Data Import Errors & Warnings

See the information below for help troubleshooting errors and warnings that occur when importing data into CDB via FTP.

Error Limit: Import logs only capture up to 10,000 errors and warnings and will stop recording after meeting this threshold.


You must resolve all errors before CDB can import your data. See the Actions column in the table below for details about how to resolve each error.

Error No. Type Message Explanation Actions
G-001 Global

Package could not be imported

Data Workbench was not able to import the package. This error accompanies any Package- and File-type errors.

  • Resolve all Package- and File-type errors and re-import.

L-001 Load

Package could not be loaded. Internal error.

During the import process, Workbench was unable to load the data due to a system issue.

  • Re-import your package.

L-002 Load

Package could not be loaded.

During the import process, Workbench was unable to load the data due to a system issue.

  • Contact Veeva Support.

P-001 Package

Manifest file could not be read

The manifest file for your package is missing, is not structured correctly, does not have the correct File.Name, or is empty.

  • Correct your manifest file and re-import. Learn how to create a manifest file.

P-002 Package

Study Study.Name could not be found

The study value provided in the manifest file did not match any Study record in Data Workbench.

  • Correct the study in your manifest file and re-import.

P-003 Package

Source value not provided

The manifest file didn’t provide a source.

  • Add a source to your manifest file and re-import.

P-004 Package

User does not have access to study

You don’t have access to the Study you’re attempting to import data into.

  • Contact your organization’s user administrator or your Veeva Services representative to request access to the study.

  • Correct the name of the study in your manifest file and re-import.

P-005 Package

Study not specified

Your manifest file is either missing the study object or didn’t include a value for study.

  • Add the study object to your manifest file and re-import.

P-006 Package

No valid files found

  1. There are no files provided in the zip package.
  2. A CSV file is defined in the manifest, but there is no associated CSV in the uploaded package.
  3. A CSV file is defined in the manifest, but there is an issue with the CSV file in the package.
  • Confirm that there is a valid CSV file in the package and that the name matches what is defined in the manifest.

F-001 File

File could not be found: File.Name

Workbench couldn’t find the file in your ZIP package.

  • Add the missing CSV file to your ZIP package.

  • Update the manifest file to refer to the correct file.

F-002 File

Additional file File.Name detected and not processed

Your ZIP package contains a file (CSV or otherwise) that is not described in your manifest file.

  • Remove the file from your ZIP package and re-import.

  • Describe the CSV file in your manifest file and re-import.

F-003 File

Required column mapping for element not found. Required column mappings for element, element… not found

One or more of your files doesn’t have an object for a required column mapping in your manifest file, or that object isn’t correctly formatted.

  • Add or correct the missing column mappings in your manifest file and re-import.

F-004 File

File File.Name could not be processed: Required column mapping [column] not found.

Workbench could not match the column mapping in your manifest file to the columns in the CSV.

  • Update the column mapping in your manifest file and re-import.

  • Update the column name in the CSV file and re-import.

F-005 File

File File.Name could not be processed: Duplicate column names detected

Your CSV file has at least two (2) columns with the same name. For example, the Form uses the same Item twice in a single Item Group.

  • Rename one of the duplicate columns in your CSV file and re-import.

  • Remove the duplicate columns in your CSV file and re-import.

F-006 File

Form file name File.Name.csv is invalid

Your CSV file’s name is invalid.

  • Rename your CSV file, update your manifest file to reference the new file name, and re-import.

F-007 File

File with no name will be ignored

A file in your package doesn’t have a file name.

  • Remove the unnamed file from your package and re-import.

D-001 Data

File.Name - Row: Study value not found

The value provided for Study doesn’t match the Name of the Study from the manifest file.

  • Correct the study value in your CSV file and re-import.

  • Correct the study value in your manifest file and re-import.

D-002 Data

File.Name - Row: Site value not found

The value provided for site doesn’t match the Name (Site Number) of a Site that exists for this study in Vault EDC.

  • Correct the site value in your CSV file and re-import.

D-003 Data

File.Name - Row: Subject value not found

The value provided for subject doesn’t match the Name (Subject ID) of a Subject in Vault EDC.

  • Correct the subject value in your CSV file and re-import.

D-004 Data

File.Name - Row: Event value not found for Subject value

The Event Definition specified exists, but the Event hasn’t been added to the subject’s Casebook.

  • Correct the event value in your CSV file and re-import.

D-005 Data

Value value for column column is invalid, and will be ignored

Workbench couldn’t read the column value provided.

  • Update the column’s value and re-import.

D-006 Data

File.Name - Row: Number of row cells do not match number of columns

The row in your CSV file has more cells than there are columns.

  • Remove the extra cells from your CSV file and re-import.

  • Add columns to your CSV file to appropriately capture the data and re-import.

