Using Coder Tools

Vault Coder includes a specialized administration area within Tools > Coder Tools. From Coder Tools, you can perform administration tasks related to coding activities in your vault, such as managing application- and study-level settings, creating synonym lists and do not autocode lists, and form configuration. Performing these tasks in a single location saves you time. Note that tasks in this area apply at the vault and study level, except for form configuration.


Users with the CDMS Clinical Coder Administrator study role can perform the actions described above by default. If your vault uses custom Study Roles, you must have a Study Role that grants the following permissions:

Type Permission Label Controls
Standard Tab Coder Tools Tab

Ability to access the Coder Tools tab

Functional Permission Manage Coder Study Settings

Ability to edit Study Settings in Coder Tools

Functional Permission Manage Jobs

Ability to create, edit, and delete scheduled jobs

Functional Permission Manage Coding Lists

Ability to create, edit, import, and export Synonym Lists and Do Not Autocode Lists in Coder Tools

If your Study contains restricted data, you must have the Restricted Data Access permission to view it.

Learn more about Study Roles.

Accessing Coder Tools

To access the Coder Tools administration area, click the Tools tab in the primary navigation bar, and then click Coder Tools.

Access Coder Tools from the Tools Tab

Once in Coder Tools, you can click the sub-tabs to navigate to different areas within.

Coder Tools Tabs

The Coder Tools area is divided into tabs based on which task you’re performing.

Coder Tools tabs

Default Study Settings

In Default Study Settings (formerly known as Application Settings), you can manage settings at the application level. These settings serve as a default for Studies in your vault. You can then modify settings on a study-by-study basis from Study Settings.

Coder Tools > Application Settings

Study Settings

From Study Settings, you can manage settings at the study level. You can also perform configuration on coding Forms, including assigning Synonym Lists and Stop Lists, as well as upversioning, from the Form Configuration section of Study Settings.

See these help topics for details:

Coder Tools > Study Settings

Synonym Lists

From Synonym Lists, you can create new Synonym Lists and add or import Synonyms. When configured, you can also review and approve Synonyms. See Managing Synonym Lists for details.

Synonym Lists tab

Do Not Autocode Lists

From Do Not Autocode Lists, you can create new Do Not Autocode Lists and add verbatims to the Do Not Autocode List. See Managing Do Not Autocode Lists for details.


In the Upversioning tab, you can upversion Synonym Lists and Forms to a newer dictionary version. Learn more in Upversioning to a New Dictionary Version.


You can run the Unique Terms Report from the Coder Tools tab, which is only available to users with the Manage Jobs permission.

Unique Terms Report

The Unique Terms Report allows users to view all unique coding requests across multiple studies and is the only job available in Coder Tools. You can conigure the report output by clicking Set Job Options in Coder Tools > Jobs. The following job options are available:

  • Date range: An asterisk (*) is added next to terms that first appeared in your selected date range.
  • File type: You can receive the report in PDF or Excel™ format.
  • Dictionaries: Select the dictionary to include in your report. The following dictionaries are available: MedDRA, WHODrug, MedDRAJ, and JDrug.
  • Form types: Select the Form type to include in the report. The following form types are available: AE, ConMed, Medical History, Other.

To run the Unique Terms Report:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Coder Tools > Jobs.
  2. Click Set Job Options.
  3. Select the job options for running the report.
  4. Click Run Now.

When the report is finished, you’ll receive an email with the report included in the file format you selected.

Unique Terms Report Restrictions: Note that you can only run one Unique Terms Report at a time and the Unique Terms Report is not available for studies created before 19R2.