CDB Icon & Highlight Reference

The tables below detail cell highlights, status, function, and navigation icons displayed in CDB Workbench.


These icons appear in the top navigation bar and throughout Workbench.

Icon Name Meaning

Allows you to search across all entries, depending on where you are in the application. Workbench searches as you type.

Show More

In the top navigation bar, this icon allows you to switch applications and return to Vault EDC and Vault Coder.

Navigation Drawer

Allows you to switch between the Studies, Listings, and Queries pages.

Star Outline

Opens the Favorites menu.


Navigates to the CDMS Help Site.


Displays logged in profile information and allows you to sign out of the application.


Opens the Listing Builder.


Opens either a tooltip with more information or navigates to a resource on the CDMS Help Site.

Cell Highlighting

Highlighted cells on the Listings page enable you to quickly scan results and gain key insights.

Icon Name Meaning
Solid Gray

Solid gray cells indicate that the visit did not occur or the form is not complete.

Solid Yellow

Solid yellow cells indicate where data was not entered or an overdue visit.

Gray with Stripes

Gray cells with stripes indicate that a field was Intentionally Left Blank (ILB).


Any fields with dashes indicates that the field is not applicable.

CDB Query Status

Cell query decoration icons on the Listings page allow you to identify the status of a query.

Icon Name Meaning

Indicates an open query that has not been addressed.

Answer Query

Indicates a query that has been addressed and ready to be viewed and closed as appropriate.

Closed Query

Indicates a closed query that requires no further action or discussion.

Calendar Query

Indicates a query on an Event Date.

Cell Details Panel

The Cell Details Panel allows you to review individual queries. It can be accessed by clicking on a cell with a query decoration on the Listings page.

Icon Name Meaning

The automatically generated EDC subject ID.


The EDC event name and date.


The EDC item name.


Indicates a status of SDV.


Indicates a status of DMR.


Indicates a status of signed.


Indicates a status of frozen.


Indicates a status of unlocked.

Source Link

Opens a source link to review the form and its queries in Vault EDC.


These icons pertain to listing management.

Icon Name Meaning

Displays the filtering and sorting menu.


Appears after clicking the Filter icon and applies an ascending sort order.


Appears after clicking the Filter icon and applies a descending sort order.

Star Filled

Indicates a favorited listing.


These icons are unique to the Studies section of Workbench.

Icon Name Meaning

Indicates that deployment is enabled.


Indicates that cloning is enabled.

Query Details

Hovering over this icon provides information regarding user listing access. For example, Access to Source Specified Core Query Listings.