D-007 Data

Item configs on form Form with a blank/missing name were ignored

One or more keys for an item’s config in your manifest file are blank (“”).

  • Update your manifest file with values for the blank keys and re-import.

D-008 Data

Item config Item on form Form is missing its type, and will be ignored

The Item is missing the type object in your manifest file.

  • Update your manifest file with a type for the Item and re-import.

D-009 Data

Item config Item on form Form is of an invalid format, and will be ignored

Your item’s configuration can only include strings and objects, not an array.

  • Update your Item config in your manifest file and re-import.

D-013 Data

Item config Item on form Form has invalid type type, and will be ignored.

The type provided for the Item is not supported in Data Workbench.

  • Update the type for the Item in your manifest file and re-import.

D-016 Data

Missing value for mapped column Site

The site column doesn’t have a value.

  • Update the site value.

D-024 Data

Multiple subjects exist in Site Site Number with name Subject

There is more than one Subject at the chosen Site that matches the Subject provided in the CSV file.

  • Update the subject value in your CSV file so that it is unique within the site and re-import.

D-025 Data

Duplicate, unequal item config Item name found on forms forms

An Item exists on more than one Form, but the item’s definition parameters are different for each Form.

  • Correct your manifest file and re-import.

D-026 Data

Definition [name of form/item group] cannot be created; different definitions across data files.

The header for the Form or Item Group is not the same in each CSV file.

  • Correct the header and re-import.

D-027 Data

key has an invalid value value

The value you provided for this configuration is invalid.

  • Update the manifest file to use a valid configuration.

D-028 Data

key cannot specify > [1] value(s)

The value you provided for this configuration can’t have more than 1 value.

  • Update the manifest file to use a valid configuration.

D-029 Data

Multiple subjects exist in Study {Study.Name} with name {Subject}

This subject can’t be uniquely identified, or has a duplicate, within your Study. When Site Number isn’t required, Subject ID must be unique.

  • Update your subject’s ID.

  • Add a column for Site Number.

D-030 Data

Site could not be ascertained using subject name {Subject} since the subject name is found in multiple sites

This Subject exists in multiple Sites, and so CDB couldn’t identify the Site to import into.

  • Add a column for Site Number.

D-031 Data

Events could not be ascertained using the subjects from sites since the subject has multiple event instances mapped to the event value. Please fix the EDC study.

There is more than one Event with the same value for External ID.

  • Update the External ID for the Events so that they are unique.

  • Use another matching method for Events.

D-032 Data

Site could not be ascertained using subject name since the subject name is not found

CDB couldn’t locate a subject with the given Subject ID in the Study, and so CDB couldn’t identify the Site.

  • Update the Subject ID value to map to an existing Subject.

D-033 Data

Multiple repeating form records cannot be uniquely identified

There are records where the Study, Site, Subject, Event, Form, Form Sequence, Item Group, Item Group Sequence Number, and Group ID are the same. The manifest doesn’t use distinctId or formSequence. This means that the Forms can’t be uniquely identified.

  • Add a distinctId.

  • Update the values in the identifier columns so that the Forms can be uniquely identified.

D-037 Data

FileName and FileName reference the same form FormName. You cannot reference the same Form across multiple files. Please combine the data into a single file per form or into a file with a single column representing multiple forms.

The package contains two files that reference the same Form. This can cause data conflicts, and so it isn’t allowed.

  • Combine the data into a single File per Form.

  • Combine your files into one file, using a single column to represent multiple Forms.

R-001 Reference

related value not provided

The manifest file didn’t provide the related property.

  • Add the related property to your manifest file and re-import.

R-002 Reference

related_item value not provided

The manifest file didn’t provide the related_item property in the related array.

  • Add the related_item property into your related_array in the manifest file and re-import.

R-003 Reference

related_key value not provided

The manifest file didn’t provide the related_key property in the `related array.

  • Add the related_item property into your related_array in the manifest file and re-import.

R-004 Reference

Incorrect number of items in the property related

The related property must have at least 1, but no more than 4, related_item and related_key pairs.

  • Adjust your related property to have at least 1, but no more than 4, related_item and related_key pairs.

R-005 Reference

Data Type mismatch between related_item and related_key

The data types for related_item and related_key don’t match. These must have the same data type.

  • Update the data type for related_item or related_key, so that their data types match, and re-import.

R-006 Reference

File File.Name could not be processed: Duplicate column names detected

The reference data CSV file has at least 2 columns with the same name (column header).

  • Rename the duplicate columns in your CSV file and re-import.

  • Remove the duplicate columns in your CSV file and re-import.

R-007 Reference

Duplicate value for the property related_form

The form Name, as represented by the related_form property, is present across more than one Source.

  • Add the Source name to the related_form property in your manifest file and re-import.

R-008 Reference

Number of items are more than 10

The manifest file can only list up to 10 Items.

