeating log form, the forms within the batch are not updated to signed. VDC-28056
eSignature When user signs a casebook, and there are two instances of the log forms repeating forms with one in progress and one is in compete, both are signed. VDC-28304
PDF Export When a user runs a Detail PDF job, it is not marked as completed. The job hangs at 99%. VDC-28216
PDF Export Vault duplicates role names in User Exports. VDC-27534
PDF Export In some cases, Detail PDFs contain duplicate item rows. VDC-28314
PDF Export In a log form PDF, the log event link does not navigate to the first form in the event. VDC-28310
Rule Editor If a rule attempts to generate more than one query on the same item, only the the first query will be produced at initial form submission. VDC-28311
Study Administration Vault does not allow study migration between sites with different study countries. VDC-28035
Study Administration When a CDMS User Administrator user imports users, the Job Queued dialog includes a link to Job History, which users with this Security Profile and Application Role cannot access. VDC-24831
UI & Performance When a repeating form exists, and there is an un-instantiated repeating form, then the form is not accurately showing the signed icon. VDC-28237
UI & Performance In some cases, the Signature Completed column in the Event Schedule does not display Yes for Log Events with zero forms. VDC-27533

June 5, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.20 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

June 3, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.17 | Build Number: 477(General),478(Limited)

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coder The Code Request Listing table and Code Request Properties panel do not display Code Request in the proper code scheme. VDC-25382
Data Review When a Casebook contains Events with Review States, users must execute the freeze, lock, unfreeze, or unlock action twice for it to take effect. VDC-25910
PDF Export When Vault produces a Detail PDF, Did Not Occur Events are not displayed in the Event Schedule table. VDC-27777
PDF Export When Vault produces a Detail PDF, Planned Events are included. VDC-27945
Study Design Vault attempts to enforce study update restrictions against all prior versions, instead of just the most recent version. VDC-27430
UI & Performance In Coder Dictionary and Suggestions subtabs, Vault does not truncate longer values correctly. VDC-25826

May 2019

May 29, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.18 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

May 26, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.15 | Build Number: TBD

This release was only deployed to general release CDMS vaults. See About the 19R1.0.15 Mini-Release for details about this week’s release. This release was only deployed to general release CDMS vaults.

May 22, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.16 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

May 15, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.14 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

May 15, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.13 | Build Number: 433

Category Issue Description Issue No.
UI & Performance Item control is not blocked when a user replies to a query. VDC-27305
UI & Performance When a user repeatedly clicks an SDV or DMR group the status of the group becomes inconsistent in the UI. VDC-26459
UI & Performance If a repeating Form has sequences created by an Add Form rule, resulting in non-sequential sequence numbers, and the user increases the version for a Form, Vault does not display the correct Reference # in the Data Entry area. VDC-26222
UI & Performance If a repeating Form has sequences created by an Add Form rule, resulting in non-sequential sequence numbers, Vault does not display the correct Reference # in the Data Entry area. VDC-26219
UI & Performance If a repeating Form has sequences created by an Add Form rule, resulting in non-sequential sequence numbers, Vault does not display the correct Reference # in the Data Entry area. VDC-25980

May 8, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.12 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

May 8, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.11 | Build Number: 433

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Study Design In certain circumstances, Vault populates the Label and Short Label properties upon export in the XML file, even when there were no values provided in Studio. VDC-26205
UI & Performance The Subject Status tooltip remains displayed when a user navigates away from the page. VDC-27021

May 2, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.9 | Build Number: 417

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Coder In Internet Explorer®, when a user clicks on the Dictionary panel's Action menu, the button is unresponsive. VDC-26505
Jobs When user adds a Form to an Event and then runs a Retrospective Amendment job, the Form is not displayed for the Event in the casebook schedule. VDC-26660
Jobs In some cases, when a user runs a Prospective Amendment job, the job fails. VDC-26635
Jobs When a Prospective Amendment job for a casebook is completed, the casebook status is changed to locked, frozen, signed, and SDRed. VDC-26583
Jobs In some cases, when the user removes a Form from the casebook schedule and then runs a Retrospective Amendment job, the user receives an error message. VDC-25361
Localization Vault does not display translated values for Display Override labels and Codelist Items, even when those translations exist in the vault. VDC-25900
Study Design In some instances, when a user sets a planned date for an Event Group, the Offset Event is ignored and the current date is used. VDC-26745
Study Design The system ignores the Offset Event and uses current date when a user creates dynamic events in edit mode. This occurs when same dynamic event is present in two Event Groups, one with a Offset Event and one without an Offset Event. VDC-26381

May 1, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.10 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

April 2019

April 26, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.7 | Build Number: 405

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Jobs In some cases, when a user runs a Clinical Coding job, the job does not complete. VDC-26665
Jobs In some cases, when a user runs a Prospective Amendment job, the job does not complete. VDC-26666
Rule Editor When a user adds an Event Group with the Rule Editor, the rule is later deleted. VDC-26536
Rule Editor The Rule Editor displays a + button when a user selects the Add Event Group action type. VDC-26558
Rule Editor When a Set Item rule uses an @Form identifier, casebook validation fails. VDC-25979

April 25, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.8 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

April 24, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.6 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

April 22, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.5 | Build Number: 389

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Casebook Versioning Prospective casebook amendments fail when the new version contains a new Offset Event selection. VDC-26577
Casebook Versioning Vault adds dynamic Forms based on the casebook version associated with the Form and Item Group or Item Group and Item layout relationship. VDC-26582

April 20, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.4 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

April 19, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.3 | Build Number: 387

Category Issue Description Issue No.
Data Entry In certain circumstances, Vault does not set Planned Event Dates correctly for Events added by Add Event rules. VDC-26085
Data Review When Event Date SDV and DMR is not configured for a Study, users receive a server error when clicking the SDV or DMR buttons to SDV or DMR for the Casebook. VDC-24908
Data Review For users using Internet Explorer™, the Next Task button is inactive. VDC-25860
eSignature Vault disables the Sign button when an Event has an open Item-level query on a submitted Form. VDC-26331
PDF Export Vault does not include repeating Forms within log-type Events modified by later versions in Blank PDFs. VDC-25948
Study Administration Users may receive a server error when opening a Rule in EDC Tools > Query Rules. VDC-26074
Study Administration The Event Descriptions for audit entries related to Intentionally Left Blank are inconsistent. VDC-26113
Study Design Copying a Form in Studio does not copy the custom Rules related to the copied Form. VDC-26095
Study Design Vault may not set Display Override properties correctly during ODM Import. VDC-26204
Study Design ODM Import may fail unexpectedly when importing into the same version. VDC-26463
Study Design Vault fails to generate a Study Design Specification when there are Events and Forms without custom labels. VDC-26465
UI & Performance Vault does not display the Answered Query icon to users with the Lead Data Manager and EDC Lead Data Manager security profiles. VDC-25657
UI & Performance In the Review tab, icons in status banners for repeating Forms don't display correctly. VDC-25907
UI & Performance Vault may be slow to load certain Forms. VDC-26134
UI & Performance Vault may take a long time to run the Query Rules job. VDC-26139
UI & Performance Vault may display the wrong Forms in the form carousel. VDC-26291

April 19, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.2 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.

April 18, 2019

Release Number: 19R1.0.1 | Build Number: N/A

This release was not deployed to any CDMS vaults. For details, see Vault 19R1 Maintenance Releases.