  • Reduce the number of Items in the reference object to be less than 10 and re-import.

R-009 Reference

Incorrect data type

The manifest file has an Item with an unsupported data type (float, time, and boolean). Reference objects only support the following data types: text, int, date, and datetime.

  • Modify the Items to use a supported data type and re-import.

  • Remove the unsupported Items and re-import.

R-010 Reference

Duplicate values for related_key

The combination of defined keys for a reference object must be unique.

  • Adjust the defined keys to be unique and re-import.

R-011 Reference

Form is not present

The Form specified by the related_form property doesn’t exist in the Source. The related Form must either already exist in CDB or be included in the same import package as the reference object.

  • Correct the related_form property to point to an existing Form and re-import.

  • Add the Form to the import manifest and include its data CSV in the import package.


While CDB does not require you to resolve every warning before importing your data, Workbench may ignore certain Items and exclude them from import. Warnings that cause data to be ignored are marked with an asterisk (*). See the Actions column in the table below for details about how to resolve each error.

Warning No. Type Message Explanation Actions
F-008 File

Config [sequence] will be deprecated in [20R1]. Updated manifest file touse [formsequence]

Your manifest file uses the sequence configuration, which was deprecated in the 20R1 (April 2020) release.

  • Update your manifest file to use formsequence instead.

F-017 file

Duplicate sequence number may result in inconsistent listing results

There are duplicate rows ingested for a form where the form sequence number or the item group sequence number is the same.

  • Update your CSV files to have unique rows.

D-010* Data

Field field of item item on form form is unknown, and will be ignored

While you can include as many fields as you’d like for item configuration in addition to those required, Data Workbench ignores these fields.

  • No action required. You can choose to remove these fields, but it doesn’t prevent import to leave them.

D-011* Data

Value value for field field on item item on form form is invalid, and will be ignored

The field’s value is intended to be numeric, but Workbench can’t interpret it as a number.

  • Update the value and re-import.

D-012 Data

Value value for field field on item item on form form does not match format pattern pattern, and will be ignored

The value provided in the CSV doesn’t match the configured format pattern for the Item (for Items with the Date, Time, and DateTime data types).

  • Update the value to use the appropriate format pattern and re-import.

D-014 Data

Item config item on form form has an invalid pattern pattern. Valid patterns include patterns.

The Date, Time, or DateTime format you provided in the Item configuration is not supported by Data Workbench.

  • Update the Item configuration to use a supported format, as well as the values in the form’s CSV file, and re-import. See a list of supported formats here.

D-015 Data

Duplicate data row ignored

The CSV file contains duplicate rows, based on the keys defined in the manifest file to uniquely identify a row. By default, uniqueness is defined by Study, Site, Subject, and Event.

  • Remove the duplicate rows in the data file.

  • Update the maniefst file so that additional keys are used to uniquely identify a row.

D-017* Data

Value value for item item exceeds maximum allowed length length, and will be ignored

The value provided in the CSV is longer than the maximum allowable length specified in the Item configuration (for Items with the Text data type).

  • Update the value and re-import.

D-018* Data

Value value for item item exceeds minimum allowed value min, and will be ignored

The value provided in the CSV is less than the minimum allowed value specified in the Item configuration (for Items with the Integer and Float data types).

  • Update the value and re-import.

D-019* Data

Value value for item item exceeds maximum allowed value max, and will be ignored

The value provided in the CSV is greater than the maximum allowed value specified in the Item configuration (for Items with the Integer and Float data types).

  • Update the value and re-import.

D-020* Data

Value value for item item is invalid, and will be ignored

Data Workbench can’t interpret the value provided in the CSV file as the data type configured for the Item. Data Workbench ignored this value during import.

  • Update the value and re-import.

D-021 Data

Value value for item item is invalid; default default will be used in its stead

Data Workbench can’t interpret the value provided in the CSV file as the data type configured for the Item. Instead, Data Workbench imported the configured default value.

  • Update the value and re-import to use your value and not the default.

D-022* Data

Item config itemName precision precision is greater than length length; both will be ignored

Your float-type Item configuration has a Precision that is greater than the Length. Data Workbench ignores both and uses the default.

  • Update the precision or the length in the Item’s config and re-import.

D-023* Data

Item config itemName has a minimum min that is greater than its maximum max; the minimum will be ignored

Your number- or integer-type item configuration has a Minimum Value (min) that is greater than the Maximum Value (max). Data Workbench ignroes the Minimum Value.

  • Update the min or max in the Item’s config and re-import.

D-035 Data

The ‘row_blinded’ cells must have a boolean value. The provided value was ‘%s’. Please change the value to be either ‘true’ or ‘false’.

A row in your CSV file has a row_blinding value that isn’t boolean.

  • Update the row_blinding value and re-import.

* This warning results in data or configuration being ignored during import.